Monday, September 30, 2019

Huntingtons’s Concept and Its Applicability to the Contemporary World Essay

Introduction Globalization and the trend in the politics has entered a new political schema after the World War II and as such, it is has drawn the interest of political theorists who had hoped to re-define and predict the future outcomes of global politics. Among the different approaches, what had really attracted the attention of the media and the interested crowd is Huntington’s concept on the Clash of Civilizations theory. Huntington’s stereotypical claims and predictions regarding future outcomes of global relations had uncannily matched with that of the drastic event of the Al-Qaeda’s attack on September 11 on the Twin Towers. The event, which had caught global attention,   is said to have been a direct pop-out from Huntington’s essay and that ‘event’ was resultant of the ‘clash’ between the differing cultures of the American superpower and the Muslims of Afghanistan. The ethnic conflict, albeit on global scale, would be the political pattern after the Cold War. The question is, is Huntington’s concept still applicable with the current trend of globalization? Here there is a basic assumption that conflicts arise from ethnic differences and it is on these differences which will feed the upcoming antagonism between the different nations. Al-Qaeda’s attack may have been likely ‘accidental’ and that his reasons were not purely ‘ethnic’ as in Huntington’s theory. In the paper, there is an attempt to investigate the flaws of Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations when placed in the larger context of globalization and international conflict. A thorough understanding of his paper first must be placated followed by criticisms and the more apt model that would fit the current trend for global political system. s The Clash of Civilizations is a theory proposed by political scientist Samuel P. Huntington in 1993 as a reaction to Fukuyama’s book. Herein, Huntington expanded on the shift of global patterns after the Cold War from the economic to traditional; whereby conflicts are more of culture clash. The globalization trend would function in the traditional cultural sense and will no longer be confounded on ideological clashes as in the philosophcal claims before. Huntington’s thesis is relatively simple to understand in the manner that he had oversimplified and reduced everything: â€Å"†¦It is my hypothesis that the fundamental source of conflict in this new world will not be primarily ideological or primarily economic. The great divisions among humankind and the dominating source of conflict will be cultural. Nation states will remain the most powerful actors in world affairs, but the principal conflicts of global politics will occur between nations and groups of different civilizations. The clash of civilizations will dominate global politics. The fault lines between civilizations will be the battle lines of the future†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . His basic premise is the culture clash as a primary source of conflict and he divided the Globe into different ethnic groups representing the different civilizations, each embodying different religion: African, Hindu, Western, Sinic, Orthodox, Islamic, Latin America and Japanese. From these different ethnic frontiers, will arise the future conflicts and he had cited the cases of India and Pakistan. What is most daunting of his perceptions is that the Superpower of America will face a decline and the shift will be on the combined powers of Sino-Islamic group. Equally daunting is Huntington’s concept that what had fueled this antagonism is the purposive role of teology in the different civilizations, most particularly, that of the Islams.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Amys bread case study Essay

Case Study Questions 1. Who are the main players (name and position)? The main Player in this is Amy Scherber and she is the manager and owner. Another main character is Toy Kim Dupree and he is Amy’s assistant manager. 2. In what business or businesses and industry or industries is the company operating? Amy’s bread is in the business of selling bread products both wholesale and retail. They sell primarily to high quality restaurants, hotels and food shops. 3. What are the issues and problems facing the company? (Sort them by importance and urgency.) It is hard to make a large profit because Amy pays her employees a higher amount then the other business in her field. She also has to employee about four times as many employees to complete the same job due to the intensiveness provided on each batch of bread. The company is also struggling with the idea of wither to expand or stand pat with their business. 4. What is the primary problem for the company/organization in this case? The primary problem in this case is the idea of expansion. The problem is that they do not know if they should expand or stand pat. If they do expand how are they going to centralize their business. Are they going to do strictly wholesale or wholesale and retail. 5. Why have the problem (s) you cite emerged? Identify the causal chain (the events or circumstances that caused the problem-Some will be Internal Weaknesses, others EXTERNAL Threats). This main problem has occurred because they are currently located in a storefront that is not adequate to provide the needs of all their potential customers. The main weakness here is that they are in a bad location for advancement. In their current location they are completing all of the orders that they possibly can. 6. What are the characteristics of the industry that the company is in and how is the industry changing over time? When Amy’s Bread first open bread baking was a growth industry. The U.S Department of Commerce reported there was a 12 percent increase in the consumption of specialty breads per capita. This industry is also very tough to get into there are a great deal of company’s that already have been working with restaurants for a long time. The other problem with the industry is that because it was a growth period many new bakers were trying to enter it and earn a name for them. So the computation for customers is high in the industry and only growing more competitive. 7. What is the firm’s strategy for differentiation, enabling them to compete within the context of their industry? Amy had a clear goal she wanted to be famous for making a great product and for creating a good place to work. Amy’s product itself was different because she set the highest standards on her quality. They also do not use any machines in the shaping of their bread. Every load of bread was hand crafted and shaped which was why her payroll was so high but it set her breads apart from the average shop. 8. What are possible solutions to the problems you have identified? Possible solutions to her crisis on where to go or wither to move at all are one she could not move and be satisfied where she is. The second option is she could move to a building that she would be able to produce large amounts of wholesale goods at and not concentrate on retail goods. The third option is she could move to an even bigger place where she could sell retail product and still meet her needs for wholesale. 9. What are the advantages and possible disadvantages of your solution(s)? If she stays pat then she will be able to turn a marginal profit and meet the needs of her current customers. The disadvantages would be that she would then miss out on opportunity to sell to all the customers that she has on her waiting list and her retail business would not be any bigger. In second option they would be able to meet all her wholesale needs. The disadvantages would be that she could not sell retail customers any more and she would be paying more for the property. In the third option she would be able to sell both retail and wholesale. She would be in a newly developing retail market with access to foot traffic. She would also be able to meet all her whole sale needs. To top it off she would be able to design the layout of the building to fit her exact needs. The disadvantages of this are that it is very expensive. She would get everything that she is looking for but at a substantially higher price then the other two options. 10. Are there any possible problems with your suggested recommendations? What contingencies need to be accommodated? My recommendation would be to choose the third option. It is the most expensive but Amy has already demonstrated that she has a sharp business minded and is able to build business and promote it. The retail space will help spread the word of how good her bread actually is and word of mouth is the best advertisement they could have. The biggest problem that they could have is if they start to loose customers. A second problem would be if the market begins to shift away from the cravings of bread. Or another problem could be that they simply do not add enough customers to be able to afford the new space. Case Study Analysis Narrative Format Case title: Amy’s Bread Student: Nicholas Mustico Date: 3-18-2013 Course: Management Principles Firm Overview and Introduction to the Case (Use this and all headings in your narrative) In this first section of the narrative, you will provide a brief description of the case subject firm and circumstances for your reader. YOU are the expert. Your analysis is reliant on the fact that you’ve read the case at least three In the case study of Amy’s bread you get a complete overview of the company. It discusses where they started how they started and the experience that the owner Amy Scherber has. Amy Scherber is the centerpiece of the company she is the founder, owner, manager, and lead baker/chef for Amy’s bread. Amy is also the main person in charge of the company’s finances and business discussions. Amy is now facing the problem of wither or not she is going to expand her company. She has been able to entrench her business in the tough industry of baking breads. This is a business that is very completive and hard to establish yourself in. Now that she has become  establish she has to decide wither she would like to expand to meet consumer’s demands or stay where she is and be happy with what she has accomplished. Internal perspectives (Use this and all headings in your narrative) This section of your narrative is used to explain to your reader the internal, factual information about the case subject organization and the problems you’ve identified. Additionally, in this section you need to describe the causal chain. How did the problem arise? What caused it? The problem in this case would not be a problem if the company had not become as successful as it has. If the company had not become so popular then the small storefront that she had originally solicited would never have become a problem. They did become popular though and now they have to adjust to what they would like to become. No one knows if she had selected a larger site if she would have ever been able to get herself going but if she had then this problem may never have occurred. Her company now is at a point where they cannot satisfy one additional customer due to space constrictions. Amy’s problem is a hard one to decide on but for a company it is a good spot to be in if you have too much potential business. It is always better to have too much opportunity then too little. * External perspectives (Use this and all headings in your narrative) In this section you will describe the characteristics of the industry in which the subject organization operates. Identify any changes over time, which you believe contribute to the problems you’ve identified. Has the Firm’s Strategy for differentiation within their industry caused, Added to or exacerbated the problems you’ve identified? Amy’s bread is in a very complex and difficult industry to work in. She is in a field that has been â€Å"well farmed.† What I mean by that is that there have already been people there doing what she is trying to do. The business she is trying to sell to unless they are newer then her have all already put someone in place to fulfill their need. She then would have to show these businesses that she is that much better then her computation that they have already employed.  Amy’s strategy for differentiation is basically being better then the computation. She is striving to have the highest quality, freshest, and most innovative bread selection. She had made it a point that she will not sacrifice quality for anything else including profit. Amy was lucky, or smart enough to enter the backing industry when it was on the rise. Consumption of grains had just begun to rise when Amy entered the industry. The U.S Department of Commerce reported there was a 12 percent increase in the consumption of specialty breads per capita. This industry is also very tough to get into there are a great deal of company’s that already have been working with restaurants for a long time. The other problem with the industry is that because it was a growth period many new bakers were trying to enter it and earn a name for them. So the computation for customers is high in the industry and only growing more competitive. This main problem has occurred because they are currently located in a storefront that is not adequate to provide the needs of all their potential customers. The main weakness here is that they are in a bad location for advancement. In their current location they are completing all of the orders that they possibly can. Then again this is not a problem that most business would not want. Solutions (Use this and all headings in your narrative) In this section you will provide a proposed solution to the primary problem/ secondary problems you’ve identified. Possible solutions to her crisis on where to go or wither to move at all are one she could not move and be satisfied where she is. The second option is she could move to a building that she would be able to produce large amounts of wholesale goods at and not concentrate on retail goods. The third option is she could move to an even bigger place where she could sell retail product and still meet her needs for wholesale. If she stays pat then she will be able to turn a marginal profit and meet the needs of her current customers. The disadvantages would be that she would then miss out on opportunity to sell to all the customers that she has on her waiting list and her retail business would not be any bigger. In second option they would be able to meet all her wholesale needs. The disadvantages would be that she could not sell retail customers any more and she would be paying more for the  property. In the third option she would be able to sell both retail and wholesale. She would be in a newly developing retail market with access to foot traffic. She would also be able to meet all her whole sale needs. To top it off she would be able to design the layout of the building to fit her exact needs. The disadvantages of this are that it is very expensive. She would get everything that she is looking for but at a substantially higher price then the other two options. My recommendation would be to choose the third option. It is the most expensive but Amy has already demonstrated that she has a sharp business minded and is able to build business and promote it. The retail space will help spread the word of how good her bread actually is and word of mouth is the best advertisement they could have. The biggest problem that they could have is if they start to loose customers. A second problem would be if the market begins to shift away from the cravings of bread. Or another problem could be that they simply do not add enough customers to be able to afford the new space. Case Model Insert a copy of your case model at the end of your narrative. Model the problem and solution by drawing a diagram. Identify the problem, what is causing it, what is making the problem worse (or potentially hiding the problem), and what can be done to mitigate or eliminate it. Use the strategy models to help you think through the steps that must be taken to intervene and solve this problem. Case model

