Saturday, June 1, 2019

Uniforms In School :: essays research papers

Uniforms In SchoolUniforms should definitely be used in school systems. Everything aboutit makes moxie. Not everyone is going to be joyous about it at first, but they lead slowly but surely adjust. Uniforms free students of the stress on what to play out in the morning. I usually subscribe that worry, as well as my brother.Uniforms also relieve the tension, or "break the ice", when refreshful students come in,since they will be wearing the same thing. This will benefit both the newstudent and the class as a whole. The uniforms will build a sense of unitywithin the school. Instead of everyone as a separate "team", everyone will bein the same "team". This will benefit the whole school.Uniforms free students of the stress on what to wear in the morning.Many students, including myself, stand in front of their closets and just stare,trying to decide on what kind of shirt to wear as well as what kind of pants orshorts. The uniforms will speed up the morning &q uotgetting-up" process, thusreducing tardiness in school that I know is a problem in my first period class.The enforcement of uniforms will relieve the tension between the newstudents and the students that are already there. The uniforms will expeditethe process of making new friends for the new student since the uniforms willhelp the new student feel a sense of "belonging". This helps the majority ofthe school becoming friends with each other. This simply helps the classand also the school as a whole, as there will be less fights and controversybetween students.Uniforms will build a sense of unity within the school. The studentswill feel they are a part of one whole team charging toward their ultimate goalgraduation and college. The sense of unity will bring more fans and supportfor sports events and help the school financially.

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