Friday, December 27, 2019

American Foreign Policy Among The Cold War - 2649 Words

AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY LEADING TO THE COLD WAR Janine Douglas CHST 604 Professor Kasprzak 16 July, 2015 The twentieth century was one that was characterized by many years of war, as well as unprecedented economic, political, and technological change for the whole world. As technology, transportation, and communication evolved, the world seemed to be getting smaller, and the need for world powers to interact with each other grew unavoidable. According to Alan Dobson and Steve Marsh in their book US Foreign Policy since 1945, this is the age of personal summitry, of diplomacy by presidents and prime ministers. Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin invented it in wartime and it is radically different from diplomatic experience prior to 1939. This means that the world leaders go directly to each other to discuss internal affairs, making foreign policies into a very personal matter for world leaders. Thus, it was during this time that the complex world of foreign policy became entangled in the three wars that were predominant in this century - the First World War, the Second World War, and the Cold War. At this time, the older, more established powers found it ever more necessary to interact with the powers and countries that were growing and changing across the world, as well as with each other. New countries emerged at the end of both wars, Middle Eastern and African countries played ever more important roles in the global stage, and Asian countries found themselvesShow MoreRelatedThe Cold War And Postmodern Eras1579 Words   |  7 Pagesto envelop in culture of fear. American elites have established this supremacy by the means of propaganda. From the Cold War to the War on Terror, these elites have maintained power along with the American Government to make sure they have control of their consumers. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Comparative Analysis Of Beowulf And Sir Gawain And The...

A Comparative Analysis of Beowulf and Sir Gawain and How Their Differences Reflect the Changing Views of English Society Throughout history and even continuing up through today, society has been infatuated with the concept of heroism, specifically with the idea of what truly defines a hero. One look at a list of upcoming movies will reveal as much, full of films featuring protagonists that range from warriors to just regular people who stay true to themselves while being faced with seemingly insurmountable barriers. Since the beginnings of English literature, there have been stories written about the ideal hero. The earliest of these stories, Beowulf, was composed by an unknown author somewhere around the year 700. (â€Å"Beowulf,† New World Encyclopedia). Another well-known English heroic story is Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, written approximately 700 years later in 1400 (â€Å"Sir Gawain and the Green Knight,† Luminarium). While these two stories are both part of the same vast collection of English heroic literature, they differ greatly in the way that each goes about depicting the ideal hero. This ideological shift is representative of the sweeping transformations that England underwent between the Early and Late Middle Ages. When analyzing any piece of literature, it is important to reflect on the time period in which it was written in order to gain better insight into what the work says about the society from which it came. In the case of Beowulf, this epic poem was

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Business Strategy and Sustainability Research †

Question: Discuss about the Business Strategy and Sustainability Research Management. Answer: Introduction: Interface Carpets is an international leading carpet manufacturer. The company is also a leader in championing sustainable business practices. Sustainability refers to operations of a business that cause no harm to the world. The Companys journey to sustainability for Interface Carpet started in 1994. The key drivers to sustainability were customers and companys willingness not to cause harm to the environment. The customers of Interface Carpet started questioning about what the company was doing to the environment. The companys customers made the company to start sustainability practices in it products, process and operations. Secondly, the company had a mission and willingness to engage in business practices that are sustainable by ensuring they are environmental friendly. The interface carpet has integrated several natural capitalism factors to; people, process and culture. The company has changed it resources use to increase productivity. The raw materials used are slow to depletion, less pollutant and employs more individuals (Avlonas, Nassos, 2014). Secondly, the company has redesigned it processes to reduce wastage, reusing and remanufacturing. The company has adopted biomimicry in the organization industrial process. Lastly, the company has is focused to creating a culture that improves well being and social equity in the society. The company has incorporated sustainable practices in the companys mission and vision. I can compare Interface Carpets with Coles supermarket. The Coles business needs to include it sustainability objectives in it mission and philosophy to ensure the business operate effectively. According to Baumgartners view of an efficiency strategy, Fuji Xerox is on the lead to ensuring sustainability enhances the achievement of the corporate strategy (Martin, Verbeek, 2005). The company has a philosophy that stakeholders in the business have to work and act good to the citizens by ensuring right economy, social; considerations and the environment. The company has instituted a supply chain requirements and procedures that ensure the company achieves a competitive advantage through effectiveness. Fuji Xerox is a sustainable corporation according to the definition given above. The company has invested in a remanufacturing plan that aims to redesign the industrial process to ensure that there is waste reduction and a balance between environment and economics are maintained ( Neugebauer, 2016). The waste materials that would have been used for landfill were being re-used to increase productivity of the company. From the study of the case study, I learn that businesses should use it sustainability practices for attaining efficiency strategy Management that enable the company achieve corporate strategy. The companies should also balance the between economical activities and the environmental impact to ensure business exist in sustainable business (Aras Crowther, 2012). This will enable our organization attain an advantage edge by reusing, remanufacturing and recycling material and creating a positive publicity of the business that will increase companys customers. References Aras, G., Crowther, D. (2012). Business strategy and sustainability. Bingley, U.K: Emerald. Avlonas, N., Nassos, G. P. (2014). Practical sustainability strategies Management: How to gain a competitive advantage. Martin, P. V., Verbeek, M. (2005). Sustainability strategies. Annandale, N.S.W: Federation Press. Neugebauer, F., Kassel University Press GmbH. (2016). The formation of sustainability strategies: An Action Research inquiry into sustainability strategy making in a corporate innovation project.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Varying Effects of Enzyme Concentration on Reaction Rates of Malate Dehydrogenase free essay sample

There are two different ways in which a substrate can bind to an active site. The first way is through the lock and key model. Certain substrates can bind only to certain active sites in the lock and key model. This is called the lock and key model because the active site is like the lock and the key is the substrate. Only certain keys can open certain locks. This accounts for the specificity; not all substrates can fit into all active sites. Another way in which substrates bind to active sites is called the induced fit model. This is where an active site changes its form to accommodate for certain substrates. There are several different biological factors that effect enzyme activity. Some of them include temperature, pH, and enzyme concentration. This experiment will be testing how much of an effect different concentrations of enzyme solutions have on reaction rates. There are many different kinds of enzymes. We will write a custom essay sample on Varying Effects of Enzyme Concentration on Reaction Rates of Malate Dehydrogenase or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A group of people have formed the Enzyme Commission for organizing and identifying enzymes. They set up a system where each enzyme has a four number name. The enzyme for this reaction is malate dehydrogenase (MDH). Its enzyme commission number is 1. 1. 1. 37. The first number is in reference to its class. In the case of MDH, it is a oxidoreductase meaning that it carries out oxidation-reduction reactions. The next two numbers refer to the subclass and sub-subclass. The last number is the specific serial number for that enzyme. As mentioned before, MDH carries out an oxidation-reduction reaction where oxaloacetic acid (OAA) is and NADH are oxidized to produce malic acid and NAD+. The OAA and NADH (reduced form) are the substrates in this reaction and the malic acid and NAD+ are the products that arise from this oxidation-reduction reaction. This specific reaction is very important because it occurs in the Krebs cycle. The Krebs Cycle is what is a series of reactions that take place in the mitochondria to generate ATP which is an energy source for cells. Without this reaction, there would be no life on earth so it is vital to our existence. MDH is obtained from bovine hearts and has been thoroughly researched. This reaction with MDH has a specific characteristic that enables researches to study its specific reaction rate. NADH absorbs light at 340nm and at the moment when MDH catalyzes the oxidation of NADH, the absorbance decreases. For this reason, concentrations of the enzyme will be tested to see how it affects this important reaction. MATERIALS AND METHODS MDH Assay The following procedures were taken from Boernke et al (YEAR). An assay was run with optimal conditions for MDH (7. 51pH, 25 °C, 1x conc. ) to use as a comparison for the results. This was done by mixing 10? L of MDH solution with 1. mL of phosphate buffer, 10? L of OAA, and 10? L of NADH in a cuvette. The cuvette was then mixed by placing a square of parafilm over the top and inverting a few times. This cuvette was immediately placed in a Barnstead/Turner Spectrophotometer model sp-830 to obtain a starting absorbance at 340nm. The absorbance was taken in the spectrophotometer every ten seconds after that for two minutes and recorded. In between each reading, the spectrophotometer was calibrated by taking the absorbance of a ‘blank. ’ The blank contained everything mentioned above except for the 10? L of MDH. The readings were then used to make a chart where time was plotted against absorbance. By calculating the slope of this chart (? y/? x †¢ 60/1min), the absorbance per minute was achieved, hence, finding out how fast the reaction occurs in nature. Also by dividing the slope by 6. 22, the units of enzyme activity was calculated. Effects of Varying Enzyme Concentration The next part of this experiment was to test the rate of absorbance using different enzyme concentrations. 1. 0mL of phosphate buffer, 10? L of OAA and 10? L of NADH were added 3 different cuvettes. In the first of those cuvettes 10? L of . 25x MDH dilution was added and run through the same experiment as the MDH assay (mixing and taking the absorbance every ten seconds for two minutes with ‘blanks’ in between). In the second cuvette, 10? L of . 5x MDH dilution was used and in the third cuvette the stock solution of 10? L of 1x dilution of MDH was used. After logging all of the absorbance values of each of the three test tubes, charts were made by plotting absorbance verse time and slopes and units of enzyme activity were calculated from that chart. Then another chart was made comparing the units of activity with the different enzyme dilutions. RESULTS The results of this experiment found that the stock concentration of 1x showed the most units of activity as Figure 2 suggests. Figure 2 is specifically comparing the units of activity of each of the three concentrations and their corresponding units of activity. The 1x concentration had . 1187 units of activity while the . 5x had . 0816 units and the . 25x had . 0384 units of activity. As seen in Figure 1, the line for the 1x concentration started at a much lower absorbance reading. It also had the steepest slope showing the reaction occurred more rapidly than that of the . 5x and . 25x. DISCUSSION A reason for why the 1x concentration rose above the others lies in the aspect of evolution and natural selection. As mentioned in the introduction, MDH comes from a cow heart and occurs in nature so it would make sense the over time nature ‘selected’ the 1x concentration of MDH to work the best because when it actually happens, the concentration is not diluted to half for one-fourth of the original solution. Also it could be due to error that the absorbance of the 1x concentration started at a lower value. Maybe the reaction happened so fast that the reaction occurred before the cuvette was placed in the spectrophotometer. It could have been that it was mixed more thoroughly as well. It would be really interesting another study followed up on this and figured out what exact concentration works the best. They could use very similar concentrations like . 99x 1x and 1. 01x. FIGURES LITERATURE CITED Becker, W, Kleinsmith, L, Hardin, J (2006). The World of the Cell. San Francisco: Bemjamin Cummings. (Becker, Kleinsmith, and Hardin, 2006)

