Sunday, November 17, 2019

Persuade speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Persuade speech - Essay Example Firstly, it should be discussed that the main reason that people traditionally opposed such a construct was due to the fact that there was a prevailing cultural norm surrounding premarital sex. Because of this, society of previous generations was not necessarily opposed to couples having the opportunity to get to know one another better prior to becoming married but more opposed to the implication that such an arrangement would necessarily lead to premarital sex between the two partners (Taiibi 1). However, it is the belief of this speech-giver that the practice is not only moral but extremely beneficial in helping the individuals in the relationship to determine the overall level of compatibility that they might share. Whereas the dating process is useful in coming to understand key elements of a person’s behavior, world view, attitude, and various other elements, each of these factors as well as many others can be much more plainly manifested when the couple chooses to live together prior to taking the step towards marriage (Jay 1). In this way, if there are any issues that have been covered up or successfully hidden from the other partner during the course of the dating process, it is highly likely that this will come into a much clearer focus once the couple begins living together. Additionally, living together gives both partners a very clear view of precisely what a marriage situation would be like with their partner. Moreover, rather than just a process within the dating game, the object of living together is meant to determine whether or not the relationship should proceed to a further step. Whereas emotions and hormones can oftentimes run wild and encourage young people to make lifelong mistakes by rushing into a marriage that they would ultimately become unhappy with, when the option of living together prior to marriage comes up, it

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