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Causes and Effects of Bullying Essay

Bullying is a serious problem in homes, schools and communities. Often dismissed as an adolescent â€Å"rite of passage,† research clearly indicates bullying is learned behavior and detrimental to the academic, physical, social and emotional development of all involved bullies, targets and the bystanders who witness it. Bullying is not only a problem of youth but is one that spans all ages. Despite volumes of research, countless â€Å"anti-bullying† programs and increased by the media, bullying continues to pervade our culture and our schools. It is a complex social issue requiring determination, leadership and courage to address. Although it is a difficult challenge, it cannot be ignored. A wave of recent bullying incidents with tragic outcomes has shed a renewed light on this issue. The advent of technology allowing for impulsive, anonymous and rapid communication, has expanded the opportunities for bullying to a degree that necessitates more innovative and immediate responses than ever before. Most people know that bullying is wrong. Calling someone names has absolutely no beneficial purpose. Moreover, hitting someone makes a bully feel good in the moment while doing permanent damage to the person being victimized. With the Internet, people now have even more opportunities to bully through cyberbullying. This includes sending crude pictures, posting fake web pages, or tweeting slanderous messages. Cyberbullying has subsequently led to a rise in a completely new kind of bullying. One of the effects of bullying is that it can change the victim’s personality. It can cause people who are normally confident and happy to become self-conscious, shy, and unsure. Additionally, victims of bullying may also become sad or depressed. Their confidence might completely disappear, keeping them from trying new things or trusting people. Once a person has been bullied, they may hesitate to participate in situations where he or she might be ridiculed, such as in public speaking or in sports. A bullying victim might even begin to possess previously absent anxious behavior. Despite all the negative effects of bullying, there are even far more serious consequences. People who have been bullied sometimes become so upset, scared, or depressed that they see no worth in themselves and no way out of their torment. There have been countless reports over the past few years of students committing suicide because they were bullied. Meanwhile, there are times when victims see no recourse but to seek revenge by serious acts of violence against the bully and instigators. As a result of bullying, people can lose their ability to love and trust, denying them the chance to experience a quality relationship later in their life. They might find themselves as a submissive partner or they may want to be completely alone. Compounding all of these problems, victims often develop eating disorders, begin to self-injure, or require extensive counseling. Social bullying can also leave people without a supportive group of friends that they can lean on and spend time with.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Marketing strategy in Nokia Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Marketing strategy in Nokia - Research Paper Example [Accessed 29 November 2011] 17 Appendix A: 20 Appendix B: 21 1. Introduction The aim of this report is to analyze, appraise and make recommendations on the marketing strategy of one of the leading Mobile manufacturing companies, Nokia. The paper will identify the company’s strengths and exploit the opportunities that it has in the competitive market today. The paper would further analyze the environment in terms of internal and external factors and make appropriate recommendations to its current marketing strategy to attain higher customer satisfaction, brand loyalty and market share. 1.1 Background and origin of Nokia: Nokia is world’s leading mobile phone manufacturer operating globally. It is the symbol of quality, ease and excellence. It is a Finnish multinational information technology manufacturing company with head office in Keilaniemi, Espoo, Finland. It has wide operations in 120 countries with more than 100,000 employees worldwide (Forbes). It is the second la rgest mobile manufacturer of the world following the Samsung Incorporation. It has 22.5% market share in mobile phone industry (Damian and Calvin, 2012). The products are mobile phones, handhelds, electronic gadgets and notebook computers. Till the year 2012, it had been a world largest mobile phone manufacturer but after emergence of Samsung and Apple iPhone 5, it got its sales down sufficiently. A lavish life of Nokia brand was observed as lesser popular after when people started adopting Samsung Galaxy smart phones and iPhones. A couple of years back, it faced a similar situation when Blackberry phones were on demand fashion (Kotler, 2012). To cater the needs, Nokia has jumped in to the competition while the competitors are enough substantial to moderate the competition. Since Nokia has lost the market leader position but still it is on priority for student, middle class man and quality seekers (Dibb and Simkin 2013). 1.2 Nokia’s Position in the Market Figure 1: Leading mo bile manufacturing Companies’ market share Source: Samsung, Nokia, and Apple dominate phone sales in spring 2012- August 2012 (Hill, 2012) Based on the 2012 results, Nokia is ranked as the second largest company in the competitive mobile industry. The further sections of the report shed light on Nokia’s current market status in the mobile industry. In order to achieve its aims, the paper uses tools like SWOT analysis and competitive analysis to understand the competitive edges that company stands on. After the careful analysis, Nokia’s marketing strategy is evaluated in terms of segmentation, targeting and positioning. Its marketing objectives are evaluated and strategies analyzed to identify any gaps between the marketing goals and strategies adopted. The paper reaches its conclusion after providing a number of recommendations to fill the gap in marketing strategies and suggests Nokia some efficient and effective strategic changes. 2. Situational Analysis 2.1 S WOT Analysis Strengths Nokia is ranked second largest distributer of mobile sets in the competitive mobile manufacturing industry (Figure 1). Nokia keeps its market share high by investing a considerable amount of capital in Research and Development strategies. It had spent 4.94 billion Euros on R&D in 2010 and was ranked 11th in the list of top R&D spending Multinational organizations globally (Sitkin & Bowen 2013).

Thursday, September 26, 2019

PART (a), Write a fiction story a single piece of 2500 words in form Essay

PART (a), Write a fiction story a single piece of 2500 words in form of a complete story. PART (b). Write a reflective commen - Essay Example Suddenly, John’s daughter entered and handed over a certificate to him. He asked, â€Å"From where did you get this certificate?† â€Å"I got it from the old shelf†, she answered. John returned the certificate and answered to his daughter, â€Å"This certifies that your father was a scapegoat of his father’s decision, nothing special. But ask your mother to keep it safe.† Then he asked his wife in a low but sweet voice, â€Å"Bella, can I have your help to walk the dogs?† Isabella answered, â€Å"Yes, if I have 10 or 12 hands. Can’t you see that I am busy with the kid?† Isabella entered the yard with their child and looked at John. She saw that John is still sitting on his chair. But he was trying to go through his past, as an obedient student. Noticing the certificate, she kept silent for a while and said in a sarcastic voice, â€Å"Sorry John, I was not aware of the fact that you are still clinging to your past.† She re alized that the certificate led John to ponder over his past, as an obedient student and existentialist. John changed his dress and walked to their farm with his wife and children. *** I still remember my kid’s childhood because he was never a nuisance to me. Can you imagine a child who is amiable and amicable? It is him. But his elder brother was quarrelsome and he tried his level best to please his pa. During his adolescent age, my child developed enthusiasm towards nature. He used to ask several questions about the secret behind the living world. He was aware of the fact that his father will not lend his ear to his words. During his teenage, my child faced a number of problems within our personal domain. I still remember that incident. One day, my old man asked my son to reveal his ambition. He plainly answered that his aim is to become an organic farmer. This conversation transformed our family into a hell. My old man scolded my child and made clear that he will not allow him to be a farmer. By the by, my old man is a businessman, who used to import and sell plastic toys from China. He never tried to understand that human beings are different in their attitude towards life. Some people consider that business is the core of success. Some others consider that rustic life is most suitable for human beings because the same never leave any carbon footprint. Personally, I belong to a rural family and I am aware of the importance of farming within human life. Still, it is difficult to prove that farming is better than business. The happiness that can be seen in a farmer’s face on seeing that his plants are growing cannot be compared to a businessman’s happiness. So, my old man decided to send my child to a boarding school. Still, someone was smiling, my other child. My child spent his teenage at a boarding school. After completing his school education, my child returned. He did not try to face his father, but revealed his future plan to me. H e told me that he does not like to be a businessman because he does not expect any profit in his life. I told him that his elder brother did complete MBA and is helping his father. Then, he told me that his burden is lifted because two aggressive lions cannot live in a forest. But I told him that a lion and a number of foxes can live in a forest. He answered that he does not like to be a fox in his life, but the lion in his own territory. But the problem was not over because my old man once more intruded into my child’s life and sent him to a famous business school to continue his higher

