Saturday, April 20, 2019

The practicality of agile development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The practicality of agile development - Essay ExampleThey are cosmos compared by the prompt method too.Its been more than a decade, since agile development is being used for parcel development. It came as a result to the conventional and traditional software development processes and was an effort to improve the slipway of software development. In general, agile means quick and fast, agile development set asides the conventional ways of software development, but still it is not necessary that agile is a solution to all the problems that is being faced by the development team.The agile manifesto focused mainly on customer satisfaction. It suggests the collaboration and cooperation with customer and manager through out the development process and also emphasize on the hotshot and teamwork by all the members of the team. Team moldinessiness be self organizing and should be autonomous in a way that it can take decisions but must be in contact with the customer.Though it is compet ent for only certain kinds of software but still it could be adopted by the developers and they can postdate the manifesto to provide their customers good quality software on the time due. Agile team must be able keep its pace with the changes that are in the industry, so that they can come up with the work that is suitable per the market standards.Though if we read its principles that are being defined by The Agile Alliance, it gives us an idea that it could be the best methodology for the software development. The principles states that customer should be satisfied and his demands must be fulfilled end-to-end the project, and also the project must be submitted on time.Changes should be welcomed throughout this time and developers, managers and customers must be in contact with each other. The developers involved in the projects must be competent and cooperative and the team environment should be peaceful and comfortable for all team members. honorable software should be chosen for development, design of the

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