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Analysing a community development

Introduction Community development is necessary in every community. It is the process through which change is achieved. Old and obsolete activities and practices are abandoned and other upgraded and better practices are adopted. It is because of community development that communities improve and grow in various sectors.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Analysing a community development specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Community development entails the joining of various forces to help in promoting the well-being of a community. It should be effectively planned out to avoid failure and wastage of resources. This paper will give a practical view of community development with regard to helping the youths in Clunes with the intention of attaining community development. Discussion The word community may have different definitions but, the definition that a community is a group of two or more people with a common goal/i nterest befits the definition of Clune’s community. Clune’s community is situated in Clune’s village and is within the local government area of Lismore. Clunes is named after an early engineer in the dairying industry going by the name Robert Mortimer Clunes. The median age of Clune’s community is 36 with aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander as the people believed to reside in this village. The highest population comprises of those aged between 40-59 years and they account for 28.8% of the total population, those aged between 0-14 years are 24.8% of the total population, those between 15 and 24 years make up of 10.7%, those aged 25-39 years make up 21.8% of the entire population while those with more than 60 years are 13.85% of the total population (Shantz, 2004). Clune is situated on a hilly but attractive countryside where macadamia and coffee are widely grown due to the enabling factor of volcanic soils found in the nearby Mount Warning. The figure bel ow shows a view of Clunes during the mid afternoon and it is no doubt that the region is indeed attractive (Your information guide to Clunes, 2008). The various fine but ancient Australian churches in Clunes have led to the nicknaming of the village as the â€Å"Holy City†. There are a wide variety of ideal local services within the region that include a petrol station, general store and an antiques shop. The area witnesses a large population due to its numerous and attractive North Coast federation houses (Shantz, 2004).Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Lismore is the regional centre of Northern Rivers in New South Wales and has got a population of around 43,386 people. People in surrounding areas come into Lismore to utilize the wide range of services and facilities in the area. Lismore has however managed to experience steady and balanced population growth over the yea rs regardless of the variation during the 1996-2001 census years. The census results showed a reduction in population growth and this was attributed to escalated growth of coastal shires within its vicinity (Shantz, 2004). The 2001 increase in cost of housing in the coastal shires was associated with an increase in population growth rate and since then, the population growth rate in Lismore has continued to be high (Shantz, 2004). According to the ABS 2001 census, the regional population of Lismore was approximately 262,216 and has progressively increased over the years since according to ABS 2006 census; the population had increased by 6.6% (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2007a). Lismore population is predominantly a young population with average of 35.9 years as indicated by Shantz, 2004. Lismore has continued to experience high unemployment rates coupled with low-income levels as the main socio-economic pressures for this locality (Shantz, 2004). The Northern Rivers are associa ted with unemployment rates that are above the state’s recommended rates where Lismore has the highest unemployment rates of 12.9% compared with other regions in the Northern Rivers.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Analysing a community development specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There are various communities within Lismore and the Clunes community is one of them. Clunes is a village located along the Lismore to Bangalow road, and is approximately 20km northeast of Lismore. Youth activities and centres are of very great need to the villagers because 15-18 year aged young people are evidently seen idling about around the shopping centres. This idling is not healthy because it predisposes this young generation to fighting, graffiti and substance abuse, which are a deemed as a great menace to the peace, tranquillity and development of the community (Shantz, 2004). The youths are an integral part of any gene ral population and therefore, they should be adequately assisted to keep them away and safe from unacceptable behaviour such as engagement in theft/robbery, murder and such related heinous activities that disrupt the peace and tranquillity in any community. In Clunes community, it is perceived that they require a strategy that will help to confine the youths within the area and subsequently help them to be economically independent individuals. In addition, a correct approach is required to ensure that the youths are busy and away from idle mind, which as is commonly believed to be the devil’s workshop. Therefore, there is the need to ensure that the youth in Clunes community are assisted so that they engage in constructive activities that would support the economic development in the region and strengthen the peace and relations between the people. It is important that I carry out a needs assessment from the Clunes community to confirm the existence of the problem perceived t o prevail in the region hence, avoid wastage of resources. This also helps to address the relevant problems with regard to community needs but in order to achieve this; a bottom-up approach where the community is actively involved should be adopted. The needs assessment will entail the use of questionnaires, interviews and focus group discussions. Key informants will be selected to provide the required relevant information. The community members, represented by the key informants, will be the channel through which the problem will be identified.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In assessing the problem, I will look at the causes, magnitude and population affected by the problem. This assessment will also help to come up with the most applicable strategies that can be used to address the problem. The youth, referring to those aged between the ages 15 and 18 years old, in Clunes needs to be indulged in economic generating activities so that they get busy and become economically independent to avoid harmful behaviours such as theft. The fact that graffiti is evident among the youths is an indicator that they are talented in far as art and painting is concerned thus can be helped to nurture this kind of talent. This way, they will enjoy doing what they love best and it will not be perceived as though one is imposing an activity on them. In addition, it will be important to include a counsellor or a person to guide so that they can embrace the correct morals and avoid harmful demeanour such as substance abuse. Despite the fact that graffiti is deemed as vandali sm, it can be used to help these youths both socially and economically. It is a talent being used in the wrong way but if properly nurtured, can be of great benefit in the community and among the youth members with regard to community development. A youth centre can be established and these idle youths brought together to work on their talents. Nurturing the graffiti talent however cannot be done without some form of planning on how to implement the planned intervention and bring about community development. Helping these youths nurture their talent will require the participation of various departments so as to ensure cost-effectiveness and efficiency of services offered. Sensitizing the youth to realize that their idleness is a menace to the community is very important. This can be done by holding meetings with the selected youths or holding group sessions with them. Subsequently, it is important to come up with the right intervention strategies by seeking their opinions since they better understand how their needs. Funds are a very integral component of the entire development process. It will be very essential for me to develop a proposal that will help to lobby for funds and related resources from donors and sponsors. The causes related to idling of the youths are varied therefore, it is important to handle each individual in a special way. Some of the youths could be from very low-income families thus have stopped going to school and the shopping centre seems to be the only place where they can seek solace and vent out their problems. Others might be in the streets due to other reasons but, all this boils down to treating this group in a special way if positive results are to be obtained. The funds and resources obtained would help to come up with a centre that would help the youths to nurture their talents. They would work in close association with a counsellor or social worker who would help them to deal with personal problems in the most dignified manne r. This would to enable the youths to develop and embrace amicable ways of dealing with problems rather than turn to alcohol and drugs as an alternative. The development process would entail purchasing materials and equipment that would be used by the youth to nurture their talent within the centre. In the case of drawing and painting, an arts instructor would be hired and he/she would help these young people to develop their drawing and painting abilities. The youth would then learn how to make good use of their talents to produce idyllic products. These products would then be used to bring about economic empowerment to the youth once they had been sold. The process would kick off as an informal gathering and later develop into a formal organization with a name like, ‘Clunes Youth Centre’ once the building had been set up. The centre upon construction would consist of various divisions all aimed at ensuring optimal functioning of the centre. Divisions that would be inc luded are such as the social worker division, counsellor section, customer relations coordinator division, administrative division, as well as the office of the director/manager. The centre would provide the youth with something to do and help them to become productive people in the community. They would gain necessary skills to help them change lifestyle with regard to demeanour and attitude. This transformation process in the name of community development might seem to be a simple task, but in reality the entire process is very difficult and challenging. This is because, Clunes is a unique community with its structures and systems in place hence, the idle young people have a certain perception with regard to their community and practice. It would therefore be difficult for anyone to penetrate and change the demeanour and attitudes of these youths. I would have a hard time trying to get my way through and actually get to interview them, engage them in focus group discussions or mak e them to fill in questionnaires. Getting acceptance from these youths therefore would be a very difficult task. The challenge of facing rejection can be counteracted by first getting in touch with the people who really matter in the community like the head of Clunes as an administrative unit, prominent people in the community and church leaders. The use of highly held persons in the community would help me as the developer to gain the confidence of the youths hence, it would be easier to convince them to accept and take part in the project at hand. These key persons would help to organize for meetings and come up with a plan that would incorporate relevant and effective activities. Bureaucracy and political interest are another factor that would impede development. Political figures in the community would seek to gain recognition in such a project yet they have not made any contribution in as far as the project is concerned. It is necessary that all the stakeholders fully understan d that the project in not meant to fulfil personal political interest or whatever interest of whatever nature that a person may be having. Therefore, as a way of counteracting this, I would ask the stakeholders to come up with rules against which projects events and behaviour would be evaluated. Transition to change has never been easy and therefore, I would not expect this to be any easier. The youth might have gotten used to their behaviours in the streets such that change would be a very difficult process to them. Out there in the streets, they are free to do whatever they feel like since no one is looking after them but in the centre, they have to follow laid down rules and regulations and this would be such a great challenge. The youth centre would be synonymous to be a rehabilitation centre for starters and it would not be a surprise if the youths kept on going back to the streets because they had gotten used to that environment. This challenge can be addressed by adequate sen sitization and creation of awareness among the youth (15-18 years). Change does not happen overnight. Instead, it is a gradual process that requires patience and step and step training and discipline. That is why; these youths would be treated with patience to allow them time to realize that being in the streets was incomparable to being in the youth centre. In addition, there was need to handle them delicately because a slight maltreatment would mean going back to the streets. Conclusion Community development has always been the backbone of any development in a country. It can be a very successful process if carried out effectively and efficiently however, it can be a total failure if ineffectively and inefficiently carried out. As a community development officer, it is important to clearly understand a problem before embarking on any intervention strategy. This helps to avoid addressing the wrong problem, and wastage of resources. In addition, the community should be fully involve d with regard to community development because no other person is better informed about what the community than the community members themselves. It is very important therefore to ensure that the process of community development is carried out effectively and efficiently through effective planning. References Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2007a. 2006 CensusQuickStats. Canberra: Australian Government. Shantz, T., 2004. Community Profile: Lismore Local Government Area. Web. Your Information Guide to Clunes, 2008. Available at . This essay on Analysing a community development was written and submitted by user Anika Carey to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on How The Gold Rush Began