Reaction paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 6

Reaction paper - Essay Example Properly communicating and effectively dealing with other people might be the sole aptitude that decides our status in society. Communication is the sharing of information or feeling. Communication can be verbal or non verbal. Successful and satisfying face to face communication comprise of three elements: words, tone of voice and body language. Communication process constitutes 93% of the silent or nonverbal communication i.e. tonality accounts for 38% and body language accounts for 55%. Which means only 7% of the whole communication process depends upon words (Steve, 2009). It is commonly seen that communication is usually described in terms of spoken words. But very few of us know the fact that words are only the carrier and transport of the message. True meaning behind the message cannot be clearly understood only with the words. The receiver has to guess and make judgments of the words. This fact can easily be understood by the example of communicating via emails and letters, in which nonverbal part of communication is definitely a missing element and leave the interpretation open to the reader which sometimes leads to misunderstanding and arguments. Lasting relationships can only be created when feelings and emotions behind the words communicate between the people. Trust can be earned by conveying nonverbal evidences that are consistent with the words. Tone of voice affects greatly on the meanings of words. As above stated, 38% of communication transmits by the tonality. For Example, fast and catchy tune of the song brings energy and liveliness to the person, no matter whatever the lyrics of the song are. Another supporting example in this regard is response of a baby to different voices. They might not understand the words but they smile and cry according to the intensity of the voices they hear. Many people do not know how to manage their tone in different situations which is critical to make positive association with someone they

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Corporate Goverance Concept Worksheet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Corporate Goverance Concept Worksheet - Essay Example The companies have different expectation that can lead to conflicts because of their interests and gains (Minnow & Monk, 2002). The equity issue involves division of company’s ownership. This helps in the companies gain from the increase in profits and wide market. This means that both companies will gain from the investment (Minnow & Monk, 2002). McBride finance services company has an intention to remain in control of the company even after selling majority shares to Beltway investment company. A clear illustration of this is that the chief executive has influence in the selection of the board of directors. As Beltway gives the company freedom to select the directors, Mc Bride ensures that it influences the selection. The board comprises of the people it can influence to make decisions favoring McBride company. The scenario creates conflict of interest, which was not brought out during negotiations. The conflict of interest will create a hostile working relationship between the two companies. The reason behind this is the win-lose situation created by the company. Beltway wants a fair selection of the board (Tricker, 2009). Control involves running of the company activities and who is in charge. The control of the company should be in the best way possible. The selection of the board should be on merit not on other hidden agendas. Fair selection and freedom to managers will help in running the company affairs to achieving its objectives and goals to the maximum (Tricker, 2009). Beltway company did not identify Mc Bride’s intention in its issue. Mc Bride company does not intend to let Beltway know the real, financial position. The company does this through tampering with financial documents. The company also does not comply with Sarbanes-Oxley act of corporate responsibility of financial reporting (Greene, Silverman & Becker, 2003). The company aims at using internal controls to hide

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Corporate Level Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Corporate Level Strategy - Essay Example However, for a department like Police, a portfolio approach will be relatively better suited. Both the approaches towards corporate strategy requires a very well thought out approach towards viewing organization amid the competition it faces in the market place. It is however, important to understand that not all firms and organizations are established for competitive purposes as public sector organizations have to actually fulfill certain responsibilities without any commercial consideration. Organizations like Police Department therefore don’t focus on maximizing the profits as most commercial organizations do however, to work efficiently and effectively, it is important that such organizations also maintain a strategic outlook. Portfolio approach to corporate strategy may focus on achieving financial synergy while allowing business units to operate independently however, it is also important for allowing business units to operate on their own. The challenge for management however is to ensure that all the business units operate according to overall corporate strategy of the firm and overall execution of strategy remains well intact. Portfolio approach for a department like Police will be a relatively better approach because Police department, as a whole, works in different units. Not all units are assigned the same roles and responsibilities however, a close integration of all the departments is considered as necessary. However, various departments also need to ensure that they operate on their own to fulfill their strategic role while at the same time maintaining required synergy. Core competencies approach is relatively strong approach however this may not be suitable for a department like Police. Core Competencies approach requires that organization generate and maintain its core competencies across the whole organization. Each department and business unit therefore is required to ensure that organizational

Monday, September 23, 2019

Strategic Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Strategic Marketing - Essay Example However it is accomplished, the satisfaction of all physical distribution needs in the marketing channel must be accomplished for the rest of the channel to function successfully. The selection and use of physical distribution facilitating agencies is quite different than the selection and use of facilitating agencies for other channel services. In most cases other than for physical distribution, the facilitating agency will be employed and paid for by whichever channel member needs it. For physical distribution, however, the manufacturer or marketer will normally locate, select, and pay for the services of agencies involved in physical distribution (McCalley, 1992, p. 43). Channel strategy literature informs us about channel-facilitating agencies that can provide a variety of services for the manufacturer or marketer of products. Marketing services in this context needed depend on what can be expected from the channel members and the capabilities of the manufacturer. In this case not only strategies are required but other governance and management issues are also of significance that are most commonly the selected marketing channel members as they have the ability to ship and store products at the wholesale or retail levels in the market. These are actually the intermediaries that provide all or most of the physical distribution functions. In conditions where the channel members are unable to provide the needed services, the manufacturer has the option of providing the services itself or employing facilitating agencies to perform them. Therefore the need for all or some of these services or for other physical distribution services depends on manufactu rers’ ability to themselves satisfy the key physical distribution requirements of the marketing channel to be managed. Let us review that in order to help us in determining what is

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The media advertising for Conrack Essay Example for Free

The media advertising for Conrack Essay The appropriate media advertising for Conrack is most likely to be the advertisements of a local scale rather than a national scale. I believe that a good place to start is the local newspaper, yellow pages, leaflet and local radio. On the other hand, a business like Eco-Store is most likely to be advertising on an internet website, national newspaper and a specialist magazine or even television. The local newspaper is good for Conrack because many people of the surrounding community are likely to read it and it will therefore reach a vast majority of the target market. One disadvantage of the local newspaper is that the advertisement would be fairly small and will cost in the region of i 51. It could also mean that the advertisement is hidden behind the bigger advertisements of bigger companies. The Local newspaper could also be a disadvantage in that not many people will be interested. Eco-Store on may choose to advertise in the national newspaper rather than local because of its vast stores located throughout the UK. It is an advantage because it means that there is national coverage, readers can refer back to the advertisement and its relatively cheap at i 20,000 for 3 months for a company who turnover i 200 million. There can be also be much detail provided. In contrast to this, there is no movement or sound; the advertisement is usually boring as its limited to only black and white. The yellow pages are a good place to advertise for Conrack as there are different yellow pages for each region of the country. It is also an advantage as many people look at the yellow pages when they want to buy something auspicious such as timber. It is only a one off payment of i 367 for a 4. 5cm box for the whole year. This is well within the budget of Conrack. The marketing strategy for eco-store is to improve the Homely nature. The best way to do this is in the form of pictures. I think this might mean that eco-store could opt for television advertising. Television advertising is an expensive choice but it could prove to show results very quickly. On advantage of Television advertising is the creative advertising can have a big impact on the business. They can demonstrate Eco-Friendly being homely and can reach a vast audience. In contrast to this, its expensive, the message is short lived and many consumers switch channels when there are advertisements as there is now a vast amount of other program choices with the newly digital television. The other option for Conrack could be to advertise on the local radio; in recent years this has been proven to be very effective. It could be advantageous in that it: enables the use of sound, thought provoking messages could be used, produced relatively cheaply. On the other hand, it isnt visual, no copy of material, consumers may forget as there is nothing to refer back to. Eco-friendly may choose the internet as an advertising medium as it has wide coverage, cheap to set up, global, number of hits can be measured. Both companies could incorporate the use of specialist magazines. This will mean there are more effective consumers that are willing to buy the timber. It also means that many people may be interested and could attract local businesses to buy products in bulk. Both businesses could use many types of advertising that could enhance the image of there businesses and no business is limited in using each type of advertising medium. The best type of advertising is one which results are quickly seen. There are many other forms of advertising a business could use depending on the type of people they want to target and number.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Group Culture Analysis: Narcotics Anonymous (NA) Meeting

