Wednesday, June 12, 2019

COLLABORATION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

COLLABORATION - Essay ExampleWhile collaboration is a necessary element of achieving group progress there are a arrive of conflicts that care arise during the collaborative process. In these regards, its possible that the group has personality conflicts that make teamwork difficult. Another conflict could occur if some group members do not do equal work to that of other group members. Still another potential conflict could occur if the group has creative difference and resist on the direction of the group. There are a number of ways the group can solve these conflicts. In these regards, its important to engender an purlieu of mutual respect and consideration. Groups that are able to develop such chemistry are more apt to find success through an open and positive collaborative process. Another helpful element would be for a leader to emerge that could mediate some of the conflicts within the group. Ultimately, group conflicts take on a myriad of forms and situational responses nee d to be developed to these challenges in

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