Saturday, June 8, 2019

Teacher's Role in Classroom Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Teachers Role in Classroom Management - Essay ExampleHowever, through the use and application of different strategies and lessons, the teacher not only lectures about a particular subject, (English language, in this case) but as well shapes up the personality of the young minds being addressed. The task of a teacher also includes instilling the pay moral and ethical values in the mind of the learners to help them transform into a better citizen and eventually, a better human being, who go forth contribute positively to their respective societies.Channeling different creative ideas presented by students in the right direction is also an important responsibility of a teacher. When the subject is taught with the right mix of humour and gravity, respect develops in students and it ultimately leads to a better teacher-student relationship.What has become even more important is the role of a teacher in classroom management. Classroom management is the use of those methods that facilitat es the transfer of knowledge. It is all about disciplining, motivating and encouraging the students to prepare them to face the practical world with the right values.The chance on of the external factors and environment on a classroom atmosphere has been well researched and confirmed. When handling classroom management, one of the most important things a teacher take to keep in mind is to ensure that the environment is not dull and distracting. Firstly, the classroom should have a good inlet and outlet of air so that the right supply of oxygen helps maintain a lively and healthy atmosphere. Using enclosed spaces for classroom is not very effective while pedagogy since students tend to feel restless and bored in an atmosphere which looks suffocating. Apart from that, the seating administrations and the teachers corner should be placed in such a guidance so that it gives the classroom a spacious look, while not proving a hinderance to the communication that will take place. Neat ness and order in classroom arrangement is even more important. It is imperative that the comfort level of students is also kept in mind as discomfort due to unleveled chairs or varying temperatures in the classroom may prove to be great distractions in the learning process.Furthermore, it is the role of the teacher to make sure that all students can view the teacher and learning tools clearly. Colourful charts and boastings stimulate the minds of the students and help them retain knowledge better. It is better if a teacher tries to replace charts with new ones and add new things on display to upkeep interest and curiosity. In maintaining the right environment, the teacher plays the most significant role when it comes to discipline and the behaviour of the students. It is essential that misbehaviour of a student is say wrong and punished though in a subtle way so as not to intimidate the other students. Overall, a comfortable environment is necessary to better the learning process and give teaching the right flow. Barbara L. Wilt (Schoolmarm), 2000, Classroom Management PlanCOMMUNICATIONIt will not be wrong to cite that initiating and

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