How The Gold Rush Began The California Gold Rush Shortly after the acquisition of California from Mexico. A man by the name of John Sutter arrived in East San Francisco Bay in 1839. Born in Germany he had to leave because he was unable to pay his creditors. With plenty of charm and letters from friends he convinced the Mexican governor of California to award him a land grant of more than 50,000 acres. John Sutter built a stockade and a fort and soon after became referred to as Captain Sutter, and his riverbank establishment Sutters Fort. Sutter chose a location on the south fork of the American River, 50 miles to the south of his fort, to build a sawmill . A millrace was dug and wooden gates were opened periodically so that the current would widen and deepen the channel. During his inspection on January 24, 1848 James W. Marshall found the first piece of gold at the end of the race. Over the next decade his discovery would have a profound effect on the experiences of hundreds of thousands of individuals , their families, their communities, and ultimately the nation as a whole. By the winter of 1848, whispers of a gold strike had drifted eastward across the country but few easterners believed it. The gold discovery needed validation, and President Polk was just the one to deliver it. In his opening address to Congress on December 5, 1848 Polk said that at the time of the California acquisition it was known that â€Å"mines of the precious metals existed to some extent. Recent discoveries render it probable that these mines are more extensive and valuable than was anticipated. The accounts of the abundance of gold in that territory are of such an extraordinary character as would scarcely command belief were they not corroborated by authentic reports.† With Polk’s address making headlines around the world Gold Fever had begun. The future forty-niners now under the influence of Gold Fever had to overcome a cruel journey, miserable li... Free Essays on How The Gold Rush Began Free Essays on How The Gold Rush Began How The Gold Rush Began The California Gold Rush Shortly after the acquisition of California from Mexico. A man by the name of John Sutter arrived in East San Francisco Bay in 1839. Born in Germany he had to leave because he was unable to pay his creditors. With plenty of charm and letters from friends he convinced the Mexican governor of California to award him a land grant of more than 50,000 acres. John Sutter built a stockade and a fort and soon after became referred to as Captain Sutter, and his riverbank establishment Sutters Fort. Sutter chose a location on the south fork of the American River, 50 miles to the south of his fort, to build a sawmill . A millrace was dug and wooden gates were opened periodically so that the current would widen and deepen the channel. During his inspection on January 24, 1848 James W. Marshall found the first piece of gold at the end of the race. Over the next decade his discovery would have a profound effect on the experiences of hundreds of thousands of individuals , their families, their communities, and ultimately the nation as a whole. By the winter of 1848, whispers of a gold strike had drifted eastward across the country but few easterners believed it. The gold discovery needed validation, and President Polk was just the one to deliver it. In his opening address to Congress on December 5, 1848 Polk said that at the time of the California acquisition it was known that â€Å"mines of the precious metals existed to some extent. Recent discoveries render it probable that these mines are more extensive and valuable than was anticipated. The accounts of the abundance of gold in that territory are of such an extraordinary character as would scarcely command belief were they not corroborated by authentic reports.† With Polk’s address making headlines around the world Gold Fever had begun. The future forty-niners now under the influence of Gold Fever had to overcome a cruel journey, miserable li...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Educational Leave Problem Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Educational Leave Problem - Assignment Example The company is also facing a looming disaster with regard to racism charges, and if the company denies Jan Thornton an opportunity to pursue her studies that could land the company in troubled because the same denial will be used as a confirmation of companies racial allegations when such charges are brought to light. Like with the issue of Thornton, she only spend 5 minutes to travel from work to classes and on Tuesday and Thursday she will spend only 1 hour 20 minutes in class which will total to 1 hour 30 minutes in a day, and on Monday Wednesday and Friday she require 50 minutes for class and another 10 minutes for travelling which will sum to 1 hour per day which is very little time demanded and there can be no basis for denying that (Nkomo, Fottler, & McAfee, 2010). Roller makers’ cooperation should also pay for this workers tuition because if they have to keep performing they must invest in human resource. Another worker will be leaving in three years time and the compa ny should be investing in the worker within with experience of the company to replace her. When the company is hiring these workers there is nowhere shown to us that in their policies no worker should attend classes and they can not therefore deny you what they did not keep you informed about prior to them hiring you. And because we are told these two ladies are liked though not by many with regard to green and trusted it has a direct implication to the success of the company. Because of this wonderful job they are doing what keeps the company thriving, they should be appreciated by being send to school with tuition being paid in order for the company to fully exploit their potential (Nkomo, Fottler, & McAfee, 2010). The firm should also leave the purchasing manager to continue with his classes as he had been attending in his former company. If his tuition was being paid by the former company, the firm should continue paying it and if not they should not pay. The firm should also pa y on certain term because if they pay they will be setting precedence for other employee who will want their master’s program to be paid. If such trend continues the company will be thrown in to a disaster where they will have to pay huge amount towards employee’s education while the same employees are not working full time as they will need allowance of time for them to attend classes. The company should introduce a policy regarding education policy because they can not afford to be working informally with such a matter of great concerns (Snell & Bohlander, 2012). They have to set it because if they don’t the company will be thrown in to a crisis where each employee will raising demands regarding matters that are informal in reference to the precedents that the company have set. Policy is very important because the employee will be taking an employment on clear terms and the company will be able to easily foresee their future as things will have already been se t. This policy should have a provision specifying the qualification for one to be able to attend school on the companies’ tuition fee because the company should not just be paying tuition for everyone even for employees who are

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Read instruction below; Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Read instruction below; - Research Paper Example Starbucks has the most recognizable brand in coffee industry business and that the experience they provide to their customers is irreplaceable makes the main strengths harnessed to be successful (Lussier, 131). The other strengths are sound, visionary, and capable leadership of Howard Shultz leading Starbucks to greater success and growth from its beginning to be a global leading it is currently. Owing to the Starbucks experience, the company has loyal customers who are willing to pay premium prices for the company’s coffee increasing the profit margins and revenues for the firm. Starbucks also has the soundest financial statements in the speciality coffee industry and is a respected employer having been named among Fortune Top 100 Companies to work for due to the offer of medical insurance, fair remuneration, as well as good working conditions. Starbucks has developed a strong ethical culture and values, and this is well depicted in the mission statement. Other strengths are ability to developing and innovating new products, and customers are guaranteed of getting high quality taste at Starbucks (Lussier, 131). The main weakness at Starbucks is the inability to control the prices of coffee globally. Starbuck’s businesses are affected by fluctuation in coffee prices that occurs due to changes in global demand and supply, as well as weather conditions and climate affecting the profits and revenues of Starbucks. Starbucks cannot be able to change the prices of coffee hence is the main weakness at Starbucks. The second weakness is pricing of Starbucks coffee in Chin with the belief that it is highly priced loosing the market share in the region to McCafe. The other weakness has been a loss in the customer experience from the high rate of expansion experienced at Starbucks. Negative publicity on the health implications of consuming coffee, high fat content, and high calories in the products offered

