Saturday, August 3, 2019

Execution of the Mentally Retarded Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive E

Execution of the Mentally Retarded Stories regarding terrorism and war plaster every news broadcast, newspaper, and television show in the country; however, there has recently been a story that has become just as important, and is being focused upon by almost every state in our nation. The story regards the issue of execution and if it is wrong to execute those who are considered mentally retarded, due to the Constitution’s Eighth Amendment. The amendment states that â€Å"Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted† (â€Å"Eighth Amendment†). Due to this amendment, I believe it is not only constitutionally wrong, but also morally wrong as well to execute those who are mentally retarded. According to an article written by Linda Greenhouse of The New York Times, entitled, â€Å"Top Court Hears Argument of Execution of Retarded†, Daryl Atkins was convicted for the 1996 shooting death of Eric Nesbitt, an airman at Langley Air Force Base who was kidnapped from a Virginia 7-11 store by Akins and another man, William Jones. This case has brought about one of the most perplexing and intriguing questions to the U.S. Supreme court regarding criminal punishment; should Daryl Atkins, who was convicted of murder and who has been sentenced to death, be executed even though he is mentally retarded? I believe that he should not be executed, due to the fact that it would be considered cruel and unusual punishment killing someone who is mentally retarded, which is against the Eighth Amendment to our Constitution. Atkins has an IQ of 59, which is equivalent to that of a 10-year-old child (Curriden). He made C’s and D’s in middle school and flunked out of high school. He has neve... ...2002. Greenburg, Jan Crawford. â€Å"Justices Give Little Clue to Leaning on Death Penalty for Mentally Retarded.† Chicago Tribune 20 February 2002 pK0362. 2 March 2002. Greenhouse, Linda. Top Court Argument on Execution of Retarded. 21 February 2002. The New York Times. 26 February 2002 Myers, Jennifer. â€Å"Death Penalty for Mentally Retarded May Slide off High Court’s Docket Again.† Daily Business Review v76 i160. 28 January 2002 pA12. 2 March 2002. Stout, David. Execution of Retarded to Be Reviewed by Supreme Court. 20 February 2002. The New York Times. 26 February 2002 â€Å"U.S. Supreme Court.† 10 March 2002.

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