Group Culture Analysis: Narcotics Anonymous (NA) Meeting Certificate in Drugs Counselling, Theory and Intervention Skills. Eamonn Keogh In this case study we will look at the inner workings of a group that I was involved in. This paper will be broken into four different sections. In the first section I will give a description of the group covering: the context; the setting; frequency and length of the group; finishing with a description of my role within the group. The second sections will identity the group culture. In this I will explain what the group norms and belief systems are. My feeling around being a member of this group will also be discussed in this section. The third section will be a reflection on the efficacy of the group. The main points in this section are what does/does not work well in the group and why; is the group addressing its task; what do I think could improve the group. In the final section I will be pointing out the key learnings I got for this module and how would I put this learning into practice. Description of the Group: The group being used in this case study is a step meeting of Narcotics Anonymous (NA). NA is an international community based organisation for recovering drug addicts. Na members learn from each other how to live a drug-free life and recover from the effects of addiction in their lives. NA’s primary approach to recovery is its belief in the therapeutic value of one addict helping another. Members take part in NA meetings by talking about their experiences and recovery from drug addiction. The NA programme is one of complete abstinence from all drugs, including alcohol. The only requirement for membership is the desire to stop using. The core of the NA programme is the twelve steps. These steps are a set of guidelines outlining a practical approach to recovery. Apart from the regular meetings there are also step meeting in the NA programme. I’m going to use the step meetings for this case study. The task of step meetings is to broaden its member’s knowledge of eac h of the twelve steps. The format of these groups is one step is covered each week starting with 1 finishing with 12. The meeting lasts one hour. The room is set out with all the chairs in a circle so each member is able to see each other. One benefit of this is that there is a sense of belonging and togetherness. A NA moto about why they are in a circle is â€Å"that no addict will stand alone.† At the start of the meeting one person will open up the meeting and give their experience, strength and hope around the particular step being covered that night. This opening is called a ‘chair’. The person that gives the chair is someone that has completed this step previously and has in excess of six months clean time. The chair will last up to 15min long. When the chair is finished the other members of the group will share their experiences and knowledge of the step or identify with what the person giving the chair said. This ties in nicely with the ethos of NA that o ne member helping another. I have a couple of roles to play in this group. Firstly I’m a member going to the group to learn about of each of the steps individual and to broaden my knowledge around my own recovery. The second role I will fill in this group is that of the person giving the chair at the start of the meeting. Identification of Group Culture: As pointed out by Chase (2013) the group’s culture underlies all of its behaviours and actions. The culture of groups is constantly developing as it adapts to each new situation or event it confronts and to the needs of the group and its members. The group’s culture is an abstinence based group. In my group each member has a common intellectual purpose for being together and that is to gain greater knowledge of the step involved on the night and the NA programme as a whole. The artefacts used in these meeting would be the ‘Big Book’ and a step working guide. Both of these were developed over time by members for members using collective knowledge they acquired over the years. Some of the group norms are as follow: Each member in the group is given a chance to talk: The last 10 minutes of the meeting is given up to new members or people that have less than 90 days clean time: Speak honestly and with consideration and respect of others and their efforts: Maint ain confidentiality: Members will place phones on silent: Members will listen to each other and not interrupt. With the NA programme being a spiritual programme, the main belief involved with NA is the belief in a higher power. NA is not a religious organisation. Each member can choose their own higher power. Some examples are the god we grew up with, the group itself, past family member. The belief in a higher power is that a power greater than ourselves can restore us to sanity. As a whole the behaviour in the groups is good. Members respect each other and where they are in their own recovery. There is a great sense of comradery and concern for each other. The ethos of the step meeting leads itself towards this in the way the person that does the chair is trying to help the newer members, that haven’t taking that step yet, gain a greater knowledge of the step or to get someone who has to maybe look at that step in a different light. If there are conflicts or members become unhappy with the way the group is developing they have a medium in group contions. This is held once a month and members get to address any concerns they have around the meeting as a whole. This is a very important tool in making sure the group guidelines are being followed and the group is achieving its goal. Some of the benefits of being an active member of this group are I feel very comfortable in the group. I get great support from the group and its members. I feel like I belong to the group and my voice is heard. Having completed the 12 steps I felt a sense of achievement and spurred me on to do the chair which was extremely humbling. Reflection on the efficacy of the group: When thinking what works well in my group Weegman (2004) make a valid point that â€Å"Group members learn they can help each other identify and modify in self and others their tendency to be unaware, deny, or remain oblivious to their pain, suffering, defences and the costly nature of their addictive solutions.† This is one of key strengths of the group. The nature of the group is that one member does the chair and explains their experience, strength and hope surrounding the step being covered that night. One member passing knowledge gained to another. This can get members to thinking about their issues in a different light or take action similar to that taken by the person that done the chair. A bond of togetherness comes from this and this is one of the main reasons that N.A. meeting stay together. Yalom (1985) points out the therapeutic factors in group work. I can see my group putting some of these factors into practice and benefiting from them. Instillation of hope is the first one and plays a big role in my group. This is evident even in the literature we read as it was written by member years ago who to this day are still clean and sober. This is helpful with new members as they can see that recovery is possible. Universality is major a factor in helping the members feel part of the g roup. After hearing other members share concerns similar to their own, members report feeling more in touch with the group and they don’t feel alone. Development of socialising techniques is another therapeutic factor pointed out by Yalom that the group often represents members the first opportunity for accurate interpersonal feedback. It can also point out a variety of social habits which, unbeknown to the member, have been undermining their social relationships. More senior members develop their social skills and have learned how to be helpfully responsive to other and acquire methods of conflict resolution. The reasonability of the group addressing its task lies with the group itself because any decisions or issues about the group are discussed and teased out in group concions. The secretory of the meeting is also decided here. I feel the group is addressing its task as the secretory chooses someone who has completed the step already to give the chair. The chair sets the tone of the meeting surrounding the step being covered in that meeting. Having pointed out some of the factors that help the group I will now point out some of the factors that hinder the function of the group. As the only requirement for membership is the desire to stop using from time to time members can come in under the influence of drugs. Due to the chaotic nature of drugs someone under the influence can cause a big hindrance to the group on a number of levels. Firstly the disturbance caused but also it can trigger something off in someone that makes them believe drugs are attractive again. Another hindrance to the group as pointed out by Hough (1998), the conflict stage, members jostle with positions and roles and sub-groups may form. When this happens members tend to be judgmental, critical and advice is freely offered without any real understanding of the problems which people have. The step meeting are a crucial part of the N.A. programme and if these two areas could be addressed and resolved I think the group could improve to reach higher goals than it is already achieving. Identification of key learning from the module: I’ve grained a lot from this module. One of the key areas of learning came in the first couple of sessions regarding the necessary decisions when planning a group. Up to now any involvement I’ve had with a group was in a group that was already set up when I joined. I’ve learned that the setting up of an effective group can cause as much stress as the running of a group. I can put this learning into practice as the youth projects I work in are setting up a stabilisation programme. Group therapy is an important factor of the programme with 3 sessions a week. As a result of my learning I feel comfortable I my ability to assist the project in taking the necessary steps when setting up the group. Moving on from the process of setting up the group the next area of key learning was the development of the group. Having watched the group develop and go through the five stages pointed out by Hough (1998) as we learnt them was very interesting. Again going forward the knowl edge of these five stages ranging from anxiety to closure will put me at ease when I observe the group going through them. I fell without both facilitator prior knowledge of the development stages of a group it would be very hard for the group to address its task even from the start. The final key learning for me was how the group dealt with absenteeism and the working out of this issue. The group was angry at first with the members that had missed a group but by working through it and voicing the anger the group was able to move on. It was decided that an empty chair be left in for the member that was missing. It was profound the effect the empty chair had on the group. The group member was nearly noticed more in the empty chair than if they were sitting in the group. I feel this is valuable and effective tool to have when working in a group setting. This learning is something that I will use in the stabilisation programme being set up in my work place. With this knowledge I will b e able to implement the empty chair from the beginning of the group so the clients won’t have to experience the anger which was felt in the experiential group . I’ve also had a huge insight as to what way I am in a silence. What way do I internalise this silence and what have I learnt from it. In the first couple of groups there were a few silences and unknown to me my taught would drift away. It was only when asked about the silence and what I was thinking that I realised that my taught were always on other people and things never about myself. For me this was very interesting and showed me that I had some personal stuff still to work through. Having worked through it and realised that it was an old trait of mine to protect myself when I was in active addiction. Another benefit from this insight going forward in my practise is that counter transference won’t be as big an issue for me having done this module and acted on the learning. Bibliography Chase, R.S (2013) Elements of Effective Communication, 4th Edition, Plain and Precious Publishing, Washington. Hough, M. (1998) Counselling Skills and Theory. Hodder and Staunton London. Chapter Nine: The Group Context. Part two pages 213-226 Yalom, I (1985) the Theory and Practise of Group Psychotherapy 3rd Edition Basic Books: USA. Chapter One: Therapeutic Factors in Group Therapy. Yalom, I (1985) The Theory and Practise of Group Psychotherapy 3rd Edition Basic Books: USA. Chapter Eleven: In the Beginning

Friday, September 20, 2019

Sublime and Fantastic Elements in The Day We Were Dogs :: Day We Were Dogs Essays