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Persuade speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Persuade speech - Essay Example Firstly, it should be discussed that the main reason that people traditionally opposed such a construct was due to the fact that there was a prevailing cultural norm surrounding premarital sex. Because of this, society of previous generations was not necessarily opposed to couples having the opportunity to get to know one another better prior to becoming married but more opposed to the implication that such an arrangement would necessarily lead to premarital sex between the two partners (Taiibi 1). However, it is the belief of this speech-giver that the practice is not only moral but extremely beneficial in helping the individuals in the relationship to determine the overall level of compatibility that they might share. Whereas the dating process is useful in coming to understand key elements of a person’s behavior, world view, attitude, and various other elements, each of these factors as well as many others can be much more plainly manifested when the couple chooses to live together prior to taking the step towards marriage (Jay 1). In this way, if there are any issues that have been covered up or successfully hidden from the other partner during the course of the dating process, it is highly likely that this will come into a much clearer focus once the couple begins living together. Additionally, living together gives both partners a very clear view of precisely what a marriage situation would be like with their partner. Moreover, rather than just a process within the dating game, the object of living together is meant to determine whether or not the relationship should proceed to a further step. Whereas emotions and hormones can oftentimes run wild and encourage young people to make lifelong mistakes by rushing into a marriage that they would ultimately become unhappy with, when the option of living together prior to marriage comes up, it

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Importance Of Positive Interactions Children And Young People Essay

The Importance Of Positive Interactions Children And Young People Essay It may be hard to establish a positive relationship with a child at first, the early years practitioners need to really get to know the children in their care in order to respond to them adequately. They need to know their interests, what frightens them or worries them, what makes them happy and sad and what annoys them. They need to be aware at what triggers their moods and they need to work out how to get each individual child to respond to them, trust them and open up to them and this is not very easy. Getting to know a child can be very difficult because they may be shy and may not like being around strangers and they also might be experiencing separation anxiety from their parents and may also be very wary of the setting they are in early years practitioners need to be aware that toys and games are no substitute for a warm and trusting relationship with an adult, who is actually interested in the child. Adults are a childs best resource and role model and by giving a child your complete attention are better than any toy or gadget. Most children long to be accepted in their surroundings and feel the need to belong and that their beliefs and opinions are respected and valued. By positively interacting with a child you will get to know that child really well, you will begin to understand what they like and dislike and once you know this you can plan appropriate activities for them to develop. A positive interaction with the child should start as soon as they come in in the morning by making sure the way you greet them is an extremely positive one as this is the most upsetting time for the child when their parents leave them. As the children get involved in activities you should be able to focus on what the child is saying and try and become a part of the conversation this lets the child think they are in the lead and you are taking direction from them and not the opposite way around, but there also maybe times when the child does not want or need input from a n adult and by knowing the child you should know when to step back and quietly observe instead. All this comes from experience and how well you know the child, as you grow practitioner you will instinctively know when to intervene or simply just stand back and let the child explore. With all children they are all completely different and some children will open up to you very easily as some children thrive on adult attention .however some children will not be so keen to open up and it will be extremely hard to build a positive relationship. They may find it difficult for a number of reasons for example they may be shy ,they may be experiencing problems outside the setting, they maybe unwell or just tired whatever the reason if the child has been in the setting for some time you should instantly tell why the child is being quiet or withdrawn and t maybe a good idea to have a word with the childs parents but if the child is new to the setting and are finding it difficult to settle in , it maybe that they are not interacting or communicating with anyone in the setting . Its down to the early years practitioners to try and find a way to get to know them better this might be a lot easier if you talk to the parents and find out the childs interests, try and spend quality time with the child on a one to one basis so you can gradually build up their trust. a child shouldnt be forced into mixing with others till they are ready to do so they may just like to watch and adjust to their new setting .books can be extremely good by getting the child to interact, find out what their favourite story is and offer to read it to them this may encourage the child to talk about the story. It is very important that your child as a positive relationship with their practitioner as the child may spend 5-7 hours a day with them. Interacting positively with the child from an early age is the basis for a good relationship which benefits the children immensely by positively interacting wit h the child they get one on one time with the practitioner and produce a positive relationship between them. By having a positive relationship it helps develop the childs cognitive skills , social emotional and language skills ; children not only obtain language and social skills but they also develop sensitivity , the ability to talk out their problems, encouragement and the ability to ask questions . teacher child interactions are most developmentally appropriate when the teacher responds quickly , directly and warmly to the children this provides a variety of opportunities to engage in 2 way conversations and identifies and elaborates on the feelings , interests and activities of the children teachers which react in a sensitive and positive way are more likely to develop positive and nurturing relationships which is a key to a childs security , increasing the likelihood that the child will explore their environment giving them more opportunity to learn . 3.2. Describe why it is necessary to listen to children and effective ways of doing this. Children need to talk excessively and constantly and whilst we hear what they are saying do we really listen to them? If you ask children about adults who they like to be with, time and time again they will tell you, someone who they can talk to. Listening is an integral part of working effectively with children of all ages. It needs to begin when children are babies; babies need to see responses to their early vocalisation. Adults working with babies may smile, pick up a baby and reply by expanding the vocalisation. Later as children become more fluent speakers, the need to learn the skills of listening. Contrary to popular belief, this is not learnt by keeping them still and quiet, listening is actually an active skill and children need to learn to respond appropriately. they can do this if adults are actively listening to them . Active listening is more than just hearing: it involves thinking about what the other person (in this case a child) is trying to convey. Active listening also means giving a child your full attention, this can be hard in busy settings, but need to be prioritised. In most settings opportunities for active listening are linked to layout and routines. Preparing the fruit for snack time and wiping tables are examples of tasks can be done with a child chatting alongside. The key is to make sure children feel relaxed and they know that you are not in a rush or likely to be distracted. By listening closely to children we can identify their needs and capabilities and interests and also helps them build on their confidence and self esteem. we can use this knowledge to plan activities and decide how to extend these activities in order to promote the childs learning in all areas of learning and development , some children take a while before they really get round to talking . This is one reason why it is important to create situations where you are not rushed. A child may simply begin by just wanting to be with you and gradually begin to want t o talk. Some children also need visual props and cues to help them. This is particular important in younger children. As well as children whom the language of the setting is not their own language. A child who cannot tell you cannot tell you what they want is likely to grab what they need by behaving badly. To listen to what a childs saying you need to give the child your full attention and make sure you know that you have done so face them, look them in the eye, lean in towards them and respond to what they are saying, do not deny or reject what they are saying. It is also important to remember that when we talk about listening to children we do not simply mean taking into account what they are saying through there spoken word. There are many ways in which a child can communicate or even very young babies or children with a developmental delay or disability can communicate in a number of ways. These children must also be listened to and their feelings taken into account. Early year s practitioners need to learn how to identify the right moment when to intervene in a childs conversation without taking control or finishing sentences for them you can do this by trying to expand on what they are saying through asking appropriate questions or giving relevant opinions. If a child begins to feel like what they have to say is of no consequence and you are not likely to take into account their opinions they will cease to voice them, speaking and listening are fundamental to everything we do everyday. A childs communication skills need to be targeted daily. Their ability to talk and express themselves need to be nurtured and the best way this can be done is for early years practitioners to listen intently to what they have to say. We may not always agree with them and it may not always be possible to let them have what they request. However it is possible for us to listen to them and respond to them in an adequate and effective manner. 3.3 summarise the importance of spontaneous play and how this can be achieved in early years settings. Given the opportunity children play spontaneously which means they provide their own motivation to play and act without intervention of an adult .the time and type of play is totally decided by the child and activities can be stopped and taken up at will. Playing to the child is just spontaneous and may not have any goal or conclusion. Spontaneous play can be extremely effective and practitioners should make use of unexpected opportunities. It is essential that all early years workers understand and value spontaneous play in order to become sensitive facilitators. While most children embark on spontaneous play willingly, adults need to make the right provisions. It is important to remember that every child is an individual with their own needs and during development these needs change. facilitating spontaneous play requires careful planning , anticipating the next stage and adapting resources to fulfil the need of the providing play , space ,resources , time and friends nee d to be considered. Appropriate space should be set aside for play. It should be big enough for free ranging activities for a child in relation to the childs developmental changes, play space should be safe and should have opportunities for exploration and investigation by the child. Provide stimulating resources that are appropriate for the specific child, resources should be easily obtainable and representable of a multi-cultural society and they all should be checked for safety. Spontaneous play depends on the child being given the opportunity to engage in activities without interruption. They should be given enough time to do the specific play activity. At all stages of development children need playmates it is important for them to interact with children. Enthusiasm and encouragement from adults should be available when the children need it.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Housman’s Poem, To an Athlete Dying Young Essay -- A Shropshire Lad

