Saturday, August 31, 2019

Shared memory MIMD architecture

Introduction to MIMD Architectures:Multiple direction watercourse, multiple informations watercourse ( MIMD ) machines have a figure of processors that function asynchronously and independently. At any clip, different processors may be put to deathing different instructions on different pieces of informations. MIMD architectures may be used in a figure of application countries such as computer-aided design/computer-aided fabrication, simulation, mold, and as communicating switches. MIMD machines can be of either shared memory or distributed memory classs. These categorizations are based on how MIMD processors entree memory. Shared memory machines may be of the bus-based, drawn-out, or hierarchal type. Distributed memory machines may hold hypercube or mesh interconnectedness strategies.MIMDA type of multiprocessor architecture in which several direction rhythms may be active at any given clip, each independently taking instructions and operands into multiple treating units and runing on them in a coincident manner. Acronym for multiple-instruction-stream.multiple-data-stream.Bottom of Form( Multiple Instruction watercourse Multiple Data watercourse ) A computing machine that can treat two or more independent sets of instructions at the same time on two or more sets of informations. Computers with multiple CPUs or individual CPUs with double nucleuss are illustrations of MIMD architecture. Hyperthreading besides consequences in a certain grade of MIMD public presentation every bit good. Contrast with SIMD. In calculating, MIMD ( Multiple Instruction watercourse, Multiple Data watercourse ) is a technique employed to accomplish correspondence. Machines utilizing MIMD have a figure of processors that function asynchronously and independently. At any clip, different processors may be put to deathing different instructions on different pieces of informations. MIMD architectures may be used in a figure of application countries such as computer-aided design/computer-aided fabrication, simulation, mold, and as communicating switches. MIMD machines can be of either shared memory or distributed memory classs. These categorizations are based on how MIMD processors entree memory. Shared memory machines may be of the bus-based, drawn-out, or hierarchal type. Distributed memory machines may hold hypercube or mesh interconnectedness strategies.Multiple Instruction – Multiple DataMIMD architectures have multiple processors that each execute an independent watercourse ( sequence ) of machine in structions. The processors execute these instructions by utilizing any accessible informations instead than being forced to run upon a individual, shared informations watercourse. Hence, at any given clip, an MIMD system can be utilizing as many different direction watercourses and informations watercourses as there are processors. Although package processes put to deathing on MIMD architectures can be synchronized by go throughing informations among processors through an interconnectedness web, or by holding processors examine informations in a shared memory, the processors ‘ independent executing makes MIMD architectures asynchronous machines.Shared Memory: Bus-basedMIMD machines with shared memory have processors which portion a common, cardinal memory. In the simplest signifier, all processors are attached to a coach which connects them to memory. This apparatus is called bus-based shared memory. Bus-based machines may hold another coach that enables them to pass on straight with one another. This extra coach is used for synchronism among the processors. When utilizing bus-based shared memory MIMD machines, merely a little figure of processors can be supported. There is contention among the processors for entree to shared memory, so these machines are limited for this ground. These machines may be inc rementally expanded up to the point where there is excessively much contention on the coach.Shared Memory: ExtendedMIMD machines with extended shared memory effort to avoid or cut down the contention among processors for shared memory by subdividing the memory into a figure of independent memory units. These memory units are connected to the processsors by an interconnectedness web. The memory units are treated as a incorporate cardinal memory. One type of interconnectedness web for this type of architecture is a crossbar shift web. In this strategy, N processors are linked to M memory units which requires N times M switches. This is non an economically executable apparatus for linking a big figure of processors.Shared Memory: HierarchicalMIMD machines with hierarchal shared memory usage a hierarchy of coachs to give processors entree to each other ‘s memory. Processors on different boards may pass on through inter nodal coachs. Buss support communicating between boards. We us e this type of architecture, the machine may back up over a 1000 processors. In calculating, shared memory is memory that may be at the same time accessed by multiple plans with an purpose to supply communicating among them or avoid excess transcripts. Depending on context, plans may run on a individual processor or on multiple separate processors. Using memory for communicating inside a individual plan, for illustration among its multiple togss, is by and large non referred to as shared memoryIN HARDWAREIn computing machine hardware, shared memory refers to a ( typically ) big block of random entree memory that can be accessed by several different cardinal treating units ( CPUs ) in a multiple-processor computing machine system. A shared memory system is comparatively easy to plan since all processors portion a individual position of informations and the communicating between processors can be every bit fast as memory entrees to a same location. The issue with shared memory systems is that many CPUs need fast entree to memory and will probably hoard memory, which has two complications:CPU-to-memory connexion becomes a constriction. Shared memory computing machines can non scale really good. Most of them have ten or fewer processors.Cache coherency: Whenever one cache is updated with information that may be used by other processors, the alteration needs to be reflected to the other processors, otherwise the different processors will be working with incoherent informations ( see cache coherency and memory coherency ) . Such coherency protocols can, when they work good, supply highly high-performance entree to shared information between multiple processors. On the other manus they can sometimes go overladen and go a constriction to public presentation.The options to shared memory are distributed memory and distributed shared memory, each holding a similar set of issues. See besides Non-Uniform Memory Access.IN SOFTWARE:In compu ting machine package, shared memory is eitherA method of inter-process communicating ( IPC ) , i.e. a manner of interchanging informations between plans running at the same clip. One procedure will make an country in RAM which other procedures can entree, orA method of conserving memory infinite by directing entrees to what would normally be transcripts of a piece of informations to a individual case alternatively, by utilizing practical memory functions or with expressed support of the plan in inquiry. This is most frequently used for shared libraries and for Execute in Place.Shared Memory MIMD Architectures:The distinguishing characteristic of shared memory systems is that no affair how many memory blocks are used in them and how these memory blocks are connected to the processors and address infinites of these memory blocks are unified into a planetary reference infinite which is wholly seeable to all processors of the shared memory system. Publishing a certain memory reference b y any processor will entree the same memory block location. However, harmonizing to the physical organisation of the logically shared memory, two chief types of shared memory system could be distinguished: Physically shared memory systems Virtual ( or distributed ) shared memory systems In physically shared memory systems all memory blocks can be accessed uniformly by all processors. In distributed shared memory systems the memory blocks are physically distributed among the processors as local memory units. The three chief design issues in increasing the scalability of shared memory systems are:Organization of memoryDesign of interconnectedness websDesign of cache coherent protocolsCache Coherence:Cache memories are introduced into computing machines in order to convey informations closer to the processor and hence to cut down memory latency. Caches widely accepted and employed in uniprocessor systems. However, in multiprocessor machines where several processors require a transcript of the same memory block. The care of consistence among these transcripts raises the alleged cache coherency job which has three causes:Sharing of writable informationsProcedure migrationI/O activityFrom the point of position of cache coherency, informations constructions can be divided into three categories:Read-only informations constructions which ne'er cause any cache coherency job. They can be replicated and placed in any figure of cache memory blocks without any job.Shared writable informations constructions are the chief beginning of cache coherency jobs.Private writable informations constructions pose cache coherency jobs merely in the instance of procedure migration.There are several techniques to keep cache coherency for the critical instance, that is, shared writable informations constructions. The applied methods can be divided into two categories:hardware-based protocolssoftware-based protocolsSoftware-based strategies normally introduce some limitations on the cachability of informations in orde r to forestall cache coherency jobs.Hardware-based Protocols:Hardware-based protocols provide general solutions to the jobs of cache coherency without any limitations on the cachability of informations. The monetary value of this attack is that shared memory systems must be extended with sophisticated hardware mechanisms to back up cache coherency. Hardware-based protocols can be classified harmonizing to their memory update policy, cache coherency policy, and interconnectedness strategy. Two types of memory update policy are applied in multiprocessors: write-through and write-back. Cache coherency policy is divided into write-update policy and write-invalidate policy. Hardware-based protocols can be farther classified into three basic categories depending on the nature of the interconnectedness web applied in the shared memory system. If the web expeditiously supports broadcast medium, the alleged Snoopy cache protocol can be well exploited. This strategy is typically used in individual bus-based shared memory systems where consistence commands ( invalidate or update bids ) are broadcast via the coach and each cache ‘snoops ‘ on the coach for incoming consistence bids. Large interconnectedness webs like multistage webs can non back up airing expeditiously and hence a mechanism is needed that can straight frontward consistence bids to those caches that contain a transcript of the updated information construction. For this intent a directory must be maintained for each block of the shared memory to administrate the existent location of blocks in the possible caches. This attack is called the directory strategy. The 3rd attack attempts to avoid the application of the dearly-won directory strategy but still supply high scalability. It proposes multiple-bus webs with the application of hierarchal cache coherency protocols that are generalized or extended versions of the individual bus-based Snoopy cache protocol. In depicting a cache coherency protocol the undermentioned definitions must be given:Definition of possible provinces of blocks in caches, memories and directories.Definition of bids to be performed at assorted read/write hit/miss actions.Definition of province passages in caches, memories and directories harmonizing to the bids.Definition of transmittal paths of bids among processors, caches, memories and directories.Software-based Protocols:Although hardware-based protocols offer the fastest mechanism for keeping cache consistence, they introduce a important excess hardware complexness, peculiarly in scalable multiprocessors. Software-based attacks represent a good and competitory via media since they require about negligible hardware support and they can take to the same little figure of annulment girls as the hardware-based protocols. All the software-based protocols rely on compiler aid. The compiler analyses the plan and classifies the variables into four categories:Read-onlyRead-only for any figure of procedures and read-write for one procedureRead-write for one procedureRead-write for any figure of procedures.Read-only variables can be cached without limitations. Type 2 variables can be cached merely for the processor where the read-write procedure tallies. Since merely one procedure uses type 3 variables it is sufficient to hoard them merely for that procedure. Type 4 variables must non be cached in software-based strategies. Variables demonstrate different behaviour in different plan subdivisions and hence the plan is normally divided into subdivisions by the compiler and the variables are categorized independently in each subdivision. More than that, the compiler generates instructions that control the cache or entree the cache explicitly based on the categorization of variables and codification cleavage. Typically, at the terminal of each plan subdivision the caches must be invalidated to guarantee that the variables are in a consistent province before get downing a new subdivision. shared memory systems can be divided into four chief categories:Uniform Memory Access ( UMA ) Machines:Contemporary unvarying memory entree machines are small-size individual coach multiprocessors. Large UMA machines with 100s of processors and a shift web were typical in the early design of scalable shared memory systems. Celebrated representatives of that category of multiprocessors are the Denelcor HEP and the NYU Ultracomputer. They introduced many advanced characteristics in their design, some of which even today represent a important milepost in parallel computing machine architectures. However, these early systems do non incorporate either cache memory or local chief memory which turned out to be necessary to accomplish high public presentation in scalable shared memory systemsNon-Uniform Memory Access ( NUMA ) Machines:Non-uniform memory entree ( NUMA ) machines were designed to avoid the memory entree constriction of UMA machines. The logically shared memory is physically di stributed among the treating nodes of NUMA machines, taking to distributed shared memory architectures. On one manus these parallel computing machines became extremely scalable, but on the other manus they are really sensitive to data allotment in local memories. Accessing a local memory section of a node is much faster than accessing a distant memory section. Not by opportunity, the construction and design of these machines resemble in many ways that of distributed memory multicomputers. The chief difference is in the organisation of the address infinite. In multiprocessors, a planetary reference infinite is applied that is uniformly seeable from each processor ; that is, all processors can transparently entree all memory locations. In multicomputers, the reference infinite is replicated in the local memories of the processing elements. This difference in the address infinite of the memory is besides reflected at the package degree: distributed memory multicomputers are programmed on the footing of the message-passing paradigm, while NUMA machines are programmed on the footing of the planetary reference infinite ( shared memory ) rule. The job of cache coherence does non look in distributed memory multicomputers since the message-passing paradigm explicitly handles different transcripts of the same information construction in the signifier of independent messages. In the shard memory paradigm, multiple entrees to the same planetary information construction are possible and can be accelerated if local transcripts of the planetary information construction are maintained in local caches. However, the hardware-supported cache consistence strategies are non introduced into the NUMA machines. These systems can hoard read-only codification and informations, every bit good as local informations, but non shared modifiable informations. This is the separating characteristic between NUMA and CC-NUMA multiprocessors. Consequently, NUMA machines are nearer to multicomputers than to other shared memory multiprocessors, while CC-NUMA machines look like existent shared memory systems. In NUMA machines, like in multicomputers, the chief design issues are the organisation of processor nodes, the interconnectedness web, and the possible techniques to cut down distant memory entrees. Two illustrations of NUMA machines are the Hector and the Cray T3D multiprocessor.www.wikipedia.comhypertext transfer protocol: // searchkeys=MIMD+architecturehypertext transfer protocol: // transfer protocol: //