Sublime and Fantastic Elements in The Day We Were Dogs      Ã‚   "The Day We Were Dogs" is a short story written by an author born in Puebla, Mexico, in 1993. Elena Garro's major themes revolve around the concepts of time and memory. I do not believe this story is a true example of magical realism; however I do see the sublime and the fantastic used in this story. I think that this story is really a misidentification of magical realism. To start out, I was moved by the way the author talked about a day with two days inside of it. How could this occurrence be? It is two days and two realities. There also were two afternoons and two heavens, dogs talking, dogs named Buddha and Christ. I just see Garro trying to imitate magical realism, but she did a bad job of it. I do have to give her credit for bringing the sublime and the fantastic in, though. The characteristics of magical realism are phenomenal, deeper realm, visibility, mysterious, opinionated, timeless fluidity, and fascinating. This story has none of those characteristics, or at least it does not express them the way a magical realism story would. "We recognize the world, although now-not only because we have emerged from a dream-we look on it with new eyes"(Roh 17). I see what Roh is trying to say about magical realism, and I do not think one can use these certain strategies to figure out this story because it is fantastical and sublime. The fantastic is characterized by the marvelous, the uncanny, the natural, and the supernatural. The marvelous to me in this story would be the two parallel days. It seems so normal how Garro talks about it. They looked at one day or thing and saw what happened, and then they looked at another. Being able to experience time this way seems so wild and crazy. Rabkin states that "we recognize this reversal (90 to 180) through certain textual (signals):the reactions of the characters, the statements of the narrators, and the implications of structures provided by implied authors."(Rabkin 11). The story does show a big reversal as the dogs act as dogs and the people act as dogs. Also, the character questions, "I'm a dog"? Then another dog replies, "Yes we are dogs." I saw that later on in the story she realizes that she was a dog by replying ,"Woof, Woof, Woof," when someone asked her a question.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Free Essays on Whartons Ethan Frome: Isolation :: Ethan Frome Essays

Isolation in Ethan Frome Ethan Frome is a story of ill-fated love, set during the winter in the rural New England town of Starkfield. Ethan is a farmer who is married to a sickly woman named Zeena. The two live in trapped, unspoken resentment on Ethan's isolated and failing farm. Ethan has been caring for his wife for six years now. Due to Zeena's numerous complications they employ her cousin to help in the house, the animated Mattie Silver. With Mattie's youthful presence in the house, Ethan is awoken of the bitterness of his youth's lost opportunities, and a dissatisfaction with his life and empty marriage. Ethan and Mattie in turn, fall in love. However, they never follow their love due to Ethan's morals and the respect he has for his marriage to Zeena. Ethan eagerly awaits the nights when he is able to walk Mattie home from the town dances. He cherishes the ground she walks on. After a visit to the doctor, Zeena is told that she needs more sufficient hired help. Thus, she decides to send her incompetent cousin away and hire a new one. Ethan and Mattie are desperate to stay together. However, Ethan's lack of financial means and Zeena's health are factors that will never allow him to leave Starkfield. Unable to find any solutions to this problem, Ethan and Mattie decide to commit suicide by sledding into a tree. They figure it is the only way they can be together. The attempt fails, and the two are left paralyzed. Now Ethan's wife must care for the two for the rest of their lives. There were many themes found in Ethan Frome, but the greatest of them all is loneliness and isolation. In college Ethan acquired the nickname "Old Stiff" because he rarely went out with the boys. Once he returned to the farm to care for his parents, he couldn't go out with them even if he wanted to. Whatever he's done has kept him apart from others: tending to the farm and mill, nursing his sick mother and caring for Zeena. Ethan's isolation is intensified, because he is often tongue-tied. He would like to make contact with others but can't. For example, when he wants to impress Mattie with beautiful words of love, he mutters, "Come along." In their own ways, Zeena and Mattie are solitary figures, too. Free Essays on Wharton's Ethan Frome: Isolation :: Ethan Frome Essays Isolation in Ethan Frome Ethan Frome is a story of ill-fated love, set during the winter in the rural New England town of Starkfield. Ethan is a farmer who is married to a sickly woman named Zeena. The two live in trapped, unspoken resentment on Ethan's isolated and failing farm. Ethan has been caring for his wife for six years now. Due to Zeena's numerous complications they employ her cousin to help in the house, the animated Mattie Silver. With Mattie's youthful presence in the house, Ethan is awoken of the bitterness of his youth's lost opportunities, and a dissatisfaction with his life and empty marriage. Ethan and Mattie in turn, fall in love. However, they never follow their love due to Ethan's morals and the respect he has for his marriage to Zeena. Ethan eagerly awaits the nights when he is able to walk Mattie home from the town dances. He cherishes the ground she walks on. After a visit to the doctor, Zeena is told that she needs more sufficient hired help. Thus, she decides to send her incompetent cousin away and hire a new one. Ethan and Mattie are desperate to stay together. However, Ethan's lack of financial means and Zeena's health are factors that will never allow him to leave Starkfield. Unable to find any solutions to this problem, Ethan and Mattie decide to commit suicide by sledding into a tree. They figure it is the only way they can be together. The attempt fails, and the two are left paralyzed. Now Ethan's wife must care for the two for the rest of their lives. There were many themes found in Ethan Frome, but the greatest of them all is loneliness and isolation. In college Ethan acquired the nickname "Old Stiff" because he rarely went out with the boys. Once he returned to the farm to care for his parents, he couldn't go out with them even if he wanted to. Whatever he's done has kept him apart from others: tending to the farm and mill, nursing his sick mother and caring for Zeena. Ethan's isolation is intensified, because he is often tongue-tied. He would like to make contact with others but can't. For example, when he wants to impress Mattie with beautiful words of love, he mutters, "Come along." In their own ways, Zeena and Mattie are solitary figures, too.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Thought Communication in The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea an

Thought Communication in The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea and Wonderful Fool      Ã‚   In the novels The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea, by Yukio Mishima, and Wonderful Fool, by Shusaku Endo, the authors write in a way which allows the characters to speak directly to the reader through thoughts. This device lets the reader know exactly what the character is experiencing. Mishima and Endo's use of direct thought communication proves to be a beneficial aspect that aids the reader in understanding these works of literature. Both authors use this literary technique to clearly express to the readers the true thoughts and feelings of the characters; in turn allowing the reader to realize and understand the changes that each character undergoes, and ultimately comprehend the rebirth that the characters experience.    In The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea, Mishima chooses to have the character Ryuji express his true ideas and sentiments through a direct statement of thought. After spending his first night with Fusako, Ryuji reflects on his glory the next morning while alone. "There's just one thing I'm destined for and that's glory; that's right glory!" (Mishima 16). He goes on to think, "there must be a special destiny in store for me; a glittering, special-order kind no ordinary man would be permitted" (Mishima 17). Through his contemplation of glory, the reader is allowed a glimpse into Ryuji's true thoughts on his destiny and purpose in life. Ryuji's ideas are used to convey to the reader exactly what he is feeling; this is important because the reader can now understand Ryuji's beliefs and comprehend the enormity of change, from a life at sea to a life at land, he will soon e... ...of admiration and respect. As a result of these changes, Tomoe and Ryuji both experience a rebirth of sorts; Tomoe discovers the truth about Gaston and Ryuji discovers what he wants out of life. Had the authors not employed the technique of direct thought narrative, the reader would not have been able to realize the character's thoughts, recognize their changes, nor understand their rebirths. The author's use of communication through the thoughts of the characters allows first for the recognition of character's ideas and thoughts, second, when these thoughts and opinions change, and third, why the characters experience a rebirth.    Works Cited Endo, Shusaku. Wonderful Fool. Chester Springs: Peter Owen Publishers, 1995. Mishima, Yukio. The Sailor who Fell from Grace with the Sea. New York: Vintage International, 1993.            

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Creating a Healthy City Essay