This poem is a part of Housman’s most famous volume of work called A Shropshire Lad. In these works Housman wanted the reader to think about life and the meaning of it all. In one of Housman’s most celebrated poems â€Å"To an Athlete Dying Young†, Critics dissect the themes of staying on top eternally, dying when one is a champion, and not letting the fame fade. Critic Scott-Kilvert says that Housman â€Å"voices the familiar passions of humanity with a death dealing sweetness† (Scott-Kilvert 628) This poem may be considered an elegy, or a piece of Romance literature. It has seven quatrains of rhymed iambic tetrameter, and each line containing eight syllables. The even numbered syllables are stressed, and the first, second, third, and fourth lines rhyme on the final syllable (Magil 3,889). The setting of the poem is in a town. The setting switches to a cemetery where the athlete is buried. The narrator of this poem is Housman who takes the persona of a resident of the town in which the athlete lived. The main character in this poem is the athlete who is a running champion but died at his peak of athletic ability. The townspeople are neighbors and admirers of the athlete. They represent the athletes’ glory and fame (Cummings, scr. 1). In order to understand this poem one must look at the themes that are relevant throughout. â€Å"To an Athlete Dying Young† exemplifies the theme of glory. For example in this poem the athlete is glorified for the winning of the race. Even when death comes upon the athlete he is still praised by the townspeople. In addition the athlete is also commended by the dead for his wiliness to die a champion (Ruby 233). The townspeople will now remember the athlete forever at his peek of his powers instead of watching t... ...ek culture. The second meaning of â€Å"garland† is a gathering of poetic versus, usually poems that praise life. Bruce believes that there is an irony in these two different meanings. He says â€Å"The message is that death is the ultimate victor† (Meyer 237). This seems to be the main theme of the poem but if the garland represents the second meaning then Bruce would say â€Å"What death takes away is not simply a hero but the joys and sorrows of life† (Meyer 237). In this second definition the reward of life may be greater than the fame earned. â€Å"To an Athlete Dying Young† shows the reader different concepts on life. Fame will fade as life continues, so in order to preserve fame one must face death. The views on this poem range from right to left but they all come back to the same major idea. That if one wants to be a champion eternally; one must die a champion for eternity.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

First Quarter Book Analysis on Great Expectations Essay

In Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations, Pip, the main protagonist in the story, is very idealistic and yearns to become a gentleman. He wants to better himself and rise above his humble origins in hopes of winning over his love Estella. Pip is also a very kind man and cares about the ones who are close to him. However, he is also a very arrogant man, and he does not see what his arrogance costs him, until he learns that true happiness in life does not come from wealth or status. Pip has an idealistic desire to become a gentleman, to elevate his status in life, and to impress the beautiful girl Estella who he has fallen in love with her due to her charming appearance. He demonstrates this trait on many occasions. Such as when he tells Biddy that he is â€Å"not happy as I am†¦ I am disgusted with my calling and with my life,† and â€Å"I want to be a gentleman.† He also displays his idealism as he strives to educate himself and become â€Å"uncommon,† by having Biddy â€Å"impart all her learning to me†¦ it appeared to me that it would take time to become uncommon†¦ nevertheless: I resolved to try it.† He further exhibits this trait by continually trying to win over Estella even though she only gives him discomfort â€Å"everything in our intercourse did give me pain†¦.I could put no trust in it, and build no hope on it; and yet I went on against trust and against hope.† In his idealistic desire to become a gentleman and to win over Estella he believes he will live a much happier life once his goal is achieved. Pip’s ambitiousness, however, is replaced with contentment as experience reveals to him that happiness is not gained through being a gentleman and that the true beauty of a person lies within their heart and not in their outward appearances. Pip is also a very kind man. He displays his kindness in trying to help his friend Herbert out of debt by helping his business ventures begin â€Å"how I could best try with my resources to help Herbert to some present income†¦ and gradually buy him on to some small partnership.† Pip also displays kindness in his actions towards Magwitch as he constantly worries for his safety â€Å"Were I might go, what I might do, or when I might return, were questions utterly unknown to me; nor did I vex my mind with them, for it was wholly set on Provis’s safety.† After the failed attempt to smuggle Magwitch out of the country, Pip continues to visit him every day when he is in prison as he tells him â€Å"I will never stir from your side when I am suffered to be near you. Please God I will be true to you, as you have been true to me.† Pip was true to his promise and was faithful to Magwitch to the day of his death. Pip is also very arrogant in his actions; this is seen in his ungrateful treatment towards Joe and Biddy when he has come of great expectations. When Joe comes to visit Pip, his feeling towards this was â€Å"not with pleasure† and â€Å"if I could have kept him away by paying money, I certainly would have paid money.† He did not think there was â€Å"anything low and small in my keeping away from Joe† and he almost wants nothing to do with him even though he â€Å"was bound to him by so many ties.† He also displays his arrogance in his treatment towards Biddy. When he asked Biddy why she received him â€Å"coming down here often to see Joe† â€Å"with a marked silence† Biddy asks him if he in fact will come down often, to which Pip took insult to, as a â€Å"very bad side of human nature!† even though he knows he won’t come back â€Å"Once more the mists were rising†¦ if they disclosed to me†¦ that I should not come back†¦ all I can say is, they were quite right.† However, Pip does not remain arrogant and a change overtakes him. After his encounter with Magwitch his benefactor, he realizes the true worth of his companions and how wrong he was in his treatment towards them â€Å"my repugnance to him had melted away†¦ I only saw a man who meant to be my benefactor and who felt affectionately, gratefully, and generously towards me with a great consistency through a series of years. I only saw in him, a much better man than I had been to Joe.† Pip has become humbled by his experience and decides he will return to the forge to marry Biddy. However, in his arrogance in trying to win over Estella and casting Biddy and Joe aside, he was too late, as Biddy had married Joe. However Pip is changed by his mistakes and is now very grateful towards Joe and Biddy and sorry for his treatment towards them, â€Å"receive my humble thanks for all you have done for me, and all I have so ill repaid!†¦ and now†¦ pray tell me, both, that you f orgive me!† Through his experiences he is now a humble man and not the ungrateful arrogant person he once was. Pip was a very kind man., but he was also arrogant and vainly idealistic in thinking the way to better himself was through wealth and status. These traits, through his experiences, are transformed and he is now humble and content, as he learns a hard lesson that true happiness does not come from wealth or status, as was his idealistic view, but from a contentment that comes only from within. Pip has become a true â€Å"gentleman.† In Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations, the main character of the story, Pip, struggles personally with a man vs. self-conflict as he struggles about his status in life. This conflict within him begins after a visit to the Satis house, where he meets Miss Havisham and Estella. He is greatly offended by Estella’s insults towards him â€Å"what coarse hands he has. And what thick boots!† and he begins to feel ashamed of his personal appearance, â€Å"I took the opportunity†¦ to look at my coarse hands and common boots†¦ They had never troubled me before, but they troubled me now, as vulgar appendages.† He also begins to feel ashamed of his upbringing â€Å"I wished Joe had been more genteelly brought up, and then I should have been so too.† This continues as Estella brings him food and a mug of beer and does not even look at him, much the way one would feed a stray dog, leaving Pip feeling utterly dejected, â€Å"I was so humiliated, hurt, spurned, offended, angry, sorry – I cannot hit upon the right name for the smart – God knows what the name was.† Pip hangs his head and cries in shame. This conflict intensifies over the course of one year, as Pip grows more ashamed of his home, a place that once afforded him comfort. â€Å"It’s a most miserable thing to be ashamed of home†¦ But, Joe had sanctified it, and I believed in it†¦ now it was all coarse and common.† As his status changes, the conflict continues to escalate after he has come to â€Å"great expectations.† In his rise to â€Å"property† he believed that he would live a much happier life as a gentleman â€Å"No more low wet grounds, no more dykes and sluices, no more of these grazing cattle†¦ henceforth I was for London and greatness: not for smith’s work.† However, he did not live a happy life, and his conscience plagued him â€Å"As I had grown accustomed to my expectations†¦ Their influence on my own character†¦ I knew very well that it was not at all good.† â€Å"I lived in a chronic state of uneasiness in my behavior towards Joe. M y conscience was not by any means comfortable about Biddy.† He in fact was living quite miserably â€Å"We were always more or less miserable†¦ I detested the chambers beyond expression,† â€Å"I should have been happier†¦ if I had risen to manhood content to be partners with Joe in the old honest forge.† Pip’s conflict reaches its climax and resolution when he discovers his benefactor. The climax is reached upon discovering that Magwitch, the convict he met so long ago in the marshes, is indeed his benefactor â€Å"the dread I had of him†¦ could not have been exceeded if he had been some terrible beast.† He now wishes that he had never come of his expectations and realizes what a fool he was â€Å"O, that he had never come! That he had left me at the forge – far from contented, yet, by comparison happy!† â€Å"I began to fully know how wrecked I was, and how the ship in which I sailed was gone to pieces†¦ But, sharpest and deepest pain of all – it was for the convict†¦ that I had deserted Joe.† His conflict reaches its resolution after Magwitch is arrested and his expectations have departed. However, he is able to see the good in Magwitch and began to care for him greatly as his â€Å"repugnance to him had melted away.† He finally realizes that he does not need wealth, nor does he need to elevate his status, in order to be happy. As he â€Å"lived happily†¦ and lived frugally† with his dear friend Herbert, he is no longer ashamed of his humble beginnings and is content with his place in society.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Importance of Salt