Disaster mitigation in Naga City

The city of Naga is located in the Isle of Luzon in the Philippines. Situated at about 377 km south of Manila, Naga City lies at the center of Camarines Sur, which is the biggest province in the Bicol region. The city has a total area of 77. 5 sq. kms. The city is located along the typhoon belt and therefore prone to tropical storms and typhoons throughout the year. It is also deemed vulnerable to floods, and earthquakes (Pineda & Buan, 1998). In the Naga City area, there are different kind of floods which periodically plays havoc in the city.Apart from floods from the major river Bicol, flash flood from Naga River too devastates the region. Besides river floods, there are periodic storm surges from the sea as well. Frequent inundation of the city and loss of agricultural land is a common phenomenon in the region. 1 Disaster management plan When natural disasters occur, the rate of survival and rescue of property would depend upon how efficient the emergency response operation is. Th e region is expanding very fast and the same trend will continue in the future as the Naga city is the center for commercial, educational, and industrial sectors in Bicol region.Disaster management plan is all the more relevant for this disaster prone city, because with tremendous growth rate, the likelihood of causality figures is expected to go up, if planned measures is not undertaken (Westen, 2007). Delayed and poor management of disaster could result in great deal of loss, both of human and property. Naga city has a much thought out disaster management and mitigation plan to cope up with the threat of natural calamities, which plagues the region (Pineda, & Buan, 1998).In seeking to ensure that their community could grow and prosper in a sustainable manner, Naga city officials sought to ensure a close link between hazard mitigation and land use planning. Following a study to determine the priority areas of attention, they crafted a strategy to manage hazards and to prevent envir onmental degradation in order to uplift the quality of urban life. A coordinated set of activity was formulated in the Naga City Disaster Management Project (NCDMP). NCDMP became the focus of the city’s evolving disaster risk management initiatives.It’s major concern was to identify risk reduction measures that could help the residents, while also promoting the importance of awareness and city planning for potential hazards that could threaten the city. As the first model city in the Philippines, Naga City used its projects to help strengthen the capacity of its citizens to develop and implement disaster mitigation standards and practices (United Nations, 2004).Diasater reduction initaitives Naga City authority realized that losses and damages to properties due to disaster 1. http://library. witpress. com/pages/PaperInfo. sp? PaperID=14311 could be avoided with proper planning, and attention towards relocating centers of. economic activity and settlements in safer area s. Through the development of community based surveys, with technical data provided by the weather service flood forecasting division, hazard mapping was carried out. In their planning for disaster risk reduction measures, the local authorities maximized the use of GIS. GIS also helped them determine which areas of the city would most likely become flooded. Accordingly, city officials targeted specific households for evacuation.After the identification of the vulnerable areas, the Naga City local authority made plans to shift the economic activities from low lying flood prone areas to elevated and less risky areas of the city. The local authority promulgated a five year developmental plan, whereby new land use laws and economic incentives have been made and new areas have been developed into growth centers. Coping strategy after Durian Durian is the fourth typhoon that hit Philippines within a span of three months. Worst hit by the typhoon was the areas near Mayon volcano, located a t the south east of Manila. The typhoon wrecked havoc in Camarines, Sur, Albay, and other provinces in the region.Termed as super typhoon, it submerged the provinces of Albay, and caused several villages near the Mayon volcano to be completed buried due to mudflows and landslides. Immediately after the typhoon, the Provincial Disaster Coordination Council (PDCC) together with pertinent agencies, and individuals initiated relief operations on war footing for the affected families. The persons affected by flood were moved to the evacuation centers and essentials and food items were distributed in a coordinated manner.The Provincial office along with regional center for health development coordinated the work of vaccination, drinking water testing, regular health assessment, deployment of environmental health sanitation team, and needed supplies of essentials and medicines. Rehabilitation of water and electricity infrastructures was implemented with speed and efficiency. 3 Conclusion T he typhoons in Philippines in 2006 wrought havoc in Naga City and nearby areas. The massive destructions caused by these typhoons were an eye opener for the authorities. The government has leant a lesson, albeit in a bitter way.Precautionary measures have been taken now on a massive scale, and not later. The typhoon Durian in Philippines could have caused less causality if there were timely intervention of the authorities to move the people of flood prone area to safer elevated area. As there is the possibility of disasters happening any time, people near the Mayon volcano have been shifted several times right after the warning of some impending disaster, which is perhaps the only way to prevent causality and loss of property. In this the city has set an example.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Frankenstein or his creature? Essay

† This is Frankenstein’s first descriptions of the creature after it has been â€Å"born†, we can see that at first the describes the monster with words such as having beautiful features, then he goes on to repeat the word making it seam like he is being sarcastic, then he says â€Å"Great God! † This is short and effective sentence, which makes the reader, think that he does not think that his creature is beautiful, but in fact ugly and disfigured. The way that Shelley put this phrasing together, making it a long sentence, makes us think that Frankenstein is thinking carefully about his words, choosing them carefully. Here it is that he realises that the full extend of his arrogance and naivety. He describes his emotions after the event as † The beauty of the dream had vanished, and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart. † He then rushed out of the room and into his bedroom, the events and how he describes how he is feeling, makes the reader’s of today think that he is experiencing what we today would call a nervous breakdown. Luckily, his friend Clerval comes to his rescue and nurses him better. Even as he is on the better side of his recovery, he does not bear to think about what he has done, if he even thinks about it he starts to shake and tremble. Shelley here is describing how we all would feel if we had done something wrong, a sort of guilt of knowing that one has done something that one should not have done in the first place. In the next chapter, we have a letter from Elizabeth, telling Frankenstein of a Justine Moritz, this letter goes into great detail of this characters past, as Shelley is wanting the reader to find out, as she did with Walton in the beginning, this particular characters past. We hear of how her father had died and he mother had almost disowned her. Is this another coincidence that Justine is left almost parentless, as her relationship was never very good with her mother? In this letter we also hear of Frankenstein’s youngest brother William, who we find out in the beginning of chapter seven is dead, another coincidence? We do not here of the creature again until chapter ten, when Frankenstein meets the creature, the language changes considerably in the way that we now feel that it is more formal and almost biblical. It feels like the creator, or God is talking to its’ creation, Adam. The creature then goes on and it tells it’s tale in chapter’s eleven through to chapter seventeen. It tells us how it learnt to read and write from the people living in the cottage, how it was rejected by society. This is an interesting point that Shelley makes, one of her father’s philosophies was that you could not separate a human being from society, which is exactly what Shelley does with the monster, and also in a way what she does to Frankenstein when he is in the process of creating the monster itself. The creature also speaks of how he becomes angry and cannot understand his emotions. He tells Frankenstein of how he read his diary that he left behind in his home, how he felt about some of the things that Frankenstein said about him, and how he feels about being made from dismembered bodies. After the creature finishes telling his story, we recognise how the creature and Frankenstein speak similarly, they both use complex sentence structures and they know how to talk about how they feel emotionally. We can sympathise with the creature on an emotional level, because of the way the book is written. Shelley, very cleverly, gave the book three viewpoints. From the view of Walton, Frankenstein and of the creature. This gives us an insight into how the creature’s mind works, so we can empathise with how he is feeling, so we do not get a one sided view of him from Frankenstein. We get to understand why the creature feels angry and also that the creature does not see what he is doing as wrong. He does not care about killing William or framing Justine, he describes her as â€Å"Another one I could not have. † This in his eyes, made her just as guilty as every other person for not accepting him. He says â€Å"I am malicious because I am miserable,† this is the creatures’ justification for killing people. He also resents Frankenstein for abandoning him after his â€Å"birth† like a child would if its’ father left it after or before its birth. The creature sees Frankenstein very much as its, father. This is not what Frankenstein wants, and he is now thinking about the coincidences for his actions, even though now, he cannot do anything about it. The creature says, â€Å"I am chained in an eternal hell. † Here the creature describes his life away from society, he describes it as his version of â€Å"hell† because that is how most people would hate to live. Nobody likes to feel alone in the world. At the end of the book, the creature weeps to the death of his â€Å"father†, when Frankenstein dies, he is most grievous though, about the fact that Frankenstein never gave him a name, and he feels that his name is very important. In some cultures of the world if you commit a crime your name can be taken off you, this is felt more of a punishment as being outlawed or being sent to prison. T In conclusion, I still think that Frankenstein is the most monstrous. Even though the creature killed innocent people, it can by saying it didn’t know better, justifies its’ actions, also I think that Frankenstein has a part to play in this because the creature never asked to be born. It was out of arrogance and out of naivety that Frankenstein thought that he could get away with creating life and not having to live with the consequences, much I think how some people act towards life today. I think that this story still plays a part in today’s world. I think that this story has a moral, and that the moral of the story is, â€Å"You should always think before you act. † You should always think about the repercussions of your actions. If everybody thought a little bit more about what they were doing and how it would affect other people, the world would be a much better place for us all to live in. Rebecca Wood 10/4 Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Mary Shelley section.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Positivism-the key to success Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Positivism-the key to success - Essay Example ot on an individual’s ability to ascribe positive outcomes to one’s aspirations, for it is eventually up to a person as to how one chooses to shape one’s life. The paper brings together the arguments for and against how positive thinking brings success, and then comes to a conclusion that positive thinking it actually a key to success. To confirm this, the paper highlights the way I shaped my life and how I achieved success in personal endeavors by using positivism as the key to success. Since my childhood, I always positively looked forward to any task, problem or challenge that came my way. I was somehow always confident about being successful, irrespective of the fact that at that time I did not know what it meant to be positive. I simply believed that being happy while facing life would bring me success and fulfillment. For instance, I represented my state in national swimming competitions. I knew that in case of an athlete, one has to be very strict with one’s training hours and diet. However, my personal passion for success went beyond training and proper diet. Before participating in a competition, I strongly believed that I was going to win, and I simply imagined myself on the podium with coveted medals and trophies. I think it was primarily owing to this positive attitude on my part that I managed to win many competitions. In high school I was always hopeful and positive about achieving what I aspired to achieve. The remarkable fact is that when you seek good, you are very likely to find it (Peale 1). I just immersed my consciousness in the goals I wanted to attain, and never stopped until I realized them as Peale explain also. For instance, I am a triplet and I have a brother and a sister. Many a time people happen to believe that all the three of us will think and act the same. However, realistically speaking, this is not true. The three of us spent our childhood together. In fact, in high school, we three were in the same class, taught by the

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Music and social consciousness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Music and social consciousness - Essay Example ntain a balance, these conflicting traditional achievements and the negotiation between the dual pull of past historical significance and present political meaning several new voices from outside the United States has entered in the past and even today one can see their attribute in the contested public sphere, trying to do new justice to African-American expressive culture. They address themselves to the conflict-ridden discursive traditions in the push and pull of ascription and achievement. Individually, these new studies cover much new ground, but when placed in conversation with each other and with past debates, they help us in mapping the territory in which black music acquires its political place and its cultural meaning. Among his impressive achievements of six solo rap albums, over 30 singles, significant roles in six movies and a body of poems anthologized, is his Hit song â€Å"Changes†. Tupac was clearly a performer with multi-dimensional abilities whose contributions to his art deserved to be the best for studying from a variety of disciplinary perceptions. â€Å"The music, sounds, and lyrics from some of Hip Hop’s most talented writers and performers have resulted in what has undeniably become the one cultural institution that urban youth rely on for representation, honesty keeping it real and leadership.† (Walter Edwards) Tupac Shakur’s song â€Å"Changes† presents a reflection of the today’s darker music influence on a life which is suffering in the rough battleground of urban poverty, coupled with the social and political ideas of Black Americans. However his main emphasis is upon the central behaviors which is focused on Blacks, including its rich vernacular language, its hooligan subculture and the crime, violence and nihilism which result from poverty and social neglect. All he has talked about in his song â€Å"Changes† is the humiliating attitude of Americans towards blacks. He focused on two main things, â€Å"Poverty† and â€Å"the fate of

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Management Position Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Management Position - Research Paper Example The purpose of this paper is to describe how companies can use sustainability in their operations strategy. The concept of sustainability is not a fad. It is a sound strategy that can be used by companies to achieve long term success. There many corporations such as Colgate that have implemented sustainability as a long term strategy. Colgate’s long term sustainability strategy is focused on three areas: people performance, and planet (Colgate, 2012). This firm has integrated sustainability into its operations by investing in production technologies that lower its consumption of water and electricity. The world is currently in the middle of an energy crisis due to the high dependence on petroleum. A sustainability practice that benefits companies by lowering its operational costs is energy savings initiatives. There are various alternative energy technologies such as solar and wind energy that can partially or completely supply the electricity needs of a business. Utility comp anies will pay corporations for the excess energy that is produced by these systems. A simple operational solution that can save a lot of money in energy is switching all the light bulbs in a company to LED bulbs. Lowering the gasoline consumption of the fleet of vehicles of a corporation is another sustainable practice that can pay off great dividends. This can be achieved by switching the firm’s fleet of vehicles to hybrid and electric cars. Companies that have their own trucks can apply logistics techniques to minimize the time in transit of the trucks. A way to achieve that is by placing warehouses near the places where the most business occurs. Human resource practices can also help in the implementation of sustainability. Car pooling policies force employees to share a ride with each other. A major environmental problem that our society faces is the excessive amounts of garbage that is produced daily by the actions of individuals and corporations. Luckily sustainability is one of the solutions that can help alleviate the problem. An operational sustainability practice that can be used to improve the profitability of a company is green packaging. Green packaging can be achieved by using recyclable or environmentally friendly materials to package products. Companies that use recyclable material in their packaging are able to save money because typically the majority of recycled materials are cheaper. â€Å"It is now cheaper to recycle an aluminum can into a new can than it is to make one from virgin material, and the same is becoming true for plastic bottles† (Strom, 2012). Engineers can also use ergonomics to design packages that minimize the total use of material. A 5% decreases in total material usage for a company that generates millions of units yearly can represent a saving of thousands of dollars. Sustainability can be applied in the production process of businesses. A lot of industrial processes generate pollution. Companies have to a pply engineering principles to develop production processes that lower pollution. Air and soil pollution are two big problems that must be attended by corporations. It is often challenging to lower pollution and the problem is more complicated and complex than what people think. â€Å"Because industrial activities are so different, one from the other, it is impossible to arrive at any single solution—