What Would a Healthy City Look Like A healthy city would be filled with clean air and a safe and high quality environment, with all basic needs such as water, food, and shelter for all residents. There would be ample education supplied for everyone, and in turn diverse employment opportunities so that more residents will have jobs. A healthy city would have plenty of recreational areas for its residents, and a public transportation system that would help residents travel safely between home and work. There would also be a superior level of appropriate public health care services and accessibility. (Hilgenkamp 364). Like a truly healthy human body, a truly healthy community is one in which all systems function as they should, and work together to make the community function well. Obstacles to Becoming a Healthy City One of the biggest challenges in creating a healthy community coalition is to sustain the members’ involvement in the process. This challenge can be overcome in part by agreeing as early as possible on a vision for the community. Although a Healthy Cities/Healthy Communities initiative should not be top-down, it needs the commitment and backing of those with the power to make things happen. Officials can use the media to publicize the effort, pass laws and regulations (and enforce those already existing) that reinforce it, and throw the weight and resources of government behind it. Without official support, a community-wide effort is more likely to fail. Financial Issues in Creating a Health City The ultimate goal here is the development of a truly healthy community, which translates to improving the quality of life for everyone in the community. This is not done without cost. Improving existing and building new parks can be very costly. Another high cost to a healthy community is the medical  treatment of the sick without insurance. This can be a high tax burden on the citizens, which can depreciate the health value of the community. Revamping a city’s infrastructure, such as wastewater treatment and water supply can be another costly expenditure in becoming a clean city. Benefits of a Healthy City Creating and sustaining a good healthy city has many benefits. A solid healty community provides: †¢Shelter adequate to the climate, to the needs of the occupants, and to withstand extremes of weather. †¢Education for children (and often adults as well, as in the case of adult literacy) that is free, adequate to equip them for a productive and comfortable life in their society. †¢Not just food, but enough of it, and of adequate nutritional value, to assure continued health and vigor for adults, and proper development for children. †¢A stable ecosystem. Clean air, clean water, and protection of the natural environment. †¢Sustainable resources that include water, farmland, minerals, industrial resources, power sources (sun, wind, water, biomass), plants, animals. †¢Employment that provides an income adequate for a reasonable quality of life, and public support for those who are unable to work or find jobs. What is Environmental Health In order to define and completely understand environmental health, we should first break each of its components down and define them. The World Health Organization defines health as â€Å"a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.† The environment is defined as â€Å"All conditions, circumstances, and influences surrounding and affecting the development or existence of people or other living things.† (Hilgenkamp 1) Environmental health in turn is essentially how we can prevent disease and create a health-supportive environment along with its related systems. Environmental health is the understanding of how we can sustain life on the planet for all future generations to come. Healthy City’s Importance to Environmental Health The WHO defines the Healthy City as â€Å"one that is continually creating and improving those physical and social environments and expanding those community resources which enable people to mutually support each other in  performing all the functions of life and in developing to their maximum potential.† A healthy city is not about the health sector only. It includes health considerations in economic, regeneration and urban development efforts. Its primary goal is to put health high on the social, economic and political agenda of city governments. (WHO Europe) Environmental Health as a Global Concern Earth is one giant system, with four main divisions which are the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere. Hilgenkamp addressed several key reasons for environmental health being a global issue. The first issue was the world population increase. It was noted that from 1950 to 1975, the world population increased by 64%. Increasing population growth means an increased need for food and waste disposal. In order to accommodate this increase, additional land must be cleared, thus taking away additional natural resources needed to maintain oxygen and water supplies in the environment. (Hilgenkamp 25) As population increases worldwide, so do the demands for energy. This increase in energy need increase the consumption of natural resources such as coal, oil, and uranium, that in turn endanger our water supplies. It also increase the amount of power plants needed, which increases the amount of air pollution, and in turn causes increases in atmospheric temperature known as global warming. In addition to the changes in climate, global warming also increase human illness because of the rise of new diseases and the reemergence of old ones. (Hilgenkamp 27) Environmental Health as an Individual Concern Since the environment provides us with so many resources such as clean air, clean water, and nutrients, environmental degradation directly influences human health. Because humans dominate most ecosystems on Earth we have a large impact on the environment, it is therefore a responsibility of each human to do their part to maintain environmental health. Overpopulation and demands on natural resources can degrade the environment. There are ways that each of us can facilitate the preservation of the environment and conservation of its resources, such as recycling products when possible, use pollution control devices, practice new farming techniques that reduce agricultural pollution, as well as adhere to laws put in place to protect us  such as the Endangered Species Act, Clean Air Act, and Clean Water Act. References Hilgenkamp, Kathryn. Environmental Health: Ecological Perspectives. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 09/09/2005. VitalBook file. Preamble to the Constitution of the World Health Organization as adopted by the International Health Conference, New York, 19-22 June, 1946; signed on 22 July 1946 by the representatives of 61 States (Official Records of the World Health Organization, no. 2, p. 100) and entered into force on 7 April 1948. WHO Europe. Healthy Cities. Retrieved 6/10/2014 From

Monday, September 16, 2019

Motorola and Globalization

Motorola is an electronic communications pioneer and is one of the foremost designer and manufacturer of cellular phones, cordless phones, two-way radios, pagers, cable modems, broadband set-top boxes, and other communications products and systems. About 60% of its sales are from outside USA. Motorola has followed the global strategy for several decades and has used this strategy to increase business revenues. The company started to enlarge its operations outside the United States by building a plant in Mexico and marketing Motorola products in eight countries, including Japan. In 1961, an office was opened in Japan and in 1968 Motorola Semiconductors Japan was formed to design, market, and sell integrated circuits. There was an ongoing attention to  Ã‚   globalization by Motorola on Asian, Eastern European, and Latin American markets in the early 1990s. In 1993, the company announced ‘Corporate America's biggest manufacturing project in China': two plants for the manufacture of simple integrated circuits, pagers, and cellular phones. The changes at Motorola are part of a wider movement in American business   Most companies, including Motorola, are also increasing their importance on creativity and innovation, as globalization has led to increasing competition from low-cost rivals from abroad .. According to its CEO Ed Zander, â€Å"In order to compete successfully in today's global world, companies must invest in the countries they do business in, learn the ins and outs of doing business in those countries, and not view them as simply a source of cheap labor†. With such global strategy, Motorola has acquired a presence in the global market that goes further than a few marketing maneuvers. Together with Global strategy, it has inherent sincerity about supporting its customers and training its employees which have pervaded its policies as well as its budget   Motorola has   focused on customers and relationships, a respect for the work force and a strict sense of responsibility.. All of these strategies have led to its success and today Motorola is the world’s number 2 in sales of cell phone. Ed Zander on Motorola’s tech Turnaround,11/28/2005 , Working Knowledge for business leaders Archives Retrieved on 6/12 /2007      

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Time Line of the Cold War, Significant Events.

1. Timeline of the blockade, 1948: January: The US and British Zones in Berlin and the rest of Germany merged into one economic unit, known as Bizonia. March: Soviet representatives walked out of the Allied Control Commission complaining that Western attitudes made it â€Å"unworkable†. The Commission had be established in 1945, to administer all the captured zones. April: The Allied zones were included in the Marshall Plan, Soviet troops began to hold up and search road and rail traffic, that entered West Berlin. June: The Western powers announced plans to create a West German State and introduce a new currency, known as the western deutschmark, for their zones and western Berlin. The Soviet also economically retaliated by introducing its own currency, the ostmark, in the soviet zone and eastern Berlin. Late June – 24th June: Stalin openly accused the West of interfering in the Soviet zone, as a result he cut off roads, rail and canal traffic in an attempt to starve western Berlin of its resources. Stalin was trying to force the Allies to pull out of their sectors and abandon plans for separate development on their German zones. Explain the causes of the crisis; what was most important and who was to blame? The causes of the Berlin blockade between the Soviet Union and the USA can only be catergorized into two separate reasons; that being short and long terms causes. The long-term causes of the blockade: The Soviet Union had ensured that the minority of the communist group took control of their eastern zone. They tried, unsuccessfully, to secure communist control of Berlin’s city council, but was utterly crushed by the capitalist movement in a general election. The West, capitalist countries wanted to speed up the economic recovery of Germany, which had been devastated by war and was now facing serious shortages of food and fuel. The Soviet Union of course, wanted quite the opposite from the capitalist governments, their focus was to secure enough land safely and to be secured from a future attack, so there was this arising sense of pressure that was originally generated by Britain’s and the USA’s economic motivation. As Berlin was at the heart of the Soviet controlled eastern Germany, the western allies at first we granted access to their sectors by road, rail, canal and air. Stalin did not want this method of â€Å"free trade† to continue, as they were differing causes, it could be seen as a deviation from both sides main causes. Stalin also noticed that from Western Germany, it was promoting capitalism and was becoming more appealing towards the poorer, communist Germans that remained within Eastern Germany, so there was this damage towards Stalin’s â€Å"sphere of influence†. Short-term causes for the blockade: The Western Allies forged ahead by encouraging the economic recovery of their zones, especially, in providing a much-needed currency. The western zones received large quantities of â€Å"Marshall Aid†. In addition they set up free elections to establish democracy. This of course, opposed Stalin’s communist ideology, and he feared that he would loose control over eastern Berlin for good, a defence or policy of isolationism was needed to be adopted to stop the spread of capitalist influence. In Conclusion, i think both sides, that being the USA and the USSR are to blame, yes they are both opposing systems, with heavier doses of influence upon each others areas, but the truth is there is always going to be a opposing system within the depths of another parties, what it think the two largest nations at the time did was morally wrong, because as the result of their â€Å"squabbling† and decoded telegrams the German people morally suffered more than from a war they had barely survived, its people were being dragged in and out of economic systems, the fear of another war and food and medicine shortages, it was the equivalent of another war on behalf of the Germans. And if the Americans and the Soviets did have some political issues, as large powers at the time, it was their commitment to lead an example out of war, and that their differences could be solved under terms of negotiation rather than â€Å"secret telegrams† and the impression under both sides of â€Å"secret agents†, i truly think other countries at that time must have been shaking their heads – that is if they weren’t succumbed to capitalist or communist propaganda. What was Germany’s result? Germany was then confirmed as divided between the capitalist (Western sectors) to the communists (Eastern sectors), along the western side of Germany industry flourished, with loans provided by Britain and America, the vehicle and power industry thrived, creating jobs and business’ for millions of Germans. However across the border, eastern Germany was already experiencing food shortages, diseases and power outs, with all of Germany’s resources to be shared amongst its people and the Red Army, nothing was able to grow because there was no available currency, or no currencies that we worth anything. The divided sectors of Berlin were hit the heaviest, not only during the war, but amongst the Americans and Soviets, the West was kept under heavy soviet surveillance, all communication was cut by Soviet attempts between western Germany and western Berlin, they experienced food shortages, and power outs, this was shortly changed, as western Berlin received air lifts, containing food, medicine and goods to the people, and continued to do so until June 1948. Eastern Berlin was heavily damaged, soviet controlled and contained a majority of the red army along its border as an act of intimidation, the city was not repaired and its people were to share all physical possessions with the red army, to what Stalin said; â€Å"To keep the communist bonds deep within Germany†. How were relations affected? The rivalry between the East and the West was greatly increased and became obvious. It confirmed the divisions of Germany and Berlin. It led to the creation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, also known as NATO. Truman saw the crisis as a great victory, West Berlin had survived and stood up against the Soviet Union, without causing war. For Stalin it was seen as a defeat and humiliation, however this did not stop Stalin from announcing a victory on their behalf. Three key features of the German airlift: Demonstrated the relationship between the USA and the USSR, to what extent they were willing to go for Germany. How they resented each other despite the fear of another war. Communism and Capitalism could not cooperate peacefully. What were the reasons for the signing of the Nazi-Soviet Pact of 1939: During 1939, Stalin had also received visits from German foreign ministers, Ribbentrop for example, visited Stalin on the 23rd of August 1939, the sensational claim was made shortly afterwards, that the two bitter enemies had signed alliegence to one another. The Nazi-Soviet pact was both agreed by Hitler and Stalin, that the two would not fight, but secretly also agreed to divide Poland between them. It seemed shocking that the soviet Union had signed an agreement with a country, whose leader wanted to wipe out communism. But Stalin wanted to stop the attack on his country, Britain and France had a deep suspicion of the Soviet Union and Stalin believed what they really wanted for Germany and the Soviet Union to go to war, so that they would both we weakened. This pact would give both Hitler and Stalin the time they needed, for one to avoid a war on two fronts and the other to gain economic strength, and military influence across its vast population. Hitler did hate communism, but after signing the pact he knew that if he invaded Poland, he would not have to fight the Soviet Union. He did not believe that Britain and France would go to war to support Poland, so he believed that the pact would allow him to take a very large amount of Poland without war. Even if Britain and France did declare war, Germany;s eastern border was now secured by an alliance with the Soviet Union and he did not have to face the prospect of a war on two â€Å"fronts†.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