The Importance of Salt Free Online Research Papers The importance of salt throughout history Almost no place on earth is without salt, though this was not clear until revealed by modern geology, in the twentieth century. Until then, salt was desperately searched for, traded for, and fought over. For millennia salt represented wealth. Soldiers and sometimes workers were paid in salt; it was a substance so valuable it served as currency. Salt has influenced the establishment of trade routes, helped with the preservation of food, has helped in the development of both chemistry and geology, is seen as a symbol in religion, and has been associated with love. Today, after thousands of years of, coveting, fighting over, hoarding, taxing, and searching for salt, it appears picturesque, and slightly foolish. Salt became one of the first international commodities of trade, its production was one of the first industries, and in return, the first state monopoly. Europeans are a very good example of how salt aided in the preservation of food, and therefore allowed foods to be traded. In the ninth century, the Basques had a well-established whaling business, and were visited by an intruder, the Vikings. The Vikings did not have a central location like Genoa or Venice, and their northern home provided them with little to trade. If they had had a source of salt, they would have been able to trade salted meats like the Celts, or salted fish like the Phoenicians. Without salt, meat and fish were too perishable to trade. Although the Vikings were superb ship builders, mariners, and traders, it didn’t matter. Without salt, all the Vikings had to trade were tools made from walrus tusk and reindeer antler. Up until about the twentieth century, all valuable food depended upon whether it could be preserved by salt or not. They knew all sorts of facts and tricks about salt curing. For example, Europeans found that fat resists salt and slows the rate at which salt impregnates fish. Also, oily fish, after salting, must be pressed tightly in barrels to be preserved, whereas cod can be simply laid in salt, and that fatty fish cannot be exposed to air in curing, because the fat will become rancid. In the ninth century, the Basques discovered an extremely profitable item, the Atlantic cod. Once they started salting it, the market became enormous. The entire formerly Roman world ate salt fish, which is what made this fish great for trading. It preserved unusually well, and after one or more days of soaking in fresh water, it was whiter, leaner, and better, than the Mediterranean species that had been used before. Cod, being a fatless fish, air-dried and salt-cured, and stiff as planks of wood, c ould be stacked on wagons and hauled over roads, even in warm Mediterranean climates. Without salt that would have never been possible, and the trading market grew immensely because of it. The Vikings also found ways to trade salt cod, and even began establishing drying stations for the cod in Iceland, to produce the export. All of the fishing nations of northern Europe wanted to participate in the new, rapidly growing, extremely profitable salt cod market. Because of how popular the market was, like now with supply and demand, the more the people wanted it, the more they would make. In order for the Europeans to make more, they needed quicker and more efficient ways of supplying salt. Through geology and chemistry, Europeans began to recognize that the natural solar evaporation of seawater was the most cost-effective way to produce salt. The Bay of Bourgneuf soon became the leading salt center, because its climate suited the new discovery of solar evaporated salt. The bay also had the advantage of being located on the increasingly important Atlantic coast and was connected to a river that could carry the salt inland. Guerande on the north side of the mouth of Loire River, Bourgneuf on the southern side, and the island of Noirmoutier facing them, became major sea salt-producing areas. Just like that, sal t could influence and secure a city, because for the time being that’s where the highest demand of salt was. While this market was booming, the Basques continued to sail out with their enormous amounts of salt, and return with them stacked high with cod. They dominated the fast-growing salt cod market. Everyone knew of this market: but besides the Basques, fisherman of the British Isles, Scandinavia, Holland, Brittany, and the French Atlantic, also caught cod in the middle ages. Salt is mainly recognized for preserving food, but it was used for many other things, like to cure leather, clean chimneys, for soldering pipes, and glaze pottery. Salt was used also as a medicine for a wide variety of complaints, from toothaches, to upset stomachs, to ‘heaviness of the mind.’ Still, the salt cod market was the main reason the need for sea salt increased enormously. Sea salt was believed to be the only salt suitable for cuing fish, but there were other salts out there. French bay salt was gray, black or even green. The better salts were the Northern salts made from boiling peat, and the southern salts that were far whiter, which meant purer. Salt was so valuable, it could shape society, and was separated by classes. A higher class household used bay salt for curing, but would use the more costly, Northern and Southern white salt for the table. Middle-class homes bought the inexpensive bay salt, dissolved it into brine, and boiled the brine over a fire un til it was more suitable for serving. The British used the cheaper bay salt for their armies. To them, salt was regarded as of strategic importance because salt cod became one of the main rations of the British navy. A standard procedure to prepare for war was to obtain a large quantity of salt and start salting fish and meat. The provisions necessary to withstand a long siege were herring, eels, bream, and cod, all salted. Throughout history, even before salt was so valuable, and such a huge product in trade, people realized the importance of it. Romans called a man in love salax, in a salted state. In Pyrenees, bridal couples went to the church with salt in their left pockets to guard against impotence. In Germany the bride’s shoes were sprinkled with salt. ‘A French folktale relates the story of a princess who declares to her father, â€Å"I love you like salt,† and he, angered by the slight, banishes her from the kingdom. Only later when he is denied salt does he realize its value and therefore the depth of his daughter’s love.’ Salt is so common, so easy to obtain, and so inexpensive that we have forgotten that from the beginning of civilization until about 100 years ago, salt was one of the most sought- after commodities in human history. Religion has been shaped around salt too. Salt was to the ancient Hebrews, and still is to modern Jews, the symbol of the eter nal nature of god’s covenant, with Israel. In the Torah, the book of numbers it written in â€Å"it is a covenant of salt forever before the lord.† On Friday nights Jews dipped the Sabbath bread in salt. In Judaism bread is a symbol of food, which is a gift from god and dipping the bread in salt preserves it – keeps the agreement between god and his people. All over the world, from food to religion, to armies, salt has had an impact on it. The incentive of salt cod profits, combined with the improved solar evaporation, greatly improved sea salt production, especially in Europe. This increase in salt made more fish available, and made them available longer. Instead of fisherman having to rush to the market before their fish rotted, they could now stay out for days salting their catch. They caught more, and were able to keep it fresher longer. The salt intake in Europeans, although most of it was consumed in the eating of fish, grew from forty grams per day in the sixteenth century, to seventy grams a day in the eighteenth century. ‘Salt, the only rock we eat, has made a glittering, often surprising contribution to the history of humankind.’ Research Papers on The Importance of SaltDefinition of Export QuotasCanaanite Influence on the Early Israelite ReligionTwilight of the UAWGenetic EngineeringMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaPETSTEL analysis of India19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of Self

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

My Critique of the Movie Scent of a Woman Essay Example

My Critique of the Movie Scent of a Woman Essay Example My Critique of the Movie Scent of a Woman Essay My Critique of the Movie Scent of a Woman Essay MY CRITIQUE OF THE MOVIE SCENT OF A WOMAN Jeanie Morrison English 225 Introduction to film Alene Morrison May 30, 2011 MY CRITIQUE OF THE MOVIE SCENT OF A WOMAN Even though some people may not care for the language used in this film, I believe the movie Scent of a Woman (1992) is an A+ drama story about two people Charlie Simms (Chris O’Donnell) and Lt. Colonel Frank Slade (Al Pacino) both of which are great actors and we all know(Al Pacino) as a movie star, this movie was put together and made well it is in chronological order with continuity editing and is in Dolby digital surround sound, it was made using spherical cinematography, high key lighting and featured close up scenes of both actors; the movie is based in New Hampshire and later the story has an unexpected visit to New York City. The movie â€Å"Scent of a woman† is about a Boston prep school senior who decides to take a babysitting job on his Thanksgiving holiday in order to earn money to buy a ticket home to Oregon for his Christmas break he has no idea what he has taken on until he meets Lt. Colonel Frank Slade the person for whom he has to â€Å"babysit†. Lt. Colonel Frank Slade is a bitter, lonely, blind veteran who is hard to get along with and has his own plans for the Thanksgiving holiday and takes his babysitter along for the ride. Scent of a woman† is an R rated movie (under 17 requires accompanying parent or guardian). It includes sexual references and adult language. This movie was directed and produced by Martin Brest; screenplay by Bo Goldman; the director of photography was Donald E. Thorin; it was edited by William Steinkamp, Michael Tronick and Harvey Rosenstock; music by Thomas Newman; production designer, Angelo Graham; and was released by Universal Pictures. The main actors in this film are (Al Pacino) as Lieut. Colonel Frank Slade and (Chris O’Donnell) as Charlie Simms (Maslin J. 1992). Scent of a woman was made in chronological order in which the beginning, middle and end of the story are all in order as to not confuse the audience. This movie was made with continuity editing with planning of shots so that cutting to different camera positions would not confuse the audience but let them believe that everything was happening in a continuous ime and space, it was also made using spherical cinematography a special lens used to cover the photographs along with high key lighting to make the actors stand out from a scene along with close up scenes in which the scene drew the audience into the film Goody Koontz B. Jacob C. P. (2011). I believe the movie â€Å"Scent of a Woman† is an A+ drama story about two people Charlie Simms (Chris O’Donnell) and Lt. Colonel Frank Slade (Al Pacino) the movie is based on the dialog mai nly between the two characters, which takes place in New Hampshire and later the story has an unexpected visit to New York City. Throughout the whole movie we are pulled into the conversation between these two men. The story starts out in New Hampshire where Charlie meets Lt. Colonel Slade who takes control over his own Thanksgiving Holiday plans and brings Charlie along for the ride, with the two of them taking a trip to New York City and Charlie experiencing things he could never imagine. Indeed, while some people may not care for the language used in this film, I believe this movie is an A+ Drama story about two people Charlie Simms (Chris O’Donnell) and Lt. Colonel Frank Slade (Al Pacino). I really enjoyed this movie it had a truly believable story line that would leave the audience feeling that no matter how miserable, mean, or insane their love one may become with age there is always a way to turn them around, by letting them know they are needed and showing that you truly care. Reference Goody Koontz B. Jacob C. P. (2011) Film from Watching to Seeing San Diego CA: Bridge Point ED. , Inc. Retrieved from http://content. ashford. edu Maslin J. (1992) Review/Film: Scent of a Woman; Al Pacino, Indulging A Lust For Life New York Times Review Retrieved from movies. nytimes. com/movie/review

