Thursday, September 26, 2019

Reaction paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 6

Reaction paper - Essay Example Properly communicating and effectively dealing with other people might be the sole aptitude that decides our status in society. Communication is the sharing of information or feeling. Communication can be verbal or non verbal. Successful and satisfying face to face communication comprise of three elements: words, tone of voice and body language. Communication process constitutes 93% of the silent or nonverbal communication i.e. tonality accounts for 38% and body language accounts for 55%. Which means only 7% of the whole communication process depends upon words (Steve, 2009). It is commonly seen that communication is usually described in terms of spoken words. But very few of us know the fact that words are only the carrier and transport of the message. True meaning behind the message cannot be clearly understood only with the words. The receiver has to guess and make judgments of the words. This fact can easily be understood by the example of communicating via emails and letters, in which nonverbal part of communication is definitely a missing element and leave the interpretation open to the reader which sometimes leads to misunderstanding and arguments. Lasting relationships can only be created when feelings and emotions behind the words communicate between the people. Trust can be earned by conveying nonverbal evidences that are consistent with the words. Tone of voice affects greatly on the meanings of words. As above stated, 38% of communication transmits by the tonality. For Example, fast and catchy tune of the song brings energy and liveliness to the person, no matter whatever the lyrics of the song are. Another supporting example in this regard is response of a baby to different voices. They might not understand the words but they smile and cry according to the intensity of the voices they hear. Many people do not know how to manage their tone in different situations which is critical to make positive association with someone they

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