Monday, August 26, 2019

Comic Books in America and Japan Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Comic Books in America and Japan - Case Study Example The most vital demographic within the society are the children and youth. These active societal members have a greater impact towards future development. However, children are the most sensitive group within the society because they are at the developmental stage that is affected through influences from the majority of the aspects within the society. Moreover, the age is the most active in leisure activities because they require the socialization aspects that develop their intellectuality. The development and the children have been dependent on the presented values within the family and the environment that they hail from. Various societies present differentiated challenges to create a tradition f the nature these children relate to the accorded aspects. The group relations and the activities that these children engage in during their leisure time have influence their developmental attributes (Turow 2008, p159). Most children are involved in games that are both presented in technolog ical aspects and creative social groups. The most applied measures have been in comic books that have witnessed increased use in children. Comic books are either locally created or imported and often follow a similar fictional plot that children have associated with and identified easily (Gravett 2004, p13). Comic books have been boosted by technology as the children have accessed comic plots through the internet in computers and mobile phone. Both America and Japan have witnessed the increased trend of comic books use in children, and the regions depict a variation in behaviour as the entity presents impacts to their development. Japanese manga and American Comics Overview These two countries have been presented with similarities and exchange of intellectual development since the Second World War. The comic book prevalence in the two countries has been evident in the inclusion of super heroes in the fictional writings. The term has always been the comic book in America and the incl usion of manga in Japan. The argument is placed that the creation of the American comic books and super heroes influenced the creation of the manga characters. This fictional society has offered entertainment to an increasing audience, that has been noticed to incorporate children who are influenced in the fictional society in varied measures. The comparison in the traditional definition of both comics and manga are included in their significance to the publication industry. Comics had been developed in the American societies, in the thirties, when the superhero aspect gained popularity. They have since affected the creation of the Japanese manga that have borrowed on the ideology of creation based on the intuition of stars like Batman and Superman. Japanese production of the manga has been larger as compared to the American comic industry occupying a total of 40% in the total publication production. This is because the composition of the manga contents has been dynamic and to cover an increased scope as compared to the comics. The interest has increased among the users who have incorporated the application of the Japanese comic in their entertainment. Consequently, comic books plot has been developed to increase the creativity and involvement of the youth and children as compared to the manga that are a universal story influence. The argument has been placed that the Japanese manga have presented greater influences as compared to the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

World Religion---If you are not religious, what are your views on Essay

World Religion---If you are not religious, what are your views on religion - Essay Example Furthermore, as religion has been part of life and sometimes people may be hiding in it while carrying on with heinous activities. At the same time, religion provides a chance or people to reflect on events taking place in their life’s, their meaning and where they are going. It helped bring one’s self or being in a settled place where he or she functions harmoniously with the minimal domination of the runway mind, bodily function and emotions. Therefore, this is one of the major reasons for people engaging in one religion or another so that they can gain direction in their daily lives. Most of the books that have been written in different religions are the writings of the ancient people that have been put together from some of the finest writers of their time. Thus, it serves as a guideline for the human life by guiding on what to do and how to do it. At the same time, the books give accounts of the activities that took place in the past, the kind of lifestyle people had at that time. Therefore, the books cannot be termed as a message from the supernatural powers. At the same time, I believe that there is a rebirth and reincarnation of people in different forms thus there is continued life on earth and not elsewhere. As a non-believer, I really do not believe in any one religion as being superior to another. However, I respect others people beliefs and whatever that they may want to do to satisfy their spiritual needs. Treating others with love, kindness, respect and love makes life more fulfilling at the end of the day. In addition, one always has to find meaning in their lives through various ways, and everybody ought to respect that. Although in my opinion, I believe that religion has denied a number of people an opportunity of discovering a lot in their personal relationship and existence. Religion does not allow people to question most of its teachings and lets people just believe in whatever that had been laid down in each particular religion.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Software Quality Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Software Quality Management - Essay Example The requirement elicitation process for this set of work products was done through several methods like, interviewing end users, conducting workshops on identifying requirements, brainstorming, use cases, role plays and developing a demo of the final product. Additional work products were found for each main product of the basic set and were detailed on how they contribute to the achievement of the outcome. The report is structured with the detailed description of how the requirement analysis for each work product attributes to the successful implementation of each attribute of the outcome. This is followed with the findings of additional work products and their relationship with the basic set. Finally the report is concluded with the analysis of additional characteristics, if any, for each of the work products in the basic set. The first of the basic set of work products that was analyzed was the Spreadsheet software. One of the examples of spreadsheet software was Gnumeric. This deliverable was chosen since it was able to meet the expectations of the end users. The software was able to perform the required functionalities at par with other existing software of same kind. The requirement elicitation of the Gnumeric software was done through brainstorming technique and conducting a research on the requirements of the user needs. The analysis on the post-requirement elicitation process shows that the attributes of the outcome were met successfully. The process of how it met is explained below. (n.d. ,2009) Initially the planning was done among the management levels. The planning was ultimately divided into business, program and project. Once the planning was done, the requirement analysis was documented. The clients were interviewed and brainstormed to identify all possible requirements that they want the software to do. These include the conversion of any kind of data files to CSV or ledger based accounting table format. These requirements were base lined and were documented. They had a version control manager associated with the development team. This had the control of updating the software as and when any changes are done. The software had a help feature which would send the reports of any errors or runtime exceptions to the change management group. This ensured that customer faced bugs are fixed. The online help care associated with the software development team ensured that the customer's needs and future updates are done at the earliest time. (Demiriirs, E. et. al. 1998) The additional work products that help in achieving the entire functionality of the Gnumeric are histogram tool and Image filling work product. These work products helped to achieve the baselined requirements of creating charts from source data. Their special characteristics are that they are easily updatable and platform independent.Requirement Elicitation of Calculator software. The basic criteria for the selection of FreeCalc software in Calculator category, was that it was able to exceed the functionalities and expectations of other work products in the same category. This product detailed on the requirements category, met with the

Friday, August 23, 2019

Open university assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Open university assignment - Essay Example Private bills make up majority of the bills but are rarely passed compared to government bills and there are three ways to introduce a private member bill to the house. The first is where member put names in a ballot once per session and the ones who are chosen are given time to introduce the bill it is referred to as the private members ballot. The second is the Ten Minute rule where members are given ten minutes to outline the proposed new piece of legislation. The third is where standing order 57 where a bill is introduced without debate prior to a one day notice to the table notice (Craig, 2007). A bill goes through several stages before it becomes law; the first stage which is a formality is called the first reading. The second reading is where it is debated and may be voted in or voted out. The committee evaluates the bill clause by clause where further consideration comes. The speaker then decides on which amendments are to be debated. After the house has considered he bill the passage of motion follows and no further amendments are made this is where the third reading comes into play. The bill is read to the house for the third time and it must now be voted by the House of Lords, passage of the bill to one house it is taken to the other house. If the bill is passed by the two houses in similar form it’s then taken for the sovereign assent .The final stage is where the royal gives the assent and the bill becomes law. Delegated legislation refers to la w that is not passed through the act of parliament. The empowering act gives a minister delegated power to pass a law. Delegated law is usually made through signing by the minister or a senior member of the civil service who creates it though in some cases verbal assent from the queen is important. Most of the delegated legislation is created using statutory instrument where it is

Computational modeling of cerebellar model articulation controller Dissertation

Computational modeling of cerebellar model articulation controller (CMAC) and it's application - Dissertation Example It will address simulations of the cerebellum and neural networks to accomplish biped robot leg and control leg swing in environments with obstacles, in multi output, non-linear systems. According to Miller, Glanz, & Kraft, the cerebellar mode articulation controller (CMAC) can serve as a substitute method to back propagation (Miller, Glanz, & Kraft, 1990). The method includes a footstep planning strategy that is based on the Q-learning concept for biped robot control in dynamical environments. The effectiveness of major problem solving methods in control robot technology research is also of central focus. Predictable and unpredictable dynamic obstacles encountered in the system, such as memory usage, are discussed and a strategy to overcome these obstacles is presented. The empirical analysis includes identification of likely Cerebellum Model Articulation Controller (CMAC) problems in specific environments, inputs and outputs, and viable solutions. The aim of this research is to pre sent a HCAQ-CMAC model that provides memory size and footstep planning solutions for the biped robot in a dynamic environment. Table of Contents ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...2 ABSTRACT†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦....3 Contents†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.4 List of Figures†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦6 List of Tables†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦..9 Chapter 1 Overview†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..10 SECTION 1.1 Timeline of development†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦10 Section 1.2 The cerebellum†¦...12 subsection 1.2.1 INPUTS†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ .14 subsection 1.2.2 OUTPUTS†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.14 subsection 1.2.3 CEREBELLAR CORTEX†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.15 CHAPTER 2 Brain Computer Interface (BCI) INPUT AND OUTPUT†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...16 Section 2.1 Neural Networks †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦19 Section 2.2 Q-Learning AND FUZZY CMAC†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.22 Chapter 3 theory†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦. 28 Section 3.1 The cerebellar mode articulation controller (CMAC)†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 28 Section 3.2 CMAC Hierarchically Clustered Adaptive Quantization†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.34 subsection 3.2.1 Mossy Fibers†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.36 Section 3.3 CMAC for design of Biped Robot†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 38 subsection 3.3.2 heuristics†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦40 CHAPTER 4 fOOTSEP pLANNING; fUZZY q†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â ‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦44 section 4.1 Control Strategy for obstacle Avoidance †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Combination in the adjective Essay Example for Free

Combination in the adjective Essay Another feature of gothic novels, which helps to create the grim atmosphere, is the weather. Weather in gothic literature is normally cold and wet, adding to the dullness of the environment. The Hound of the Baskervilles features lots of references to cold, wet weather, reinforcing the feeling of gloom. In chapter 9, Dr. Watson refers to a cold night wind. This phrase creates an ominous feeling as the two adjectives convey to the reader darkness and bleakness. Dr. Watson also speaks of the dull moaning of the autumn wind which sets a depressing atmosphere because of the heavy initial consonant and vowel combination in the adjective. The mysterious and long oan sound makes the setting seem intimidating. Moaning can reflect pain, which links to the idea of the moor being a dangerous place to be. The phrase also shows Conan Doyle using personification, which has a strong effect on the reader as it makes elements seem human, therefore powerful, and perhaps uncontrollable. Nature is a strong force in itself though, so the personification could be designed to show the reader that even nature can seem in pain in these bleak and wild locations. The wind talked about in this sentence is another common characteristic in gothic novels, where weather conditions appear harsh and hostile. In the extract from Dr. Watsons diary in chapter 10, he writes, rain poured down. Describing the wet weather, poured tells us that the rain is heavy and the harsh p sound emphasises the harshness. Also from Dr. Watsons diary in chapter 10 comes this tempestuous and melancholy day. The word melancholy is also used repeatedly in the novel to reinforce the impression of the bleak landscape; it gives the whole setting a thoroughly depressing feel. Tempestuous adds to the sombre feeling of weather but also generates a sense of tension as tempestuous means stormy and violent. Such weather conditions, it could be argued, are reflected in the nature of some of the characters- a technique called pathetic fallacy. The Hound of the Baskervilles contains many of the typical weather conditions that are seen in gothic literature therefore, in this sense, the Hound of the Baskervilles could be classed a piece of gothic literature. A feature of the landscape included in The Hound of the Baskervilles is a place called Grimpen Mire. This is a boggy area upon the moor where people are liable to sink. Dangerous places like this are often evident in gothic novels and add to the dire atmosphere of the text. The mire is talked about mainly in chapter 7 where Stapleton is informing the other characters about the mire. When Dr. Watson first enquires about the mire Stapleton replies a false step yonder means death to man or beast. Here Stapleton is saying that it is a dangerous place for man and animal alike and so the statement creates a very grim mood. Further into chapter 7 Stapleton says, It is a bad place the great Grimpen Mire. The shortness of this sentence increases the impact of it, as it gives the impression that there is no doubt and that the statement is fact and cannot be challenged. The adjective bad clearly shows that it is a dreadful place and the word great suggests that it is a vast area. Combined, these words help the sentence to increase the miserable tone of the novel. Also, in chapter 7 Stapleton describes the mire again as the impassable mire. Impassable gives a sense of danger to the phrase and the harsh ss and im sounds suggest a strange, mysterious ambience. Harsh or difficult terrain occurs frequently in gothic novels and the descriptions set a mysterious and grim tone. This depressing atmosphere is also apparent in The Hound of the Baskervilles therefore I would class it as a piece of gothic literature. One factor of The Hound of the Baskervilles that distinguishes the novel as a piece of gothic literature relates to the locations featured within it. Buildings in gothic novels have a distinct style of architecture that includes points; arches; crenellated walls; partitioned and stained glass windows and the buildings are often raftered. The way buildings are described in gothic novels often creates an eerie atmosphere and usually causes the buildings to seem spooky because of the dark dà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½cor creating a heavy and oppressive atmosphere. Many of theses characteristics are shown in The Hound of the Baskervilles. The two main buildings in the novel are Baskerville Hall and Merripit House. These two locations are described when the characters first arrive at Baskerville Hall in chapter 6 and when they first visit Merripit House in chapter 7. Primarily the buildings are described through the observations of Dr. Watson. The general feeling of these buildings is a creepy one. At the beginning of chapter 6 Dr. Watson describes the outside of Baskerville Hall by saying weather-bitten pillars. Pillars are a common feature of gothic buildings and the fact that they are weather bitten shows that they are old and also reinforces the idea of hostile weather conditions. The harsh tt sound within bitten emphasise the hostile weather conditions and give the impression that the outside of the building is rough and imposing. Also in chapter 6 Dr. Watson observes, The whole front was draped in ivy and ivy-covered walls frequently appear in gothic novels and are usual of gothic buildings. Ivy covered walls give a blanketing effect and the image created by an ivy covered wall gives a gloomy impression. Later in chapter 6 DR. Watson talks about the towers of Baskerville Hall: the twin towers, ancient, crenellated, and pierced with many loo pholes. Crenellated walls of towers appear regularly in gothic architecture and are often featured in gothic novels because they add to the impression of the buildings being towering and forbidding. Further into chapter 6 Dr. Watson describes Baskerville Hall as large, lofty and heavily raftered. The oak paneling of the building is also depicted in chapter 6 through Dr. Watsons observation huge balks of age-blackened oak and the oak paneling. Oak paneling and heavily raftered rooms often occur in gothic architecture and are common features of gothic buildings. They also make the rooms in gothic buildings seem very dark causing a negative impression. High, thin window of old stained glass is dr. Watsons account of the windows. Dr. Watson also depicts the windows in chapter 7, high mullioned windows. Something that is mullioned is vertically partitioned. Stained glass and partitioned windows are common in gothic buildings. Another feature Arthur Conan Doyle uses to help create an eerie atmosphere is a reference to shadows. In chapter 6, Dr. Watson depicts the shadows within Baskerville Hall, long shadows trailed down the walls and hung like a black canopy above him. This simile helps create the depressing and spooky atmosphere. The elongated sound of ong within the adjective long gives a depressing impression and the adjective dark creates a spooky image. During chapter 7 Dr. Watson describes Merripit house by saying the effect of the whole place was mean and melancholy. The words mean and melancholy emphasise the dreary atmosphere of the location as melancholy means sombre and the definition of mean is harsh. Dr. Watson also says There were large rooms furnished with an elegance. The large rooms and elegant furnishings mentioned are common of gothic style buildings, both of these features help to create a majestic atmosphere and show that the building is posh reinforcing the fact that the characters who own it are wealthy. I can conclude, from the fact that the buildings featured in The Hound of the Baskervilles contain so many features of gothic architecture, and from the negative atmosphere and impression the descriptions of the buildings create, that the novel is a piece of gothic literature, which was written, in the gothic period.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Summary and Perspective on Why Privacy Matters