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Three Ways People Can Improve Their Communities Assignment

Three Ways People Can Improve Their Communities - Assignment Example It is important for people to make better choices for their health and wellbeing status (Cohn, 2013). However, the government can influence the behavior of people to enhance their status. For instance, it could provide a channel for the people to pay their taxes efficiently. If the people do not evade or avoid paying taxes, the government could develop more health facilities for better services and easy access. When it comes to health choices, it is the decision of the people to determine and work around their health issues. For instance, they could develop a habit of exercising and embracing proper diet to avoid the effects of obesity. In addition, individuals need a sense of security in their neighborhood. The existences of criminal activities create a great concern for the people in the community. The people in the community can aid in addressing the security concerns in various ways. Firstly, people can learn to identify criminal activities in the community. Secondly, the people can set up a watch scheme for the local community. This involves collaborating with the security agencies to make communities safer by the provision of information on any suspected crime (Cohn, 2013). Finally, people could enhance their security through active participation with the local security authority. The provision of support to the security authority could improve the community’s security status. Furthermore, people can aid in the improvement of the community’s physical environment. To address the challenges of the environment, people in the community need to strengthen their abilities in relation to the conservation of the natural resources. This could occur through securing their capacities and knowledge in becoming their environmental stewards (Cohn, 2013). The people could also become innovative for the implementation of

Friday, November 1, 2019

How to write a catchy beer ad Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

How to write a catchy beer ad - Essay Example Ballard tells of the search for a memorable phrase, a hook that would catch on like the memorable ads that we always associate with a brand name. The music that the team of Evanston and Godsey provided seemed the perfect match with the simple phrase "...and twins". The advertisement was centered on the things guys like and was highlighted by the addition of sexy, buxom twins. The author explains the ads success is based around the simple beginnings of what guys like, accented by good music, and produced with humor. Ballard contends that it was the humor that set this advertisement apart from dozens of others and catapulted the twins into our pop culture memory. If rule number one in advertising is to know your audience, Coors Light hit a home run with this spot. The advertisement in inundated with the things that their target age group finds appealing. It relies on cars, sports, dogs, humor, and the concept that two is better than one. They were able to mesh these ingredients into an advertisement that would quickly be associated with beer. Coors was also able to handle the political correctness of sex in advertising with their attitude of using sexy not sex to sell their product. By adding enough light humor, just enough to make the guys appear a little silly, they were able to deflect the issue of women as sex objects and warrant the ad acceptable to women and girlfriends. Advertising, as a science, dwells on peoples response to an image or sound in an effort to portray things that are pleasant and appealing. The pictures need to be something we are compelled to look at. The music must be memorable, with a hook that echoes in your head days after you hear it for the first time. In addition, the advertiser needs to keep in mind the target audience while not offending the innocent viewers who may be able to influence the customer. The

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Building Information Modelling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Building Information Modelling - Essay Example This development has particularly been important in the engineering field in which some stakeholders develop models and different stakeholders who interpret the developed models simulate their properties undertake the constructions for achieving reality. Ensuring ease and success of such simulations has further prompted the need for standardization in modeling and communication of developed models in engineering. Of particular interest to the scope of application of information technology in engineering and modeling is the concept of Building Information Modelling that defines establishment and management of digital models of physical and operational features of a facility. The concept has been approved for its advantages and is being advocated for among government contractors. It has at the same time, though increasingly being adopted by many players, raised mixed reactions over its effectiveness and effects on business and clients. I, in this paper, explore the statement that †˜the introduction of Building Information Modelling (BIM) into the construction industry has the potential to change or influence the way project managers work in the future.’ In exploring this statement, I identify the significance of IBM to project managers’ approach to work. ... The different role is attributable to the project manager and the roles vary with different stages of a project and different scopes that a project may adopt. One of the identifiable roles of the project manager is the development of project proposals. This may be achieved together with other stakeholders to a project such as a project’s principal. This role includes the development of a project’s scope and determination of economic necessities for implementing the project and facilitates an understanding of the project. The project manager also plays a significant role in initiating a project, a role in which the manager identifies necessary personnel, ensures availability of the personnel, and mobilizes them towards implementing the subject project. The role also includes identification of necessary skills for the project, goals to be achieved in the project, and interests and motivational factors of the member of the project team (Hopper 2012, p. 18). In cases where project goals are developed by other parties and communicated to the project team, the project manager approves the objectives before they can be incorporated and communicated to the team. Placing an order for required resources in a project also forms part of a project manager’s role (Acs, p. 1). Other roles of the project manager include evaluation of potential risks to a project and establishment of control measures against identified risks and establishing minimum operating costs and making sure that operations adhere to the stipulated costs.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Rachel Carson and the Fight Against Indiscriminate Pesticide Use Essay Example for Free

