Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Educational Leave Problem Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Educational Leave Problem - Assignment Example The company is also facing a looming disaster with regard to racism charges, and if the company denies Jan Thornton an opportunity to pursue her studies that could land the company in troubled because the same denial will be used as a confirmation of companies racial allegations when such charges are brought to light. Like with the issue of Thornton, she only spend 5 minutes to travel from work to classes and on Tuesday and Thursday she will spend only 1 hour 20 minutes in class which will total to 1 hour 30 minutes in a day, and on Monday Wednesday and Friday she require 50 minutes for class and another 10 minutes for travelling which will sum to 1 hour per day which is very little time demanded and there can be no basis for denying that (Nkomo, Fottler, & McAfee, 2010). Roller makers’ cooperation should also pay for this workers tuition because if they have to keep performing they must invest in human resource. Another worker will be leaving in three years time and the compa ny should be investing in the worker within with experience of the company to replace her. When the company is hiring these workers there is nowhere shown to us that in their policies no worker should attend classes and they can not therefore deny you what they did not keep you informed about prior to them hiring you. And because we are told these two ladies are liked though not by many with regard to green and trusted it has a direct implication to the success of the company. Because of this wonderful job they are doing what keeps the company thriving, they should be appreciated by being send to school with tuition being paid in order for the company to fully exploit their potential (Nkomo, Fottler, & McAfee, 2010). The firm should also leave the purchasing manager to continue with his classes as he had been attending in his former company. If his tuition was being paid by the former company, the firm should continue paying it and if not they should not pay. The firm should also pa y on certain term because if they pay they will be setting precedence for other employee who will want their master’s program to be paid. If such trend continues the company will be thrown in to a disaster where they will have to pay huge amount towards employee’s education while the same employees are not working full time as they will need allowance of time for them to attend classes. The company should introduce a policy regarding education policy because they can not afford to be working informally with such a matter of great concerns (Snell & Bohlander, 2012). They have to set it because if they don’t the company will be thrown in to a crisis where each employee will raising demands regarding matters that are informal in reference to the precedents that the company have set. Policy is very important because the employee will be taking an employment on clear terms and the company will be able to easily foresee their future as things will have already been se t. This policy should have a provision specifying the qualification for one to be able to attend school on the companies’ tuition fee because the company should not just be paying tuition for everyone even for employees who are

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