Summary and Perspective on Why Privacy Matters Adam L. Haller Abstract This paper will summarize and give opinion based reactions to the TED Talks video by Glenn Greenwald titled Why privacy matters. The talk is based around why privacy is important, and examines revelations by whistle blower Edward Snowden and comments by CEOs of large internet based companies and the impact surveillance can have on privacy and peoples actions in general. Keywords: Privacy, Glenn Grinwald, TED Talks Summary and Perspective on Why privacy matters Technology, Entertainment and Design (TED) talks are short talks designed to spread free thinking ideas. The typical format is in a conference where a presenter talks about a concept or issue in a short, but informative manner. The time limit imposed is 18 minutes or less, with a few minutes for questions and observations by the moderator. The TED talks piece I choose is titled Why privacy matters which was recorded at the 2014 TEDGlobal in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. Glenn Greenwald opens the dialog by describing an entire genre of YouTube videos which include individuals expressing behavior under the assumption no one can see it. He points to a few example activities dancing, singing, etc. Then the moment hits, when the actor realizes they are not alone and someone is watching. I like every other human being has experienced this at some point or another. Whether it is getting caught signing in the shower when you thought no one else was home, or something as Glenn describes that was caught on video and posted to the internet. Human beings by nature will behave differently depending on the presence of others, as well as the surrounding environment. In these examples the outcome is a minor amount of embarrassment for the person who expressed themselves as if no one was watching. Glenn goes on to further identify how global government entities have, converted the Internet, once heralded as an unprecedented tool of liberation and democratization, into an unprecedendented zone of mass, indiscriminate surveillance.. He supports this argument referencing the leaked reports by government whistle blower Edward Snowden. I agree with his characterization of the current state of the internet. After the devastating attacks of September 11, the sitting president at the time George W. Bush signed into law the USA PATRIOT act. This law to protect American lives, allowed the current state of the internet and government intrusion into digital communication. He goes on the identify a world view taken on by many people. The good people and the bad people. He likens the bad people to terrorists such as the ones who hijacked planes and decimated thousands of lives on that fateful September day. The good people as being the mother who surfs the web looking for new recipes, or the father who uses the internet to research a family outing. I can identify with this feeling as before watching this TED talk I was one of these people. I thought to myself my online activity contains no nefarious intent, I have nothing to hide, and no reason to fear some government analyst reviewing my google searches or internet postings. This is also based on my own assumption that viewing any of my related activities would be nothing more than a waste of government time, and with all the bad people out there they must have more valuable targets to asses. This is the sort of thinking that has been impressed on us by those who have instituted these controls. Glenn goes on to point out that even the naysayers who proclaim they dont value privacy. Often, act in a way that contrary to these words. One example is the CEO of Google who was quoted in a 2009 interview as saying, If youre doing something that you dont want other people to know, maybe you shouldnt be doing it in the first place. Eric later showed how his privacy was important when a CNET article titled Google balances privacy, reach was published in 2005 which resulted in a companywide directive to no longer communicate with the internet magazine. This shows me that I am not alone in my feelings about privacy, when I think about digital privacy I use the lens of not looking at my privacy but another persons. Once it is your own privacy being invaded, the action taken may not be in line with your previous statement of I have nothing to hide and dont care. A great point Greenwald goes on to make is to people such as myself who take this stance. When he gives people an email address, and asks them to send him all their authentication information for both work and personal email addresses. So, he may, just troll through what it is youre doing online, read what it is youre doing online, read what I want to read and publish whatever I find interesting. After all, if youre not a bad person, if youre doing nothing wrong, you should have nothing to hide. This statement really hit me because looking at my own life, I do consider myself to not be bad person or having anything to hide but the feeling of willingly letting someone else go through my personal correspondences leaves a sinking feeling in my stomach. Looking back at my own email accounts and they contain personal communications between myself and my wife and other family. Additionally, I have even found notes to ­ myself, which include reminders or places I need to go on my ride hom e from work. Although this information to me is not bad in nature, who knows if what I wrote could be flagged by some government agency as a thought crime. Could an inside joke made between me and my wife be construed as something else? Quite possibly it could open the door for more scrutiny on my online activities which stretches to my family, loved ones, friends, and casual acquaintances. Every human has some form of a secret, the secret inherently isnt something that is bad or destructive in nature. Glenn makes a good point, of stating that there are just certain things like views on specific topics, religion, or anything in that matter that people would rather keep private. He goes on the examine how the overtone of constantly being watched can hinder the way a person behaves. To add credence to this point, he brings up the 18th century philosopher, Jeremy Bentham. Bentham instituted an architectural design known as the panopticon. The panopticon is a building design that allows for viewing of individuals, but the individuals do not know if they are truly being watched. In this case the individuals being observed have the knowledge that they could be observed at any point. This institutes as Bentham himself described it as, a new mode of obtaining power of mind over mind, in a quantity hitherto without example.. What he was saying that the mere knowledge of the indi viduals that they could at any given time be being observed help curve their behavior to be in line with the institutions rules. Glenn goes on to describe how this reasoning has been a common place theme in society for much of recorded history. He observes that this power of mind over mind has been used similarly by the Abrahamic religions. He says that they employ this method using, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦an invisible, all-knowing authority who, because of its omniscience, always watches whatever youre doing, which means you never have a private moment, the ultimate enforcer for obedience to its dictates. The main difference I would argue, is the Abrahamic religions use a base moral system, and the all-knowing being is one which followers of these religions believe to be a higher power. One that is above reproach when it comes to ethics, morals, and the like. There is a difference between an all-knowing being, and a government entity ran by other human beings. The last points he makes are about the overall realm of privacy and the mindset that comes with the lack of privacy. He explains, that the argument made by proponents of privacy is that only those who are doing something wrong need to be worried about privacy. Looking through the lens of right and wrong is different from your point of view. For instance, in some places you can be put to death for doing some heinous act. In others, the people believe that murder is murder and that all killing is wrong regardless of what act has been committed. The idea that anyone seeking privacy is doing something bad doesnt quite work with the current world. It takes a black and white approach to an issue which deserves to be observed in shades of grey. Glenn points out that to a normal citizen something bad may be a terrorist attack, but to a government agency something bad could be expressing an idea that conflicts with those in powers. Even though we have the right to freedom of speech, and expre ss our own ideas our own actions could be altered because of the surveillance currently being used. Looking back in history, how would women activists or those fighting for civil rights been viewed by those in power at their times. What sort of additional hurdles would have this sort of surveillance caused to those people? No one can know the answers for sure, but it is something to ponder. References Last Name, F. M. (Year). Article Title. Journal Title, Pages From To. Last Name, F. M. (Year). Book Title. City Name: Publisher Name

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Alternatives to Prison in Dealing with Offenders

Alternatives to Prison in Dealing with Offenders Assess the alternatives to prison in dealing with offenders We live in a society that is screaming for help. When it comes to a medical illness that a doctor can cure, he is allowed to go through great lengths to provide the best care possible. The same applies to the government who relies on the prison system to maintain law and order in dealing with offenders in order to live in a peaceful society. The idea for the use of a prison as a whole is to rehabilitate and, in most cases, restructure the way of living so that, when released, a person is better off in society than behind bars. However, there are several alternatives to prison that can be considered according to the offence committed. A well known alternative to prison is the system of fines. Fines are known as monetary sanction imposed upon a convicted offender which can vary according to where the crime was committed and the gravity of the crime. Offences which warrant a fine are classified according to the level of seriousness; the more serious offence obviously refers to a higher fine. This method is normally used for small offences committed. Fines are not considered appropriate for murder, rape, serious drug offences, aggravated robberies, and major re-offences by any member state. Any offence carrying a maximum prison sentence of at least three years in Croatia, any ‘intentional violent crime’ in Moldova, and any war crime conviction in Bosnia Herzegovina cannot be dealt with by a fine.(2010) However, this method did not prove to be quite effective since it concludes that if people could afford the fine, the punishment would not be effective, and where people could not pay the fine, it was lik ely that their family would suffer the financial consequences. Pre trial detention is the time period that an offender is incarcerated between being arrested and his trial.Detentionis only supposed to be used so as to ensure that the person will not pose a danger to other people. It undermines the chance of a fair trial and the rule of law in a number of ways. People in pre-trial detention are particularly likely to suffer violence and abuse. Without the protection of law, and isolated from their family, it is difficult to withstand such pressure. High rates of pre-trial detention are also contributing to prison overcrowding, poor prison conditions and growing the risk of torture. Pre-trial detention has a hugely damaging impact on defendants, their families and communities. Even if a person is acquitted and released, they may still have lost their home and job. They face the stigma of having been in prison when they return to the community. Unfortunately, in many countries pre-trial detention continues to be imposed systematically on those susp ected of a criminal offence without considering whether or not it is necessary, or whether less intrusive measures could be applied. A good alternative to prison is education as it has the potential to be a major driver of rehabilitation. At best, it opens prisoners’ minds to new possibilities and ways of understanding that can give them a way out of the cycle of reoffending. It can also have positive effects elsewhere, for example by raising prisoners’ skills so that they are more likely to be able to access a stable job after release, which in itself will help with reintegration. Considered more broadly, courses that encourage prisoners to think in a different light about family and other personal relationships may lead to better communication within families and a more positive, stable home environment. Education helps one broaden his mind and also helps a person to think more positively. Due to an advancing technological world, a new way of dealing with offenders has been found. The use of electronic monitoring was first applied in a criminal justice case in England and Wales in 1989, when a man was granted bail on condition that he ‘voluntarily agreed’ to have a device attached to him (Lilly and Himan, 1993:1)119 The use of electronic monitoring is becoming increasingly widespread and is now used to monitor over 10,000 offenders in Europe on any given day. Where it has been established, electronic monitoring of a curfew has become an ever-more important part of criminal justice systems and is used at various stages of criminal cases: as a condition of granting bail before trial; as a sentence in its own right; and as a condition of early release from prison. When an offender is monitored electronically, a tracking device is fitted to their ankle and a monitoring unit is positioned in the person’s house or other place of curfew. Currently, the equ ipment is based on radio frequency technology where the tag acts as a transmitter. The tag sends signals to the monitoring unit which in turn send signals to a control centre. Dick Whitfield stated that one common thread that can be observed within Europe is that the growth of EM has been ‘very largely politically driven(2007) much more than most criminal justice developments.( It means it is also politically more vulnerable, too’. This method is mostly used for small offences; this also helps to control prisons in a better way since many small offenders can stay at home with this device. It is also safe since the offender will not be able to move a long distance due to this electronic tag. A good prison policy aiming at the social reintegration of prisoners is an important factor when considering the social life of an offender after imprisonment. Even though the purpose of a prison sentence is to punish offenders and put them where they can do no harm, while preparing them for subsequent release and reintegration into society, , imprisonment does not achieve the second objective as a large number of former prisoners reoffend within five years of their release. There are many causes for this, including socialisation to prison culture, lack of family support, lack of education and vocational training and social prejudices. Spending many years in prison may be a factor in de-socialisation as it very often destroys prisoners’ ties with their families, friends and the rest of society. The chances of successful social reintegration also depend on the nature of the offence committed and the sentence served. In this connection, the possibility of alternatives to impriso nment for petty offenders might be social integration. Community service has proved to be an effective solution while dealing with offenders. Judges can sentence defendants to perform unpaid community work called community service to repay a debt to society for having committed the offense. The defendant may be required to perform community service in addition to receiving some other form of punishment, such as probation, a fine, or restitution. In 1992, Zimbabwe introduced Community Service(2004). Very quickly this alternative proved itself to be more humane, less expensive and a more efficient response to crime. An example of community service would be: Someone convicted of persistently dropping litter may be sentenced to pick up litter, or a convicted drunk driver may be required to appear before school groups to explain why drink driving is a crime and an ethical breach. This in fact makes the offender realise that whatever offence he committed was wrong. Therefore this method psychologically helps the offender to be a responsible ci tizen instead of ruining his life by going to jail. Death penalty can be considered as an option while dealing with offenders. This form of punishment has in fact been banned in many countries due to the beliefs of each of them, for example, a country might have religious beliefs about taking the life of someone as something wrong. However, it is not always the case since the offender must have done something which is not humane to deserve this form of punishment. If someone may allow himself to rape/kill/murder another person, then why should he be allowed to stay alive? This form of punishment has been a debatable one over years; yet many do not believe in it. Death penalty should actually be applicable to offenders who commit serious offences who would instead have a lifetime imprisonment as punishment. This would also increase the economic budget of a society which would have to spend unnecessary money on such offenders; this money could instead be used to reduce poverty. We certainly cannot have a specific alternative to prison in dealing with offenders, but we can surely choose the best punishment according to the offence committed. This would help to reduce the number of criminals in our society since many of the offenders stand a chance of being re-integrated in the society instead of becoming a worse person by going to jail. References 1. Loffmann.M, Morten.F. (2010)  Investigating Alternatives to Imprisonment.[online] The Quaker Council for European Affairs.  Place of publication: Europe. Available from- 2. Whitfield Dick, Electronic Monitoring: Ethics, Politics and Practice, keynote presentation 10 May 2007 in the Netherlands [on-line], accessed 10 December 2007, available at: EM 07 whitfield.pdf 3. PRI(2004) Alternatives to imprisonment, Pre-trial justice, Prison conditions, Rehabilitation and reintegration[online] . Available from:

Monday, August 19, 2019

Censorship in America Essay -- Ethics, Piracy

Piracy has become a major issue in the United States. For every motion picture that has been featured in theaters also has been pirated onto the Internet the next day, and for every new musical album that is released, yet there is a free torrent file of the album within the same hour. Even though these online pirates steal music and movies from other companies and make a drastic profit, yet these â€Å"rogue† websites receive 53 billions visits a year from across the globe according to Creative America. The persistence of the thieves that break copyright laws of the productions has lead the entertainment business to place a definitive complaint to the U.S. government of the constant notion of piracy. While the notion of piracy was not left unseen, yet the government plans to establish laws that will cripple the exploitation of information throughout every Internet service provider in the country. The movement of this bill is the Protect IP Act and the Stop Online Piracy Act, o r better known as PIPA/SOPA. Some citizens also know this act as the movement of Censorship in America. One of the main supporters of the Protect IP Act and the Stop Online Piracy Act is the entertainment business such as movie and music companies. The motion picture industries believe that the Protect IP Act and the Stop Online Piracy Act should be supported. Motion picture industries such as Disney, Viacom, Time Warner and other leaders in the industry believe the government will be causing an expedient amount of money flow within the country. U.S. Congress will also be saving jobs in the United States by enforcing this bill throughout the movie industry. About 60% of U.S. exports come from the entertainment industry, and usually generates about 33% of U.S. GDP... ...l-become-law/>. Content Theft: The Big Picture. Creative America, 30 Nov. 2011. Web. 11 Dec. 2011. Estes, Adam C. "The Web Collectively Protests Congress's Censorship Law - Technology." The Atlantic Wire. 16 Nov. 2011. Web. 11 Dec. 2011. . "Internet Censorship: Anti-Piracy Group Blackmails ISPs to Censor The Pirate Bay." Web log post. Censorship in America. Ed. Sean. 5 Dec. 2011. Web. 11 Dec. 2011. Mastnek, Mike. "Entertainment Industry Still Can't Get Grassroots Support For SOPA/PIPA, Resorts To Trying To Buy Support | Techdirt." Techdirt. 8 Dec. 2011. Web. 11 Dec. 2011. .

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Evolution :: essays research papers

Evolution is a force than nothing can escape. Communities evolve constantly and although there is no standard of where a society should be at any given moment, communities evolve individually. Then in reaction to a developing community, people grow and change. Then in reaction to people evolving the tools that people use develop. This constant evolving usually happens so gradually and slowly that it is hard to detect. As we look back we can see the evolution is a major component of our lives. By focusing mainly on what a person needs to be an active member of society in the New England area we can see exactly how evolution takes its toll on us. Comfort, necessity and luxury are a constantly changing aspect of our society.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As we look deeper into the constant changing of what a person needs to be an active member of a community we notice the continuos alteration of what exactly defines a comfort a necessity and a luxury. Comfort by definition is a condition of pleasu rable ease or well being. By that definition there are endless numbers of object that could serve as a comfort. Take public transportation for example. The thought of having the train that takes us into the city is a commonly know option. Not always have people been able to choose public transportation as a method of getting to and from. Dating as far back as 1889 when the first method of public transportation was developed in Massachusetts. Before this the thought of having a bus or train run to the main areas of a community was absolutely unheard of. But in today’s society there are many people who depend of the train or bus to get to work or to school or wherever it is they are going. When exactly did public transportation change from a luxury to a comfortable part of society? We can not exactly put a date on it but as you look back in time with me we can see how slowly and unnoticeably a societies way of life can change. In conclusion a comfort to us now was at one point and time a luxury to the communities who discovered the amazing attributions that have so nicely shaped our society today.Secondly we can take this observation a little closer to today. If we look at the definition of necessity we find that it means pressing or urgent need.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Autism Spectrum Disorders

Autism Spectrum Disorders has in the past posed some challenges to the human race with regard to addressing the plight of the victims  Ã‚   . This disorder is a cause of severe pervasive mode of thinking impairment, individual feelings, language problems and an adverse relationship to other people.This disorder is primarily diagnosed at the early stages in childhood and progresses throughout the rest of the life of the affected individual. It is a complex disability in the developmental stages of a person brought about by neurological disorder with severe effects on the normal brain functioning.The normal brain development is impacted specifically with regard to the areas responsible for social interaction as well as communication skills. This is a real crisis in the health sector due to the fact that for every 150 children below the age of eight years, one of them is a victim of this disorder (Uta, 1991).Social welfare historyIn this society, autistic and families with autistic ch ildren were initially faced with three typical challenges namely lack of financial, emotional and educational support. The families of the children who are victims of autistic disorder were confronted by tremendous financial as well as emotional burdens they also receive little support with regard to the education of these children.The families have therefore to endure a significant financial burden relative to the families with upright children. This arises from the requirement of cutting down the schedules of work or an entire quitting of the job due to the requirement of the duty of caring for these children (Charles, 1992).Further more, there is a very high chance that the families of the children with ASD are prone to delayed or even unattended health-care requirements of their children. They are exposed to insufficiencies and obstacles with regard to the access of the medical care needed by their children.According to Anthony, no difference was noted with regard too the access to usual care, a nurse or a personal provider in normal circumstances. However on the emergency of a special problem for autistic children families, the primary contact point becomes beyond reach and the access to referrals is denied (Anthony, 1998).These families are therefore subjected to particularly enormous as well as stressful emotional situations and financial demands. To complicate the matter, majority of the insurance firms are adamant when it comes to the coverage of the demands of an autistic child.This is because of their perception of the situation as being a form of developmental disorder rather than a disease. It therefore applies that the parents of these children are required to pay large amounts of money from their pocket to access the services of occupation therapy and the speech therapy for their children.The education of the autistic children is also faced with a milliard of problems because the schools are ready to offer a half day session for these children. Therefore the majority of the parents of autistic children opt that they stay at home altogether (Simon, 1995).The history of this disorder dates back to around 1911 in Swiss. ‘Early infantile autism’ was later coined in 1943 with the much milder Asperger syndrome coming much later. These are the disorders that were put under the description of the five pervasive types of developmental disorders which are currently termed as the autism spectrum disorders, i.e., ASD (Judy & Sean, 1993).

Reasons Why the Holocaust Didn’t Happen

Briel BrownFeindert ENGWR 48027 September 2016 Critique of â€Å"50 Reasons Why the Holocaust Didn't Happen†In the forum post titled â€Å"50 Reasons Why the Holocaust Didn't Happen,† the author, only identified as Ted, puts forth a list of reasons that individuals who are already convinced that the Holocaust is a myth can use to persuade others. It is found on a forum called The CODOH Revisionist Forum, a website that lends itself specifically as a safe space for Holocaust revisionists. The post begins with a few sentences of introduction, briefly mentioning why it can be hard for many to give his point of view a chance. He goes on to criticize the media, comparing them to the church during the dark ages in the way that they can withhold information, with random and slightly irrelevant statements sprinkled throughout. He concludes the preface with the statement â€Å"No proof has even been given that 6 million were murdered,† and proceeds to go more in depth. The rest of the article is arranged in a numbered list format. The reasons are listed unsystematically, each one being followed by explanations of varying length. Many of his reasons focus on criticizing the media for refusing to allow Holocaust revisionists to have a voice. Others try to prove the Holocaust either scientifically or fiscally impossible. He makes many statements that attempt to paint witnesses and historians as liars, and goes as far as to accuse many of having an agenda that would benefit from the falsification of an atrocity such as the Holocaust. The article is void of a concluding paragraph, instead ending on a proof numbered 50, consisting of three unrelated and vague statements that offer nothing but confusion. Brown 2The posting as a whole is a vague and disorganized mess. Failure to proofread is obvious; there is no clear form of organization, it is riddled with spelling and grammatical errors, and irrelevant ramblings are left in the middle of what could have been a strong statement. The author manages to include a few decent rhetorical questions that can cause a feeling of doubt to arise in the reader, but the evidence included is rarely tacked on to these. When evidence is used it is often either false, from an unknown source lacking in credibility, or merely quoted and left unexplained. The author's argument is presented in an unorganized and visually cluttered manner. Contradictory to the title reason five is skipped, reducing the list to only forty-nine author specified reasons. The evidence is often listed in a fashion that betrays the numbering, with a shift in focus occurring multiple times within one section. For example, instead of expanding on the statement, â€Å"Reinhold Elstner burnt himself alive in protest against the holocaust lies,† that begins the concluding reason, we see an illogical shift in discussion topic to â€Å"German farmers are told to shut up if they find bones and try to arrange their burial† (Reason 50). Many pieces of evidence appear on screen as if the formatting was ruined in a copy-paste mishap with unnecessary jumps to new lines appearing prior to the end of the quote. While not terrible, it can be slightly confusing for the reader when it appears that a new paragraph has been started, only to see that the quote continues on. This author makes similar mistakes when it comes to expanding upon his case, again including unnecessary jumps in spacing when simply starting a new sentence would be sufficient. Vague statements, â€Å"Germans highly civilised and more so than the Brits and Yanks etc.,† (Reason 40) fragments, â€Å"Obliteration propaganda.,† (Reason 32) and run on sentences and comma splices â€Å"People can't understand how so many eyewitnesses can lie, they have seen the television programmes,† (Reason 2) litter the posting. In addition, the Brown 3author occasionally goes on racist tirades that add little to his argument and can deter readers who may come looking for an unbiased argument. For example, â€Å"Are Jewish lives worth more or something? And if we are westerners why should we give a damn? Are we too gentle to survive in a harsh world?† (Reason 20). The above coupled with the frequent spelling errors further add to the confusion that could be experienced by the reader, making it look more like a set of notes meant to be understood only by the author than an article intended for consumption. It even contains conventional errors in the title, with the failure to capitalize any word in it and the lack of an apostrophe for the word â€Å"didn't.† While the posting is filled with links and quotations, often they are either unreliable, false, or left without explanation. While it is rather easy for a reader to look up a name that is mentioned, attempting to establish credibility for sources within the piece could add weight to what one pulls from a source. Writings from individuals such as David Irving, a revisionist author, are linked without even formally identifying him in. Some quotes are even from individuals identified in ways as vaguely as â€Å"one guy on the BBC,† (Reason 6) and â€Å"From a letter from the British ministry of information,† (Reason 10). In the author's attempt to criticize the media, he claims that they have made repeated efforts to silence those critical of the Holocaust; however, not one specific example is listed. In his attempts to criticize accounts given at the Nuremberg trials, he claims that â€Å"It takes about 5 minutes of reading the Nuremberg documents to realise that the Holocaust is a hoax,† (Reason 8) but again, gives not one clear example. He continues to claim â€Å"Violation of Occam's razor, again and again,† (Reason 12) an extremely vague statement that is expanded upon only by asking the reader to examine the counterargument of a book. The author could have very easily added weight to his argument by citing at least one example, but he neglected to do so.Brown 4Due to the lack of concrete evidence used in the author's attempts at making logical appeals, the strength of this posting is rooted in the author's ability to manipulate the reader's emotions. In quoting a 1958 text from Tel Aviv, â€Å"If some know-it-all tries to expose you, the others will not listen to him and will condemn him, because by exposing you he is proving them guilty of stupidity, and the crowd will not forgive this,† (Reason 2) the author provides a statement that can make the readers feel somewhat guilty for their refusal to question what they have been taught. Decent use of figurative language is employed to describe the media with the metaphor â€Å"The carrot and stick are there to make people obey† (Reason 26), which again can pull on people's fear that they have overlooked something. His plays on fear and guilt do begin to get somewhat excessive at times, as his deliberate use of language becomes offensive. In using phrases such as â€Å"politically retarded,† (Reason 16) â€Å"The parallels with religious arguments should make intelligent people suspicious,† (Reason 34) and â€Å"Only an idiot would believe in stories such as lampshades of human skin,† (Reason 40) to describe those who disagree with him, the author may invoke an insecurity in some readers that can cause them to give his viewpoint a second chance. Just as easily, however, it can cause readers to disregard the writings due to the offense that they may take. The author's attempt to create a list of reasons that would help a fellow revisionist argue their case mostly for naught. While like-minded individuals can pull some rhetorical questions to get others thinking, there is little offered in way of credible argument material. It is organized in an unpleasant and confusing fashion that makes the posting almost unreadable. The grammatical errors and failure to proofread suggest an apathy, or perhaps an intellectual incompetence, from the author that does not help his case. Individuals who are willing to look can surely find something to aid them in whatever they sought the posting for, but for a casual reader not Brown 5desperate for argument material, the posting is comically inarticulate and slightly frightening when the sincerity behind the writing is considered. Words: 1375Brown 6Work CitedTed. â€Å"50 Reasons Why the Holocaust Didnt Happen.† The CODOH Revisionist Forum, 25 Aug. _____2004,

Friday, August 16, 2019

Contemporary Issue on Chit Funds -“The Invincible”