Rachel Carson and the Fight Against Indiscriminate Pesticide Use Essay In her 1962 book, Silent Spring, Rachel Carson details the dangers of indiscriminate pesticide use, which had â€Å"already silenced the voice of spring in countless towns in America† (Carson (1962) page 3). ‘Miss Carson,’ as many of her detractors referred to her, received ridicule from academics, industry leaders and professional journals for over a decade. Years after her death, conservative and libertarian groups such as the Cato Institute, American Enterprise Institute and the Competitive Enterprise Institute attacked her and the apparent successes for environmentalism in the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency and the ban of DDT to provide an example of a ‘failed’ government program. Rachel Carson revealed the dangers imposed by indiscriminate pesticide use in her 1962 book, Silent Spring. Although Carson used DDT as her focus, the chemical was an example of the numerous synthesized pesticides employed in many aspects of mankind’s daily lives. As a biologist with the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Carson was alerted to the â€Å"numerous case reports of damage to birds and fish after DDT application† and believed that â€Å"because DDT was so effective, it unbalanced ecosystems† (Oreskes (2010) page 219). Carson expanded her research and eventually published her revealing book to alert the public and bring an end to indiscriminate use. The book made numerous claims against pesticides, illustrated the destruction caused by prior use and warned of a future in which â€Å"over increasingly large areas†¦ spring comes unheralded by the return of the birds, and the early mornings are strangely silent where once they were filled with the beauty of bird song† (Carson (1962) page 88). These â€Å"elixers of death,† she warned, are less insecticides as they are â€Å"biocides† (Carson (1962) pages 15, 8), infiltrating water supplies, food supplies and organisms from the bald eagle to man. â€Å"If [Silent Spring] stimulated the public to press for unwise and ill-conceived restrictions on the production, use or development of new chemicals, it will be the consumer who suffers.† Dr. William Darby, 1962 Heralded as one of the most influential books in the environmental movement, Carson’s writing was less scientific and more thought provoking. Her often-extreme word choices and diction provided a sense of urgency for some, but drew many detractors. Doctor William Darby, a Professor of Biochemistry at Vanderbilt University, reviewed Silent Spring shortly after its publishing. According to Darby, the â€Å"dramatic description[s]† were simply a ploy to mask other scientific findings are mislead the public (Darby (1962)). Darby accused Carson of â€Å"name-drops by quoting or referring to renowned scientists out of context†¦ [leading] the reader to conclude that the authority mentioned is in accord with the author’s position† (Darby (1962)). To further refute her claims, Darby refers to her as â€Å"Miss Carson† throughout his essay. This treatment of certainly harmed, or was an attempt to harm, her credibility in the scientific field. He continues â€Å"her ignorance or biases on some of the considerations throw doubt on her competence to judge policy† (Darby (1962)). Darby stated that â€Å"if it stimulated the public to press for unwise and ill-conceived restrictions on the production, use or development of new chemicals, it will be the consumer who suffers.† Here was an academic, in the field of biochemistry, blatantly denouncing Carson and her conclusions. In The Chemicals Around Us, a viewpoint published in Chemical Weekly in July 1962, Carson was referred to as a â€Å"crank† and that her writing style was more indicative of â€Å"a lawyer preparing a brief† (Chemical Weekly (1962)). Obviously a somewhat biased publication, the article continued to claim that although â€Å"her facts are correct, her conclusions less certain, and her innuendos misleading†¦ such a public be damned attitude was outmoded some years ago and†¦ too many people are watching.† The phrase, â€Å"too many people are watching† referred to the chemical industry and pro-chemical government, implying that despite her efforts, they would fight back against such erroneous claims with ease. Carson’s detractors were not publishing this information against her for publicity, but were concerned. They were not concerned about the indiscriminate use of pesticides, but rather the ability of public outrage and the future of the chemicals industry. By attacking Carson’s conclusions and writing style, they could distract from the dangerous scientific findings. Facing harsh criticism, Carson’s urgent push for policy against indiscriminate pesticide use seemed to stall. When President Kennedy tasked the President’s Science Advisory Committee with investigating the claims, a new hope emerged. Although the committee did not back or deny Carson’s claims, they lay the burden of proof â€Å"on those who argued that persistent pesticides w ere safe† (Oreskes (2010) page 222). The paradigm shifted against the chemical industry. The findings established that the industry itself was tasked with proving the pesticides used were not a danger to human health or the environment, â€Å"explicitly invoking the standard of reasonable doubt,† rather than those against indiscriminate use proving pesticides were a danger (Oreskes (2010) pages 220-224). According to Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway in their 2010 book, Merchants of Doubt, â€Å"the legal phrase reasonable doubt suggests that they were guided by existing legal frameworks†¦ to demonstrate the safety of their products,† and that â€Å"manufacturers had not demonstrated the safety of DDT, and reasonable people now had reason to doubt it† (Oreskes (2010) page 222). It took two more Presidential Administrations before President Nixon authorized the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency in 1970 and in 1972, the ban on the use of DDT in the United States. The environmental movement, the work done by Rachel Carson, the President’s Science Advisory Committee, numerous scientists and the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency and banning of DDT was often heralded as a true governmental policy success story. Not until the early 2000s did the evidence exist that DDT was in fact harmful to humans, and a dangerous carcinogen (Oreskes (2010) page 229). For three decades, the establishment of the EPA was used as an example to follow for the creation of new social, economic and environmental policies. As conservative and libertarian think tanks in the mid 1990s were facing new policies and government regulation conflicting with their ideals, a new strategy for combat emerged. By slandering Carson, â€Å"freemarketeers realized [they] could strengthen the argument against regulation in general. (Oreskes (2010) page 218). To argue against regulation, they would destroy the main example of successful policy and regulation: the establishment of the EPA and banning of DDT. In the late 1990s, groups such as the Cato Institute, American Enterprise Institute and the Competitive Enterprise Institute renewed the attacks on Rachel Carson and the â€Å"junk-science†Ã¢â‚¬â€scientific findings that could not be explained under the free-market system—that led to the ban of DDT in the United States. These think tanks, backed monetarily by Philip Morris and other corporation, â€Å"organized off-the record briefings [with members of Congress], wrote and placed op-ed pieces, and organized radio interviews† (Oreskes, (2010) page 234). The Heartland Institute, focused on â€Å"free-market solutions to social and economic problems†¦ insist[ed] that some one million†¦lives could be saved annually† in developing countries around the world through the use of DDT (Oreskes (2010) page 2 33). There were even claims that her â€Å"false alarm† about pesticides led to the death of millions, making her â€Å"worse than Hitler† (Oreskes (2010) page 217). By destroying Carson’s reputation at the expense of key facts and scientific findings, these groups were changing history. â€Å"Orwell understood that those in power will always seek to control history, because whoever controls the past controls the present† (Oreskes (2010) page 238). Conservative and Libertarian think tanks believed they could control history to derail the progress of regulatory authority in the United States. In the forward to Silent Spring, Carson quotes Albert Schweitzer, â€Å"Man has lost the capacity to foresee and to forestall, He will end by destroying the earth† (Carson (1962) Forward). According to Carson, â€Å"it took hundreds of millions of years for life to produce the life that now inhabits the earth†¦ [and] to adjust to these chemicals would require time on the scale that is nature’s, it would require not merely the years of a man’s life but he life of generations† (Carson (1962) page 7). Rachel Carson believed indiscriminate pesticide use and the continued development of synthetic chemicals would devastate our planet in a way that would require generations for the environment to reach equilibrium. E. B. White, an American essayist once wrote, â€Å"I am pessimistic about the human race because it is too ingenious for its own good. Our approach to nature is to beat it into submission. We would stand a better chance of survival is we accommodated ourselves to the planet and viewed it appreciatively instead of skeptically and dictatorially† (Carson (1962) Forward). By allowing the leaders of this nation to be manipulated by groups controlling history, we failed not only Rachel Carson, but ourselves, our environment and our future. Carson, Rachel. Silent Spring. Boston, Massachusetts: Houghton Mifflin Co, 1962. (Carson (1962)) â€Å"The Chemicals Around Us.† Viewpoint, Chemical Weekly. July 14, 1962: 5. (Chemical Weekly (1962)) Darby, William J. Text from Jukes, Thomas, 1962. â€Å"A Town in Harmony.† Chemical Engineering News (Aug 18): 5. (Darby (1962)) Oreskes, Naomi, and Erik M. Conway. Chapter 7: Denial Rides Again. Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming. New York: Bloomsbury, 2010. (Oreskes (2010))

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Hip Hop Culture Essay -- Rap Music Commercialization Essays Papers

Hip Hop Culture Since the early to mid 90’s, hip-hop has undergone changes that purists would consider degenerating to its culture. At the root of these changes is what has been called â€Å"commercial hip-hop". Commercial hip-hop has deteriorated what so many emcees in the 80’s tried to build- a culture of music, dance, creativity, and artistry that would give people not only something to bob their head to, but also an avenue to express themselves and deliver a positive message to their surroundings. What does the term â€Å"commercial† mean? It can take on various meanings, but in essence that term is used to label artists who have alienated parts of the hip-hop culture in their work. The High and Mighty, a duo from Philadelphia signed to Rawkus Records, summed up what commercial hip-hop is in their 1999 single release â€Å"The Meaning†. Mr. Eon says: â€Å"†¦they’re tryin’ to turn hip-hop to just plain rappin’/let the poppers pop/and the breakers break†¦Ã¢â‚¬  But the disenchantment with artists who don’t appreciate hip-hop as consisting of emceeing, breaking, graffiti art, beat boxing and dj-ing is not new. Underground artists, predominately hip-hop purists, have lashed out at biters and perpetrators for many years. For example, in 1989 3rd Bass released their first album, The Cactus Cee/D. Throughout the album, MC Serch and Prime Minister Pete Nice scold the commercialized booty shakers like MC Hammer for corrupting hip-hop, particularly on the track â€Å"The Gasface† they specifically call out Hammer for his antics. Inside the album jacket, Serch sums up hip-hop in ‘89: â€Å"There was a time when nothing was more important than the New York Rap Scene.† It’s dilluted, but not divided.† To hip-hop afficionados, Serch’s quote sounds like the equivalent to a Vietnam soldier’s letter home. Obviously, the group saw the possibility of the hip-hop culture being tainted. Another good example of a group combatting the increase in commercial hip-hop was The Boot Camp Clik, consisting of Buckshot, Helter Skelter, Cocoa Brovaz, OGC, Illa Noyz and The Representativz. The Clik’s slogan throughout the duration of their 1997 release Album for the People was: â€Å"Commercial rap get the gun clap†. A descendent of the early backpacker days, Buckshot has always been opposed to mainstream artists who sacrfice artistic integrity in the lure for more money. The underground hip-hop scene has e... ... ability to rock a crowd with sheer lyricism, explaining why you are doper than the other man, and having a Dj who could support you with dope beats were essentials in old school hip-hop and still are in the underground scene. Underground hip-hop is filled with groups such as The Pharcyde, The Roots, Jigmastas, and Jurassic 5 who use live instruments to not only enhance their lyrical talents, but also to give audiences a great show. All four of these groups are dedicated to preserving hip-hop culture. Emcees battle to prove they are iller, Djs do the same thing, and breakers, break dancers, poppers, whatever you want to call them, continue the tradition of mixing their dance art form of popping, locking and spinning using the music to help create different techniques. What has been great for the underground scene is its ability to sell more records now, and that is by and large due to the increase of smaller, independent record labels(see chapter 1). Labels such as Rawkus, Fondle ‘Em, Stones Throw, Goodvibe, ABB Records, and others can compete with majors like Bad Boy and Def Jam now because they are backed by people who have money and want to see hip-hop culture survive.