The Growing Up of John Donne in His Love Poetry

The Growing up of John Donne in his Love Poetry â€Å"Love, all alike, no season knows, nor clime, nor hours, days, months, which are the rags of time† is a quote from John Donne which talks about how love defies time however he did not always have such an optimistic view of love. John Donne was a writer in the 1700s’ who used the theme of love in quite a few of his poems. Donne can be a pessimistic poet, which often creates misunderstandings in both the theme of love and how the poem is written. Since love is so unclear and there is nothing definite about love, it makes it difficult to write about and often misunderstood says R. V. Young (251). Donne shows his love in these poems through references to physical love, the union of two souls, and journeys. These references can be seen in â€Å"To his Mistress Going to Bed,† â€Å"The Flea,† â€Å"The Extasie,† and â€Å"A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning†. One of the ways Donne expresses the theme of love is through physical love. The two main poems that refer to physical love are â€Å"To his Mistress Going to Bed† and â€Å"The Flea. Donne’s poem â€Å"To his Mistress Going to Bed† is about the speaker trying to convince a women to remove her clothes by saying â€Å"Off with that girdle, like heaven's zone glittering, / But a far fairer world encompassing. / Unpin that spangled breast-plate, which you wear† (lines 5-7). The speaker talks in great detail about his wishes for this woman to remove her clothing even though the woman does not want to. In order to comfort her, he says â€Å"there is no penance due to innocence† (line 46) meaning that removing her clothes is an innocent act and not a sin; therefore there is nothing for her to fear. In this poem, the speaker does not say that he loves this woman; he only refers to the physical relationship he wishes to have with her and how happy he is to share a romantic encounter with her but not looking to further any relationship that may follow together. The speaker says, â€Å"My mine of precious stones, my empery; / How am I blest in thus discovering thee! † (lines 29-30) which is the speaker’s way of expressing his happiness created by being with this woman while also complementing her on her beauty and power over him. Donne ends â€Å"To my Mistress Going to Bed† by saying, â€Å"To teach thee, I am naked first; why than, / what needst thou have more covering than a man? † (lines 47-48) which gives off the impression that the women gave into the speaker’s temptations and removed her clothing. The other work of poetry that discusses physical love is â€Å"The Flea† which has a very obscure plot line that contains an ambiguous way of symbolizing physical love shared between two romantic partners. In this poem, the speaker once again is trying to persuade a woman to participate in an expression of physical love by saying that â€Å"me it suck'd first, and now sucks thee, / And in this flea our two bloods mingled bee† (lines 3-4) meaning the flea had bitten him and his partner causing their blood to be combined, which in his time â€Å"signifies loss of virginity through heterosexual copulation† (Mansour 7), but the woman refuses his advances. The speaker then tries to comfort the woman, like the previous poem,  by saying â€Å"thou know'st that this cannot be said / A sin, nor shame, nor loss of maidenhead† meaning that it was not sinful or shameful to express physical love however the woman still refuses his advances. The woman reacts to the speaker’s attempts to persuade her into physical love by eventually killing the flea. By killing the flea it showed that her answer was not going to change and that she wished the speaker to stop pressuring her (7). Donne also has many poems that deal with the theme of love that instead of referencing physical love; they reference the topic of two souls becoming one and show Donne’s desire for a deep connection which was not seen in â€Å"To his Mistress Going to Bed† and â€Å"The Flea. †. The topic of two souls becoming one can be seen in the poems â€Å"The Extasie† and â€Å"A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning†. Donne's works when looked at collectively cover a variety of topics and experiences. Donne does not limit himself to one category or care if one poem contradicts another. This can be seen when comparing â€Å"The Extasie† and â€Å"To his Mistress Going to Bed† (Young 251). â€Å"The Extasie† refers to the souls uniting and becoming one as the purest form of love, while â€Å"To his Mistress Going to Bed† holds physical love as the most important aspect in a relationship. Donne’s concentration on showing how two souls uniting is the purest form of love causes physical love to seem unimportant. â€Å"The Extasie† begins with a description of two people sitting on a river bank with their hands â€Å"firmly cemented† (line 5) while their â€Å"eye-beams twisted† (line 7). They laid there all day â€Å"like sepulchral statues† (line 18) saying nothing. This description shows the deep connection the two people already have without physical love. Their love is deeper and more substantial then physical because it is emotional love. â€Å"The Extasie† is about having a relationship before engaging in the act of physical love. Donne holds this relationship up on a high pedestal at the beginning of the poem then the tone changes when they say â€Å"Our bodies why doe wee forbeare? They'are ours, though they'are not wee; Wee are / The intelligences, they the spheare. † (lines 51-53) and talk about possibly engaging in physical love so that they truly can become one soul. They later decide they need to engage in physical love â€Å"so soul into soul may flow† (line 60), however, their act of physical love is different because they have a relationship, and it means more than if they were to engaged in physical love without a prior re lationship. According to Donne, this unity of the souls is supposedly more gratifying than the physical love itself. The flowing of souls is used to represent how, if there is a deep connection, the physical love does not seem to matter as much anymore. This idea of having a deep connection before engaging in physical love contrasts the concepts mentioned in â€Å"To his Mistress Going to Bed† and â€Å"The Flea† because in this poem Donne does not mention this connection that he holds up so highly in this poem. The other poem that mentions the idea of souls becoming one is â€Å"A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning† which is a goodbye poem to his wife before he leaves on a journey. The speaker considers his wife to be his soul mate, and in this poem, he tells her that their souls are one soul, hinting at the deep connection there is between the two. The speaker mocks how â€Å"ordinary love† needs to be close and not capable of dealing with distance. The speaker tells his wife that if she is able to cope with the distance it will make their love stronger when he returns. In this poem, Donne uses the image of souls becoming one not to show how the deep connection is related to physical love, but how the deep connection makes their love stronger (Levchuck 207). The speaker says â€Å"Our two souls therefore, which are one, / Though I must go, endure not yet† (lines 12-13) meaning that because they are one soul, the distance will be easier to deal with and they will come out stronger, which is very important to the speaker. Having a strong relationship is a desire that was not present in â€Å"To his Mistress Going to Bed† and â€Å"The Flea† so the readers begin to see Donne’s opinions toward love change and how important this union of souls is becoming to him. â€Å"A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning† is also used when talking about physical journey, but actually meaning an motionally journey. Journeys are a topic mentioned in John Donne’s love poems. â€Å"A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning† is a poem that discusses the use of journeys in Donne’s love poetry. †A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning† is the speaker’s way of giving his wife reassurance before leaving her for a long period of time while he went off on a trip. The poem is meant to comfort her by comparing their love to â€Å"the way virtuous men behave at the moment of death† (Pipkin 212) which may appear to be a dark message, but the poem is actually meant to show the deep connectedness of the lover. The speaker says that even though they will not be close because he leaving on a journey, their love will survive and be even stronger when he returns. The speaker does not â€Å"tear-floods, nor sigh-tempests move† (line 6) because the speaker believes that if she cries or shows sadness, it means their love is not as deep as he thought it was as he wants to say their love so resilient that no distance could tear them apart (Bussey 1). The poems says â€Å"Moving of th’earth brings harms and fears† (line 9) meaning that his moving brings up some fears that the speaker does not want. The speaker wants their love to be exceedingly strong and to be able to with stand any dilemma they face together. Throughout this poem the speaker seems to really stress the point of having a strong relationship. This want for a strong faithful relationship is significantly greater in â€Å"A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning† then when mentioned in â€Å"The Extasie†. John Donne’s opinions have changed vastly since his writing about his desire for physical love now; Donne now desires for a strong and faithful relationship. Though â€Å"To his Mistress Going to Bed,† â€Å"The Flea,† â€Å"The Extasie,† and â€Å"A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning† John Donne expresses references to physical love, the union of two souls, and journeys. Donne mentions physical love in â€Å"To his Mistress Going to Bed† and â€Å"The Flea. † In these the reader sees an immature version of Donne and his desire for the expression of physical love. In â€Å"The Extasie†, and â€Å"A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning† which discussed the union of two souls, the readers begins to see a more sophisticated side of Donne. Donne begins to see to there is more to love then physical love and the importance of a relationship. Also in the â€Å"A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning† the readers see this concept of journeys. This concept of journeys and moving past the idea of love being the emotion felt just on the surface and more a deep connection with a strong relationship shows how much Donne’s idea and perception of love has since change from his poems about physical love.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Thesis on the book Vox by Nicholson Baker Proposal