An contemporary issue report on CHIT FUNDS â€Å"THE INVICIBLE† 2013-2014 Made by : Fakhruddin Badshah PREFACE This document sketches the the meaning, introduction, overview,its working,online chit funds, I threw some light on latest news about this sector and also tried to cover the latest upsteram and downsteam aspects of this sector (chit fund companies). My aim of writing on this issue is who will going to stop the fraudulant activities being done by this companies. I chose this segemnt for my contemporay because this is going very common among the people in today’s time.So I thought lets give away the the detail of this segment to the people. With the help of this document people will come to know what exactly going on in this domain. This sector is expanding rapidly like anything. This developments has become a catalyst for the growth of vigourous chit fund companies in all over India. So what provisions should be made to curb the alleged false practices done by t hese companies or segment. Thus it is the to think and act on it to protect the interest of small investors and their hard earned incomes. Index Introduction| 5-7| Overview of chit fund| 8|How chit fund works| 9-11| 2012-2013 Highlighted News about chit-fund| 12-13| Who will stop chit funds? | 14-18| Report of MCA| 18-21| Benefits| 21-22| Drawbacks| 23| Safety from Chit funds| 24| CHIT FUNDS – â€Å"The Invincible† Introduction: A chit fund is a type of savings scheme practiced in India, besides other forms of savings scheme offered by various public and private sector banks, post offices, insurance corporations etc. Chit Funds are indigenous financial institutions in India that cater to the financial needs of the low-income households, which have been excluded from the formal financial system. Chit†, in the legal purview, means a transaction whether called chit, chit fund, chitty, kuri or by any other name by or under which a person enters into an agreement with a specified number of persons that every one of them shall subscribe a certain sum of money (or a certain quantity of grain instead in the case of villages) by way of periodical installments over a definite period and that each such subscriber shall, in his turn, as determined by lot or by auction or by tender or in such other manner as may be specified in the chit agreement, be entitled to the prize amount.In simple words, A chit fund is a savings-borrowing scheme, in which a group of people enter into an agreement to contribute fixed amounts periodically, for a specified period of time. The amount so collected (or the chit value) is distributed among each of the persons in turns, which is determined by way of lots or an auction. Chit funds provide an opportunity to save excess cash on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, and give an easy access to it in case of emergency. Chit funds are the Indian equivalent of the Rotating Savings and Credit Associations (ROSCA) that are famous thr oughout the world.ROSCAs are a means to â€Å"save and borrow† simultaneously. It is considered one of the best instruments to cater to the needs of the poor. It enables poor people to convert their small savings into lump sums. The concept of chit funds originated more than 1000 years ago. Initially it was in the form of an informal association of traders and households within communities, wherein the members contributed some money in return for an accumulated sum at the end of the tenure. Participation in Chit funds was mainly for the purpose of purchasing some property or, in other words, for â€Å"consumption† purposes.However, in recent times, there have been tremendous alterations in the constitution and functioning of Chit funds. While in most places ROSCAs are user-owned and organized informally, in India, chit funds have been formally institutionalized as well. Legally recognized firms provide a variety of chit schemes. A Chit Fund can either be legally regist ered or unregistered. Registered Chit Funds, as the name suggests are being regulated under the various Chit Fund acts. While unregistered Chit Funds are unorganized and mostly run by the close friends, relatives or family members of the investor.Unregistered Chit Funds which exceed 100 ($2) in value are illegal in India, although it is very well known that unregistered Chit Fund industry is very popular in India, mainly in the rural and semi-urban area, where people have very little access to the banking services and where financial illiteracy is more. The regulation of the Chit Fund industry was put in place by the Government of India to address the problem of misuse of informal Chit Funds by unscrupulous promoters and founders running away with the participant’s funds, leaving the members with little recourse to retrieve their money back.Chit funds in India are governed by various state or central laws. Organized chit fund schemes are required to register with the Registra r or Firms, Societies and Chits. Various Chit Fund Acts governing the industry in India are as under: * Union Government – Chit Funds Act 1982 (Except the State of Jammu and Kashmir) * Kerala – Kerala Chitties Act 1975 * Tamil Nadu – Tamil Nadu Chit Funds Act, 1961 * Karnataka: The Chit Funds (Karnataka) Rules, 1983 * Andhra Pradesh – The Andhra Pradesh Chit Funds Act, 1971 * New Delhi- The Chit Funds Act,1982 and Delhi Chit Funds Rules, 2007 * Maharashtra – Maharashtra Chit Fund Act 1975 Uttar Pradesh: Uttar Pradesh Chit Funds Act, 1975 * Goa, Daman & Diu: The Goa, Daman and Diu Chit Funds Act, 1973 * Pudducherry/Pondicherry: The Pondicherry Chit Funds Act, 1966. An overview of chit funds: The economic development of a country depends upon the availability of resources. The main activities that contribute to the growth are production and employment. Production depends upon the inputs of the factors such as finance, raw materials, labor etc. The mo st important here bring finance, which is the chief mobilized of all the factors of production.In a money economy, finance for development initially comes from private savings. These private savings give to the secondary deposits; this is where the financial institutions come into picture. Financial institutions occupy a central place in mobilizing savings from the people and make it available to the trade, commerce and industries either as a capital or loans. The non banking sector comprises of money lenders, indigenous bankers, pawn brokers, nidhis, â€Å"chit funds† etc.The origin of chit funds can be traced way back to the 17th century when the economic wizards of state of Malabar (now known as the state of Kerala) started this activity. Those were the people who actually founded this financial institution. It became so popular and numerous that people started adopting this activity as a profession by the 18th century all over. As the chit industry grew the number of peop le involved in this industry also grew. This gave rise to many misconceptions, frauds, mismanagement etc. , in this industry.To prevent this State Government of Travancore took the first initiative and introduced the first Chit Fund Regulation being the Chit Fund Act 1914. One important regulation introduced by this act was that of a commission payable to the foreman. The Act brought about a ceiling limit on the commission payable to the foreman that is 5% maximum which is still the same even to this date. How chit funds works: Chit funds which are popular from a very long time but still some people don’t know how exactly this chit fund works and invest their money illogically.This can be understood by the following procedure: Let’s say there are 20 people who come together and form a group. Each one will contribute Rs 1,000 per month and this will continue for next 20 months (equal to number of people in the group). In this group there will be one organizer, who will take the pain of fixing the meetings, collecting money from each other and then doing other procedures. So each month all these 20 people will meet on a particular day and deposit Rs 1,000 each. That will make a total of Rs 20,000 every month.Now there will be a bid on who will take this money. Naturally there will be few people who are in need of big amount because of some reason like some big expenses, liquidity crunch, business problem, Beti ki Shaadi etc etc Out of all the people who are in need of money, someone will bid the lowest amount, depending on how desperate he is for this money. The person who bids for the lowest amount wins the bid. Suppose out of total 3 people who bid for 18,000, 17,000 and Rs 16,000, the one who bids the lowest will win.In this case it’s the person who has bid Rs 16,000. There will also be â€Å"organizer charges† which are around 5% (standard) of the total amount, so in this case its 5% of Rs 20,000, which is Rs 1,000. So out of the total 16,000 which this winner was going to get, Rs 1,000 will be deducted and the winner will get only Rs 15,000, Rs 1,000 will be organizer charges and Rs 4,000 is the profit, which will be shared by each and every member (all 20 people), it comes out to be Rs 200 per person, and it will be given back to all 20 members.So here you can see that the main winner took a big loss because of his desperate need of getting the money and others benefitted by it. So each person actually paid just 800, not 1,000 in this case (they got 200 back). Note that when a person takes the money after bidding, he can’t bid from next time, only 19 people will be eligible for bidding. Now next month the same thing happens and suppose the best bid was Rs 18,000 , then winner will get 17,000 (after deducting the organizer fees) and the rest 2,000 will be divided back to people (Rs 100 each) . So each person is paying effectively Rs 900.This way each month all the people contribute the money, someone takes the money by bidding lowest, organizer gets his charges and the rest money is divided back to members. You will realize that the person who takes the money at the end will get all the money except organizer fee, as there is no one else to bid now. So the person will get around Rs 19,000 in the end, if you try to find out the returns which he got out of the whole deal, it will depend on two things, how much lower bids were each month and the fees paid to organizer, if bids and charges are very low, then a person will make more money at the cost of other situations.So this is pretty much how a chit fund works, there are various versions of chit funds and how they work , but the idea was to communicate the basic model and how it works. | Online Chit Funds is also running with pace of E-commerce With the advent of ecommerce in India, Chit funds have also started going online. Online chit funds conduct auctions online and subscribers can pay their monthly dues and receive prize am ount online through online transactions including electronic fund transfers. Each member will have an online account through which they can manage their chit funds. 2012-2013 Highlighted News about chit-fund: . Cunning strict approaches adopted by RBI to protect the investors from delusive acts of chit fund companies. 2. Last year in the month of December, The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) warned all the state governments about the mushrooming of chit funds and also written to them to take appropriate actions against them for duping depositors. 3. RBI Governor Duvvuri Subbarao said, â€Å"The responsibility for checking the chit funds and for prosecuting the violation of law is of the state government. We have written to all the state governments to be vigilant about this and to take appropriate action†. . D Subbarao also called for greater awareness among police and the general public for checking the proliferation of the chit funds in the country. 5. On 6th December 2012, Min ister of State for Corporate Affairs RPN Singh said that 87 companies have come under the scanner for alleged irregularities related to chit fund schemes and money circulation in the garb of multi-level marketing. The Registrar of Companies (RoC) and its Regional Directors have been asked to scrutinize the balance sheets and inspect the books of accounts and other records of these 87 companies. . India's market regulator, Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) had banned companies such as Rose Valley and MPS Greenery Developers from accepting deposits from the public. 7. The former chief minister also pointed it out that small savings through post offices and co-operatives has suffered a lot as many people are depositing their money to these chit funds expecting huge return. 8. In Bhubneshwar, The crime branch told that they are making a short documentary to sensitize people about illegal non-banking financial companies (NBFCs).The film will feature a host of financial manage ment companies like Seashore, Ashore and Saffex, whose irregularities were exposed recently. The Economic offences wing (EOW) of the Crime Branch has registered at least 30 cases against several fraud companies in the past six months for embezzling public deposits after giving them false promise of high return. Senior functionaries (Head) of the companies were arrested and their bank accounts being ceased. 9. EOW also making plan to start a toll free number to protect people from fraudulent activities done by chit fund companies. 10.Government making steps towards the projection of model; rules to check chit fund and MLM (Multi-level Marketing) frauds. The central government will soon make stringent provisions in place, like hefty financial penalty, jail terms, de-listing from the registrar of companies (RoC) roster, among others. Who will stop chit funds In October 2012, a women and her elder daughter were running a chit fund, committed suicide by consuming acid in Puthur in Trichy as they were unable to repay their investors. These women had started a Diwali chit fund in the year 2011 and attracted around 300 investors in the area.They had collected around `9lakh from the investors. As per norms, the chit fund company should have repaid the money with interest or given assured gifts to the investors before Diwali of the year 2012. When the investors pressurize the women, they decided to end their lives and consumed poison. Investors are helpless. This is not the only case there are numerous. Most chit fund investors are the rural poor and or small investors. Neither the victimized investors nor the police bring to book the persons responsible. Only the poor agents remain in place from whom the money cannot be recovered.According to Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), there are 4256 listed or registered chit fund companies which are running their business in the country while India chit-fund association estimates that the country has in total 15000 (register ed and unregistered) companies which manage billions of rupees worth of funds. ShriRam Capital, one of the largest players, operates in four southern states and manages over USD 800 million. Some hope that recent hiccups in India’s once-booming microfinance sector, whose rise was led by microcredit, could bring even more business their way.One can imagine how big the business is all over India. Too many regulators could not stop irregularities in chit funds. Everybody agrees that irregularities need to be stopped because these are causing harm to a lot of small investors. But the question is; who will stop it? In 1978, when the RBI banned chit funds, it came under the ministry of corporate affairs as a collective investment scheme. Another way these companies work is through private placement of the non-convertible debentures or collective investment scheme. In this case, SEBI has the power to regulate it.Sahara and many other big names are in on it. Any debenture or private placement cannot be done by more than 50 people. In contrast, these kinds of companies collect money from thousands of investors. If the number of investors of share and debenture is more than 50, it needs to be registered in the market and the SEBI would control it. RBI wants the state government to take steps: In this context, RBI has a different take. Subbarao, Governor, RBI, has advised the state governments to make their law stronger to save common investors from the chit fund trap.It has written letters to the states to develop a definite action plan to take step against these multi levels marketing player. Subbarao explained that RBI has no power to regulate chit funds. So, it has asked state government to take the initiative to prevent the mushrooming of money market agencies. RBI can train police and other legal bodies about chit