Sunday, June 16, 2019

A discussion of a contemporary play by an Asian or Asian-American Essay

A discussion of a contemporary play by an Asian or Asian-American playwright - Essay Exampletruggling a forty stratum old mother, who sacrificed everything for her family a forty five year old carpenter, who wants to promote his ancestors arts director Ma is fifty years old and is very downright and flaunt-natured. Name of severally character shows appearance of people belonging to their specific age groups. They are waiting for a never arriving hatful if, by both chance, it arrives, it never stops for its passengers.The place where eight characters are desperately waiting is a bus stop however, the bus almost never arrives at this bus stop, and when it does, it passes by without stopping. There are two iron railings where time and again all the passengers ask each other to form a queue. Sign notice is almost erased due to being so old, and people wait for endless hours on the bus stop and then leave without ever catching a bus. Time is passing very slowly and the waiting passe ngers are looking at their watches over and over again. Somebody says its an hour, another says that a total year has elapsed. In China, the most common and most convenient way of traveling is through bus, and, therefore, people from every class use it quite often.That is wherefore whatever is happening at the bus stop is the portrayal of the real life issues. Even though a lot of their time is wasted eyepatch they are waiting for the bus, which, in turn, makes them annoyed, rude, irritated and violent, yet they still go through this whole process of waiting every day. They pass their time by talking and discussing different things with each other. Although all of them are destined to go different places and have different purposes and ambitions of life, this bus stop is the element that connects their lives, links them to each other, with people belonging to every group of age.The bus stop has become an important part of their lives, where they expect to find someone with whom t hey can indulge in discussions about things of common interest and who can help solve problems by talking about

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