On the book Vox by Nicholson Baker - Thesis Proposal Example He further presents that the book could not have been published at a better time considering that this is currently an era shadowed with AIDS and other forms of self exploration. When the two main characters in the book get together through technology, they seem to have begun a new kind of hands-on relationship that is less risky and greatly influenced by technology (ODonnell, 2011: The Encyclopedia of Twentieth-Century Fiction). The book remarkably describes the activities that actually takes place in the real world for instance, it is a common occurrence for most young adults to meet at adult parties and establish a sexual relationship on that instant as it was the case with Abby and Jim, the two main characters in Vox. Baker employs a rather bold technique in describing the unfolding of events between the two especially in which they open up to each other in what first appears to be some form of striptease that gradually turns out into a passionate revelation of truth and fantasies. A careful analysis of Vox will also bring into the readers realization that youths in the contemporary societies do not have any regard in initial courtship and will only focus their minds on sexual activities. In his book, Baker also tries to reveal that there are a number of media through which sexual activities can be perpetrated within the society such as through the phone as evident through the two main characters in the book (Fuller, 1996: Media-mediated relationships: straight and gay, mainstream and alternative perspectives). Considering that sex is part and parcel of humanity right from the time of the ancestors up until now, the novel has considerably strived to present just how this natural human need has continued to be a focal point in our contemporary cultures just as it was in the past. As such, the book therefore presents us with an issue that stirs a mixture of

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Law Notes on Behalf of The Peoples Republic of Zambeziland Essay

Law Notes on Behalf of The Peoples Republic of Zambeziland - Essay Example The PRZ asks the commission to take into account whether or not it has jurisdiction over this matter since Article 56(5) requires that all local remedies are exhausted, unless it can be shown that there is the excessive delay. As the African Commission previously decided, governments should have an opportunity to remedy human rights violations prior to being ‘called to account by an international tribunal’. No national remedies have been pursued by Zapo notwithstanding the fact that the PRZ has been working with the IMF and the World Bank as a means of addressing the consequences of the national disaster. Thus a claim that there is the exemption to the exhaustion of remedies’ requirement on the grounds that there are no adequate remedies would fail. With respect to derogation, the Banjul Charter does not address the issue of derogation at all and thus it neither forbids derogation nor does it set standards for derogation. Therefore, the only reasonable explanation for this omission is that the Banjul Charter expects derogation to be regulated by customary international law.   Under the fiduciary theory of human rights, states may derogate from non-peremptory human rights norms during emergencies as long as such derogation is intended to ensure ‘secure and equal freedom’. Derogation is therefore recognized as a means by which the state takes action for the good of the people and not as a means of advancing the interest of the state. Specifically, under international law, Article 62 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties 1969 provides specific guidance on the issue of derogation. To begin with, where termination or withdrawal from a treaty is not provided for in a treaty, states may withdraw from the whole of the treaty.6 In particular a change of circumstances in relation to circumstances existing at the time of subscribing to a treaty can justify withdrawal from a treaty.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The efficiency of teaching Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

The efficiency of teaching - Essay Example While talking about the affective considerations, one can not simply skip the theory of reflective judgement. The three level model of Van Manen’s curriculum development, in which emancipatory ideals are to question and analyse the assumptions, values and presuppositions as a means of interpreting the nature and quality of educational experience requires much attention at this juncture. (as cited in A. Moon, 1999, p. 17) A teacher’s feeling at home in the class room which was considered at the outset as an awkward moves by the author was understood quite effective later as the teacher completely absorbed herself in the situation with her students. (Van Manen, 1995, p. 46) Imagine a little boy or girl asking scores of questions with the parent. Is the kid a teacher and the parent a pupil? The flow of knowledge in this example is undoubtedly from the person who answers. Like that, if pupils in classroom were allowed or even obligated to ask questions, can’t we exce l in our pedagogy? The traditional notion that teaching is imparting knowledge in one direction has a long time back faded. Early in 1970s the didactic authoritarianism dispensing instant learning surfaced the point of evolutionary realisation. Many advocates of discovery learning began to see teacher more as observers than as participants in the transactions of classrooms. (Stones and Morris, 1972, p. 52) In conventional teaching methods teachers simply forced the students to be more attentive to acquire knowledge.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Simone Weil regards Christianity as a religion for slaves. What does Essay

Simone Weil regards Christianity as a religion for slaves. What does she mean by this, and is it a justified claim - Essay Example universe good outweighs evil†¦ Thus the object of this certitude is an eternal and universal dispensation constituting the foundation of an invariable order in the world. Diving Providence is never represented in any other form, unless I am mistaken, either in the sacred texts of the Chinese, the Indians, and the Greeks, or in the Gospels. She believed that such pseudo-universal religious idea was significantly transformed by the Romans in their unique and odd acceptance of Christianity, with historic outcomes: â€Å"†¦ when the Christian religion was officially adopted by the Roman Empire, the impersonal aspect of God and of Divine Providence was thrust into the background. God was turned into a counterpart of the Emperor.† Weil believed that the ideas of nationalism of the Jews and the Romans were the same—both were cruel, profane, and agnostic, both supported the exploitation and persecution of the inferior by the superior. Associated with this sameness of outlooks was a shared subject matter in the spirituality or worship of the two groups. Both the Romans and the Jews, regardless of their dissimilarities in other aspects, had a similar idea of slavery, essential to the cosmological beliefs of both people. The Jews believe that: In the texts dating from before the exile, Jehovah’s juridical relationship to the Hebrews is that of master to his slaves. They had been Pharaoh’s slaves: Jehovah, having taken them out of Pharaoh’s hands, has succeeded to Pharaoh’s rights†¦ He orders them indifferently to do good or evil, but far more often evil, and in either case they have to obey. It matters little that they should be made to obey from the basest motives, provided that orders are duly executed. With regard to the Romans, â€Å"Such a conception as this was exactly on a par with the feelings and intelligence of the Romans. With them slavery had undermined and degraded all human relations.† Therefore, Weil claimed, in addition to the

Business development plan. This requires you to demonstrate that you Essay

Business development plan. This requires you to demonstrate that you learnt from the management theory from the lectures and se - Essay Example The book store is located at Gloucester road in Bristol, UK. The study also took help from secondary sources such as â€Å"Love Gloucester Road† website in order to understand nature of business operation for a book store (Love Gloucester Road, 2013). Currently the book store operating in brick and mortar format but the owner of the book store is considering of changing from its traditional business into e-commerce. The store offers books on various topics ranging from Science, Commerce, Management, Fictions and Non-fictions. Target customers for the book store are students, professionals, senior citizens of local community. The book store earns significant amount of revenue by selling second-hand books to customers. It has been realized by the owner of the bookstore that floor space of the store is too small to accommodate large set of customers at a particular time hence they are planning to sell books through an online platform in order to cater to the demand of large pool of customers in systematic manner. Sweeney (2006) has pointed out that small businesses move into e-commerce platform for three reasons such as 1- creating brand awareness, 2- decreasing overhead cost and 3- competing with big players in the market. In the last decade itself, there has been a surge in second hand book selling in England, which can be a very prospective market to harp on. Industry trend is showing that demand for e-books, kindles and epub files is growing at steady rate for last five years (Davenport, 2012). Companies like Amazon, eBay have changed the concept of brick and mortar book stores by introducing online bookstores. Online bookstores are providing facilities like home delivery, cash on delivery and others which have helped them to create a large consumer base within last few years. Being a part of this ever changing book industry, every business house must try and adopt itself to suit the needs of customers who prefer online shopping over traditional brick a nd mortar retail shopping. Therefore, an online portal will give this book industry a common platform where all customers can mingle, interact and most importantly buy and sell books with the click of a button. It takes minimal effort and cost for a small book store to e-commercialize its business. For example, e-commercialization can help a book store to decrease various overhead costs such as maintenance cost, rent, electricity charges and wages. It is evident from the above discussion that lower overhead cost caused by e-commercialization can help a bookstore to adopt penetration pricing strategy in order achieve competitive advantage over other book stores. An online transformation has innumerable benefits, and one of it is its global reach. A physical store somewhere in Gloucester will only cater to customers from its surroundings, but an online business has no boundaries and people from all across the globe are its potential customers. An online business has numerous other ben efits apart from reach and cost. It is much faster than the traditional method of business with faster transaction process, faster inventory management and faster information storage. An online shop never closes down contrary to the ordinary shop, which has its fixed timings when it remains open. One of the 4 Ps of marketing is Place, and every business strives to enhance it by broadening its distribution channels and its temporal and spatial convenience. An online portal fulfils just