funds but cannot instruct the police to do so. It is a state subject to plan and executes the prevention process of chit funds. Corporate Affairs ministry looking into it:Union corporate Affairs Minister Sachin Pilot has said that the central government is looking into the issue of some chit funds and the Ponzi scheme that allegedly dupe small investors by using legal loopholes. It would also encourage state government to take necessary action against these firms. These firms are now misusing the loopholes, pilot added. Furthermore he added, â€Å"Our main objective is to protect small investors from these companies, who are taking their (investors) hard earned money. † As many as 87 companies have come under the scanner for alleged irregularities related to chit fund schemes and money circulations.Minister of State for corporate Affairs R. P. N. Singh has informed the Rajya Sabha that the directions have been issued on the basis of specific complaints received by the ministry against these companies, which are â€Å"alleged to be carrying on activities related to prize chit fund and money circulation in the garb of m ulti-level marketing. Legislative hodgepodge: Singh further said that SFIO (Serious Fraud Investigation Office) has recommended setting up of a specific central regulatory agency for the implementation of the prize chit and money circulation scheme (Banning) act, 1978.The act is administered by the Department of Financial services (DFS) which has constituted an Inter-Ministerial Group consisting of representatives from DFS, Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), RBI, Security and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), Department of Consumer Affairs and Central. Report of Ministry of Corporate Affairs: List of Companies not registered but found doing Chit Business Beware of these Companies. Never join them. M/s. P. V. R. Chits (P) Ltd. , B-50, Flatted Factories, Okhla Phase-III, N. Delhi-20. | M/s. Narmal Chits (P) Ltd. , 1427, Gurudwara Road, Kotla Mubarakpur,N.Delhi-3. | M/s. Sahara Chits (P) Ltd. , WZ/A-49, Krishna Park Extension, N. Delhi-18. | M/s. Twenty Second Century Chit Fund (P) Ltd . , 4205-4206, Sant Nagar, Main Road, Rani Bagh, Delhi-34. | M/s. Skylla Chits (P) Ltd. , D-223/115, Laxmi Chambers, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi-92. | M/s. Hari Vimal Chits (P) Ltd. , Shop No. 8, M. R. Market, Rangpuri, N. Delhi-70. | M/s. Merchant Chits (P) Ltd. , CA-24/2, Tagore Garden, N. Delhi-27. | M/s. Mehar Chits (P) Ltd. , IIIrd Floor, 528, Krishna Gali, Katra Neel, Chandni Chowk, Delhi-6| M/s. Vinamar Chits (P) Ltd. , 170-E, Kamla Nagar, Delhi-7. | M/s.Vinamar Chits (P) Ltd. , 272, Hakikat Nagar, Mall Road, Delhi-9. | M/s. Well King Chits (P) Ltd. , C-47, Acharya Niketan, Mayur Vihar, Phase-I,Delhi-91. | M/s. Aegis Chit Fund (P) Ltd. , E-484, Greater Kailash-II, New Delhi-48. | List of Companies which have been debarred from doing any Chit Fund business in Delhi   NAME| ADDRESS| A. G. CHIT FUND PVT. LTD. |    | ARJIT CHITS PVT. LTD. | | BHAGMAL CHITS PVT. LTD. | | CHOJI PRITAM CHITS PVT. LTD. | | DISHTI CHIT FUND PVT. LTD. | DIRECTOR: Sh. Ajay Pandon| DISHTI CHIT FUND PVT. LTD. | DIRECTOR: Sh. Sudarshan Kapoor| EK-ONKAAR CHIT FUND PVT.LTD. | | EROS FIN. ; CHIT FUND PVT. LTD. | | GIRDHAR CHITS PVT. LTD. | | GOLDEN BENEFIT CHITS PVT. LTD. | | J. KRISHNA CHIT FUND PVT. LTD. | | J. V. CHITS PVT. LTD. | | KADS CHIT FUND PVT. LTD. | | KHAJANA CHITSPVT. LTD. | | LEAN CHITS PVT. LTD. | | MINCO CHITS PVT. LTD. | | NIKETAN CHIT FUND PVT. LTD. | | PARVATI CHIT FUND PVT. LTD. | | PARVEEN CHIT FUND PVT. LTD. | | POMA CHIT FUND PVT. LTD. | | PROSPER CHIT FUND PVT. LTD. | | RITESH CHIT FUND PVT. LTD. | | ROHTGI CHIT FUND PVT. LTD. | | ROYAL CHIT FUND PVT. LTD. | | RUHANI CHIT FUND PVT. LTD. | | S. T. S. CHIT FUND PVT.LTD. | | SAFAL CHIT FUND PVT. LTD. | | SATSANGI CHIT FUND PVT. LTD. | | SIMPLICITY CHIT FUND PVT. LTD. | | SUBHASH NAGAR CHIT FUND PVT. LTD. | | TRI NAGAR CHIT FUND PVT. LTD. | | VEDANTA CHIT FUND PVT. LTD. |    | YOG MAYA CHIT FUND PVT. LTD. |    | PARVARISH LEASING ; FIN. (P) LTD| Shop No. 6, Mafare Garden, New Delhi| M. V. A. CHIT FUND (P) LTD. | Shop No. 10, Krishna Mkt. ,Lajpat Nagar,N. Delhi. | HONOUR CHITS (P) LTD. | 2352, Sevak Bhawan,IIIrd Floor, Shop No. 9,Beadon Pura,Karol Bagh, N. Delhi. | * Source Ministry of corporate AffairsBenefits of Chit funds: Chit Fund is an attractive Investment Option which caters to people from all walks of life. It is specifically beneficial to the Salaried Class, Professionals, Businessmen and Self Employed. The uniqueness of Chit Fund as a method of Financial Planning stems from the fact that, it is both a tool for saving and borrowing. In other words, it serves the dual purpose of being an investment for your savings and in times of need the Subscriber can bid for the Prize Amount in order to meet any unexpected expenditure. The benefits of Investing in Chit Fund are numerous. You can choose how much you want to save per month. Chit funds companies offers chits of various denominations and monthly subscriptions amount ranges from Rs 2500/=(Chit value Rs 1 lakh) to monthly subscription of Rs 1,25,000. * The rate of return is very high compared to other Investment Options and it is also secure form of Investment. * Your Monthly payments will be the Chit Subscription Amount minus the Dividend. The details of the Dividend entitled for Deduction and the Balance Amount payable shall be informed every month, which is mandatory. It inculcates the habit of saving and setting apart a particular amount every month towards investment for a rainy day. * It is good for the Housewife to keep or save their small savings in Chit funds as they will get the money at the time of utmost financial need for household purposes. * It is generally used by housewives, employees of same company, peer groups, friends, and family members or some associations. * If it is used in proper or genuine way then it is makes a worth to invest in chit funds (Organized or unorganized). Drawbacks: Chit-funds do not offer any pre-determined or fixed returns. * Higher returns are earned when there are more nu mber of members in the group or if the duration of the scheme is longer. * One would earn more, when more members need emergency funds. Thus returns cannot be calculated and decided when one joins the scheme. * No security in unregistered chit fund companies. So there are more chances of getting hoax by these fraud companies. * Organizer gets benefited more from your savings. * No guarantee if fixed returns. * In chits interest earnings are lower than Fixed deposits (FD). High degree of risk is associated with chits, so relying on chit funds for saving could be more dangerous. * Chit does not make money; it is just a mechanism for liquidity and emergency funds. * Many chit fund owners are collecting huge volume of money from the common people by making false promises to them. Many poor people of our state are being allured by these chit fund owners and depositing their hard-earned money. But the people are not getting back returns for their investments How to be a Safe investor in C hit Funds:With the plethora of chit fund companies around, the safety of a chit fund lies in choosing the right one. In a registered chit fund company, under legal binding, the activities are regulated and institutionalized by the Chit Fund Act. And hence could be considered safe. However, other unregistered companies operating informally do exist. It has been also seen that depositors are being lured by chit funds companies or firms with higher returns than what banks offer them. These companies are also flourishing in the rural belts where banking penetration is low.One should carefully analyze the pros and cons before making investment in chit funds. Therefore one needs to exercise caution while choosing where he desires to invest. Chit funds definitely are an attractive option for regular saving. It inculcates a disciplined approach to financial planning. It has the added advantage of bringing a combination of savings as well as hassle free borrowing. This dual purpose investmen t tool could be a friend in need at times of unexpected financial emergencies. Thence BE SAFE AND BE SELECTIVE while going for any chit fund schemes. Contemporary Issue on Chit Funds -â€Å"The Invincible† An contemporary issue report on CHIT FUNDS â€Å"THE INVICIBLE† 2013-2014 Made by : Fakhruddin Badshah PREFACE This document sketches the the meaning, introduction, overview,its working,online chit funds, I threw some light on latest news about this sector and also tried to cover the latest upsteram and downsteam aspects of this sector (chit fund companies). My aim of writing on this issue is who will going to stop the fraudulant activities being done by this companies. I chose this segemnt for my contemporay because this is going very common among the people in today’s time.So I thought lets give away the the detail of this segment to the people. With the help of this document people will come to know what exactly going on in this domain. This sector is expanding rapidly like anything. This developments has become a catalyst for the growth of vigourous chit fund companies in all over India. So what provisions should be made to curb the alleged false practices done by t hese companies or segment. Thus it is the to think and act on it to protect the interest of small investors and their hard earned incomes. Index Introduction| 5-7| Overview of chit fund| 8|How chit fund works| 9-11| 2012-2013 Highlighted News about chit-fund| 12-13| Who will stop chit funds? | 14-18| Report of MCA| 18-21| Benefits| 21-22| Drawbacks| 23| Safety from Chit funds| 24| CHIT FUNDS – â€Å"The Invincible† Introduction: A chit fund is a type of savings scheme practiced in India, besides other forms of savings scheme offered by various public and private sector banks, post offices, insurance corporations etc. Chit Funds are indigenous financial institutions in India that cater to the financial needs of the low-income households, which have been excluded from the formal financial system. Chit†, in the legal purview, means a transaction whether called chit, chit fund, chitty, kuri or by any other name by or under which a person enters into an agreement with a specified number of persons that every one of them shall subscribe a certain sum of money (or a certain quantity of grain instead in the case of villages) by way of periodical installments over a definite period and that each such subscriber shall, in his turn, as determined by lot or by auction or by tender or in such other manner as may be specified in the chit agreement, be entitled to the prize amount.In simple words, A chit fund is a savings-borrowing scheme, in which a group of people enter into an agreement to contribute fixed amounts periodically, for a specified period of time. The amount so collected (or the chit value) is distributed among each of the persons in turns, which is determined by way of lots or an auction. Chit funds provide an opportunity to save excess cash on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, and give an easy access to it in case of emergency. Chit funds are the Indian equivalent of the Rotating Savings and Credit Associations (ROSCA) that are famous thr oughout the world.ROSCAs are a means to â€Å"save and borrow† simultaneously. It is considered one of the best instruments to cater to the needs of the poor. It enables poor people to convert their small savings into lump sums. The concept of chit funds originated more than 1000 years ago. Initially it was in the form of an informal association of traders and households within communities, wherein the members contributed some money in return for an accumulated sum at the end of the tenure. Participation in Chit funds was mainly for the purpose of purchasing some property or, in other words, for â€Å"consumption† purposes.However, in recent times, there have been tremendous alterations in the constitution and functioning of Chit funds. While in most places ROSCAs are user-owned and organized informally, in India, chit funds have been formally institutionalized as well. Legally recognized firms provide a variety of chit schemes. A Chit Fund can either be legally regist ered or unregistered. Registered Chit Funds, as the name suggests are being regulated under the various Chit Fund acts. While unregistered Chit Funds are unorganized and mostly run by the close friends, relatives or family members of the investor.Unregistered Chit Funds which exceed 100 ($2) in value are illegal in India, although it is very well known that unregistered Chit Fund industry is very popular in India, mainly in the rural and semi-urban area, where people have very little access to the banking services and where financial illiteracy is more. The regulation of the Chit Fund industry was put in place by the Government of India to address the problem of misuse of informal Chit Funds by unscrupulous promoters and founders running away with the participant’s funds, leaving the members with little recourse to retrieve their money back.Chit funds in India are governed by various state or central laws. Organized chit fund schemes are required to register with the Registra r or Firms, Societies and Chits. Various Chit Fund Acts governing the industry in India are as under: * Union Government – Chit Funds Act 1982 (Except the State of Jammu and Kashmir) * Kerala – Kerala Chitties Act 1975 * Tamil Nadu – Tamil Nadu Chit Funds Act, 1961 * Karnataka: The Chit Funds (Karnataka) Rules, 1983 * Andhra Pradesh – The Andhra Pradesh Chit Funds Act, 1971 * New Delhi- The Chit Funds Act,1982 and Delhi Chit Funds Rules, 2007 * Maharashtra – Maharashtra Chit Fund Act 1975 Uttar Pradesh: Uttar Pradesh Chit Funds Act, 1975 * Goa, Daman & Diu: The Goa, Daman and Diu Chit Funds Act, 1973 * Pudducherry/Pondicherry: The Pondicherry Chit Funds Act, 1966. An overview of chit funds: The economic development of a country depends upon the availability of resources. The main activities that contribute to the growth are production and employment. Production depends upon the inputs of the factors such as finance, raw materials, labor etc. The mo st important here bring finance, which is the chief mobilized of all the factors of production.In a money economy, finance for development initially comes from private savings. These private savings give to the secondary deposits; this is where the financial institutions come into picture. Financial institutions occupy a central place in mobilizing savings from the people and make it available to the trade, commerce and industries either as a capital or loans. The non banking sector comprises of money lenders, indigenous bankers, pawn brokers, nidhis, â€Å"chit funds† etc.The origin of chit funds can be traced way back to the 17th century when the economic wizards of state of Malabar (now known as the state of Kerala) started this activity. Those were the people who actually founded this financial institution. It became so popular and numerous that people started adopting this activity as a profession by the 18th century all over. As the chit industry grew the number of peop le involved in this industry also grew. This gave rise to many misconceptions, frauds, mismanagement etc. , in this industry.To prevent this State Government of Travancore took the first initiative and introduced the first Chit Fund Regulation being the Chit Fund Act 1914. One important regulation introduced by this act was that of a commission payable to the foreman. The Act brought about a ceiling limit on the commission payable to the foreman that is 5% maximum which is still the same even to this date. How chit funds works: Chit funds which are popular from a very long time but still some people don’t know how exactly this chit fund works and invest their money illogically.This can be understood by the following procedure: Let’s say there are 20 people who come together and form a group. Each one will contribute Rs 1,000 per month and this will continue for next 20 months (equal to number of people in the group). In this group there will be one organizer, who will take the pain of fixing the meetings, collecting money from each other and then doing other procedures. So each month all these 20 people will meet on a particular day and deposit Rs 1,000 each. That will make a total of Rs 20,000 every month.Now there will be a bid on who will take this money. Naturally there will be few people who are in need of big amount because of some reason like some big expenses, liquidity crunch, business problem, Beti ki Shaadi etc etc Out of all the people who are in need of money, someone will bid the lowest amount, depending on how desperate he is for this money. The person who bids for the lowest amount wins the bid. Suppose out of total 3 people who bid for 18,000, 17,000 and Rs 16,000, the one who bids the lowest will win.In this case it’s the person who has bid Rs 16,000. There will also be â€Å"organizer charges† which are around 5% (standard) of the total amount, so in this case its 5% of Rs 20,000, which is Rs 1,000. So out of the total 16,000 which this winner was going to get, Rs 1,000 will be deducted and the winner will get only Rs 15,000, Rs 1,000 will be organizer charges and Rs 4,000 is the profit, which will be shared by each and every member (all 20 people), it comes out to be Rs 200 per person, and it will be given back to all 20 members.So here you can see that the main winner took a big loss because of his desperate need of getting the money and others benefitted by it. So each person actually paid just 800, not 1,000 in this case (they got 200 back). Note that when a person takes the money after bidding, he can’t bid from next time, only 19 people will be eligible for bidding. Now next month the same thing happens and suppose the best bid was Rs 18,000 , then winner will get 17,000 (after deducting the organizer fees) and the rest 2,000 will be divided back to people (Rs 100 each) . So each person is paying effectively Rs 900.This way each month all the people contribute the money, someone takes the money by bidding lowest, organizer gets his charges and the rest money is divided back to members. You will realize that the person who takes the money at the end will get all the money except organizer fee, as there is no one else to bid now. So the person will get around Rs 19,000 in the end, if you try to find out the returns which he got out of the whole deal, it will depend on two things, how much lower bids were each month and the fees paid to organizer, if bids and charges are very low, then a person will make more money at the cost of other situations.So this is pretty much how a chit fund works, there are various versions of chit funds and how they work , but the idea was to communicate the basic model and how it works. | Online Chit Funds is also running with pace of E-commerce With the advent of ecommerce in India, Chit funds have also started going online. Online chit funds conduct auctions online and subscribers can pay their monthly dues and receive prize am ount online through online transactions including electronic fund transfers. Each member will have an online account through which they can manage their chit funds. 2012-2013 Highlighted News about chit-fund: . Cunning strict approaches adopted by RBI to protect the investors from delusive acts of chit fund companies. 2. Last year in the month of December, The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) warned all the state governments about the mushrooming of chit funds and also written to them to take appropriate actions against them for duping depositors. 3. RBI Governor Duvvuri Subbarao said, â€Å"The responsibility for checking the chit funds and for prosecuting the violation of law is of the state government. We have written to all the state governments to be vigilant about this and to take appropriate action†. . D Subbarao also called for greater awareness among police and the general public for checking the proliferation of the chit funds in the country. 5. On 6th December 2012, Min ister of State for Corporate Affairs RPN Singh said that 87 companies have come under the scanner for alleged irregularities related to chit fund schemes and money circulation in the garb of multi-level marketing. The Registrar of Companies (RoC) and its Regional Directors have been asked to scrutinize the balance sheets and inspect the books of accounts and other records of these 87 companies. . India's market regulator, Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) had banned companies such as Rose Valley and MPS Greenery Developers from accepting deposits from the public. 7. The former chief minister also pointed it out that small savings through post offices and co-operatives has suffered a lot as many people are depositing their money to these chit funds expecting huge return. 8. In Bhubneshwar, The crime branch told that they are making a short documentary to sensitize people about illegal non-banking financial companies (NBFCs).The film will feature a host of financial manage ment companies like Seashore, Ashore and Saffex, whose irregularities were exposed recently. The Economic offences wing (EOW) of the Crime Branch has registered at least 30 cases against several fraud companies in the past six months for embezzling public deposits after giving them false promise of high return. Senior functionaries (Head) of the companies were arrested and their bank accounts being ceased. 9. EOW also making plan to start a toll free number to protect people from fraudulent activities done by chit fund companies. 10.Government making steps towards the projection of model; rules to check chit fund and MLM (Multi-level Marketing) frauds. The central government will soon make stringent provisions in place, like hefty financial penalty, jail terms, de-listing from the registrar of companies (RoC) roster, among others. Who will stop chit funds In October 2012, a women and her elder daughter were running a chit fund, committed suicide by consuming acid in Puthur in Trichy as they were unable to repay their investors. These women had started a Diwali chit fund in the year 2011 and attracted around 300 investors in the area.They had collected around `9lakh from the investors. As per norms, the chit fund company should have repaid the money with interest or given assured gifts to the investors before Diwali of the year 2012. When the investors pressurize the women, they decided to end their lives and consumed poison. Investors are helpless. This is not the only case there are numerous. Most chit fund investors are the rural poor and or small investors. Neither the victimized investors nor the police bring to book the persons responsible. Only the poor agents remain in place from whom the money cannot be recovered.According to Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), there are 4256 listed or registered chit fund companies which are running their business in the country while India chit-fund association estimates that the country has in total 15000 (register ed and unregistered) companies which manage billions of rupees worth of funds. ShriRam Capital, one of the largest players, operates in four southern states and manages over USD 800 million. Some hope that recent hiccups in India’s once-booming microfinance sector, whose rise was led by microcredit, could bring even more business their way.One can imagine how big the business is all over India. Too many regulators could not stop irregularities in chit funds. Everybody agrees that irregularities need to be stopped because these are causing harm to a lot of small investors. But the question is; who will stop it? In 1978, when the RBI banned chit funds, it came under the ministry of corporate affairs as a collective investment scheme. Another way these companies work is through private placement of the non-convertible debentures or collective investment scheme. In this case, SEBI has the power to regulate it.Sahara and many other big names are in on it. Any debenture or private placement cannot be done by more than 50 people. In contrast, these kinds of companies collect money from thousands of investors. If the number of investors of share and debenture is more than 50, it needs to be registered in the market and the SEBI would control it. RBI wants the state government to take steps: In this context, RBI has a different take. Subbarao, Governor, RBI, has advised the state governments to make their law stronger to save common investors from the chit fund trap.It has written letters to the states to develop a definite action plan to take step against these multi levels marketing player. Subbarao explained that RBI has no power to regulate chit funds. So, it has asked state government to take the initiative to prevent the mushrooming of money market agencies. RBI can train police and other legal bodies about chit funds but cannot instruct the police to do so. It is a state subject to plan and executes the prevention process of chit funds. Corporate Affairs ministry looking into it:Union corporate Affairs Minister Sachin Pilot has said that the central government is looking into the issue of some chit funds and the Ponzi scheme that allegedly dupe small investors by using legal loopholes. It would also encourage state government to take necessary action against these firms. These firms are now misusing the loopholes, pilot added. Furthermore he added, â€Å"Our main objective is to protect small investors from these companies, who are taking their (investors) hard earned money. † As many as 87 companies have come under the scanner for alleged irregularities related to chit fund schemes and money circulations.Minister of State for corporate Affairs R. P. N. Singh has informed the Rajya Sabha that the directions have been issued on the basis of specific complaints received by the ministry against these companies, which are â€Å"alleged to be carrying on activities related to prize chit fund and money circulation in the garb of m ulti-level marketing. Legislative hodgepodge: Singh further said that SFIO (Serious Fraud Investigation Office) has recommended setting up of a specific central regulatory agency for the implementation of the prize chit and money circulation scheme (Banning) act, 1978.The act is administered by the Department of Financial services (DFS) which has constituted an Inter-Ministerial Group consisting of representatives from DFS, Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), RBI, Security and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), Department of Consumer Affairs and Central. Report of Ministry of Corporate Affairs: List of Companies not registered but found doing Chit Business Beware of these Companies. Never join them. M/s. P. V. R. Chits (P) Ltd. , B-50, Flatted Factories, Okhla Phase-III, N. Delhi-20. | M/s. Narmal Chits (P) Ltd. , 1427, Gurudwara Road, Kotla Mubarakpur,N.Delhi-3. | M/s. Sahara Chits (P) Ltd. , WZ/A-49, Krishna Park Extension, N. Delhi-18. | M/s. Twenty Second Century Chit Fund (P) Ltd . , 4205-4206, Sant Nagar, Main Road, Rani Bagh, Delhi-34. | M/s. Skylla Chits (P) Ltd. , D-223/115, Laxmi Chambers, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi-92. | M/s. Hari Vimal Chits (P) Ltd. , Shop No. 8, M. R. Market, Rangpuri, N. Delhi-70. | M/s. Merchant Chits (P) Ltd. , CA-24/2, Tagore Garden, N. Delhi-27. | M/s. Mehar Chits (P) Ltd. , IIIrd Floor, 528, Krishna Gali, Katra Neel, Chandni Chowk, Delhi-6| M/s. Vinamar Chits (P) Ltd. , 170-E, Kamla Nagar, Delhi-7. | M/s.Vinamar Chits (P) Ltd. , 272, Hakikat Nagar, Mall Road, Delhi-9. | M/s. Well King Chits (P) Ltd. , C-47, Acharya Niketan, Mayur Vihar, Phase-I,Delhi-91. | M/s. Aegis Chit Fund (P) Ltd. , E-484, Greater Kailash-II, New Delhi-48. | List of Companies which have been debarred from doing any Chit Fund business in Delhi   NAME| ADDRESS| A. G. CHIT FUND PVT. LTD. |    | ARJIT CHITS PVT. LTD. | | BHAGMAL CHITS PVT. LTD. | | CHOJI PRITAM CHITS PVT. LTD. | | DISHTI CHIT FUND PVT. LTD. | DIRECTOR: Sh. Ajay Pandon| DISHTI CHIT FUND PVT. LTD. | DIRECTOR: Sh. Sudarshan Kapoor| EK-ONKAAR CHIT FUND PVT.LTD. | | EROS FIN. ; CHIT FUND PVT. LTD. | | GIRDHAR CHITS PVT. LTD. | | GOLDEN BENEFIT CHITS PVT. LTD. | | J. KRISHNA CHIT FUND PVT. LTD. | | J. V. CHITS PVT. LTD. | | KADS CHIT FUND PVT. LTD. | | KHAJANA CHITSPVT. LTD. | | LEAN CHITS PVT. LTD. | | MINCO CHITS PVT. LTD. | | NIKETAN CHIT FUND PVT. LTD. | | PARVATI CHIT FUND PVT. LTD. | | PARVEEN CHIT FUND PVT. LTD. | | POMA CHIT FUND PVT. LTD. | | PROSPER CHIT FUND PVT. LTD. | | RITESH CHIT FUND PVT. LTD. | | ROHTGI CHIT FUND PVT. LTD. | | ROYAL CHIT FUND PVT. LTD. | | RUHANI CHIT FUND PVT. LTD. | | S. T. S. CHIT FUND PVT.LTD. | | SAFAL CHIT FUND PVT. LTD. | | SATSANGI CHIT FUND PVT. LTD. | | SIMPLICITY CHIT FUND PVT. LTD. | | SUBHASH NAGAR CHIT FUND PVT. LTD. | | TRI NAGAR CHIT FUND PVT. LTD. | | VEDANTA CHIT FUND PVT. LTD. |    | YOG MAYA CHIT FUND PVT. LTD. |    | PARVARISH LEASING ; FIN. (P) LTD| Shop No. 6, Mafare Garden, New Delhi| M. V. A. CHIT FUND (P) LTD. | Shop No. 10, Krishna Mkt. ,Lajpat Nagar,N. Delhi. | HONOUR CHITS (P) LTD. | 2352, Sevak Bhawan,IIIrd Floor, Shop No. 9,Beadon Pura,Karol Bagh, N. Delhi. | * Source Ministry of corporate AffairsBenefits of Chit funds: Chit Fund is an attractive Investment Option which caters to people from all walks of life. It is specifically beneficial to the Salaried Class, Professionals, Businessmen and Self Employed. The uniqueness of Chit Fund as a method of Financial Planning stems from the fact that, it is both a tool for saving and borrowing. In other words, it serves the dual purpose of being an investment for your savings and in times of need the Subscriber can bid for the Prize Amount in order to meet any unexpected expenditure. The benefits of Investing in Chit Fund are numerous. You can choose how much you want to save per month. Chit funds companies offers chits of various denominations and monthly subscriptions amount ranges from Rs 2500/=(Chit value Rs 1 lakh) to monthly subscription of Rs 1,25,000. * The rate of return is very high compared to other Investment Options and it is also secure form of Investment. * Your Monthly payments will be the Chit Subscription Amount minus the Dividend. The details of the Dividend entitled for Deduction and the Balance Amount payable shall be informed every month, which is mandatory. It inculcates the habit of saving and setting apart a particular amount every month towards investment for a rainy day. * It is good for the Housewife to keep or save their small savings in Chit funds as they will get the money at the time of utmost financial need for household purposes. * It is generally used by housewives, employees of same company, peer groups, friends, and family members or some associations. * If it is used in proper or genuine way then it is makes a worth to invest in chit funds (Organized or unorganized). Drawbacks: Chit-funds do not offer any pre-determined or fixed returns. * Higher returns are earned when there are more nu mber of members in the group or if the duration of the scheme is longer. * One would earn more, when more members need emergency funds. Thus returns cannot be calculated and decided when one joins the scheme. * No security in unregistered chit fund companies. So there are more chances of getting hoax by these fraud companies. * Organizer gets benefited more from your savings. * No guarantee if fixed returns. * In chits interest earnings are lower than Fixed deposits (FD). High degree of risk is associated with chits, so relying on chit funds for saving could be more dangerous. * Chit does not make money; it is just a mechanism for liquidity and emergency funds. * Many chit fund owners are collecting huge volume of money from the common people by making false promises to them. Many poor people of our state are being allured by these chit fund owners and depositing their hard-earned money. But the people are not getting back returns for their investments How to be a Safe investor in C hit Funds:With the plethora of chit fund companies around, the safety of a chit fund lies in choosing the right one. In a registered chit fund company, under legal binding, the activities are regulated and institutionalized by the Chit Fund Act. And hence could be considered safe. However, other unregistered companies operating informally do exist. It has been also seen that depositors are being lured by chit funds companies or firms with higher returns than what banks offer them. These companies are also flourishing in the rural belts where banking penetration is low.One should carefully analyze the pros and cons before making investment in chit funds. Therefore one needs to exercise caution while choosing where he desires to invest. Chit funds definitely are an attractive option for regular saving. It inculcates a disciplined approach to financial planning. It has the added advantage of bringing a combination of savings as well as hassle free borrowing. This dual purpose investmen t tool could be a friend in need at times of unexpected financial emergencies. Thence BE SAFE AND BE SELECTIVE while going for any chit fund schemes.