Thursday, August 27, 2020

Spirituality 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Otherworldliness 4 - Essay Example Albeit caring consideration giving stands apart as an acknowledged social duty of the medical caretakers, the training resists proficient morals and prerequisites for wellbeing laborers. This exposition investigates sympathy weariness structure a processional and moral point of view. Medical caretakers and different parental figures frequently end up in a situation concerning the consideration they have to provide for patients and their own government assistance. In spite of the fact that wellbeing laborers have a decent understanding on the idea of human body its requirements for rest and sound ways of life, they are limited by social and expert duties (Joinson, 2007). Such obligations drive them to disregard their own needs. In spite of the fact that empathy weariness is a significant issue among wellbeing laborers, most wellbeing experts neglect the issue. As per Kottler (2005), the principle motivation behind why medical attendants ignore empathy weariness is that they have gotten used to the issue making them to bargain with the exhaustion. A meeting directed on attendants working in California emergency clinic built up that most medical caretakers utilized prescription to make them remain conscious for extended periods. The review additionally settled that most medical caretakers had unpredictable resting periods because of remaining burden or a craving to offer empathy administrations for their patients. This demonstrates wellbeing laborers need to have a solid foundation on sympathy weariness manifestations. Sympathy weakness side effects are indistinguishable from those of posttraumatic stress. Dissimilar to posttraumatic stress, sympathy weariness indications depend on injury. This shows they dir ectly affect the patient’s life and that the effects can be shown promptly by their exhibition and conduct (Kottler, 2005). The fundamental ideas of sympathy exhaustion are passionate, subjective, otherworldly physical and conduct. These ideas convert into indications and notice signs that describe the condition. Standard

Saturday, August 22, 2020

How We Can Write An Essay - Get More From Your Essay By Using the Help of a Tutorial

How We Can Write An Essay - Get More From Your Essay By Using the Help of a TutorialThe topic of writing an essay is something that is often not thought about. It is usually used by colleges and universities when they have to teach students to write and complete essays. While this may be fine for most people, there are many people who still have problems with writing an essay.The first thing that needs to be done is finding out what type of essay you want to write before you go about writing your own essay. A good way to do this is to go online and type in some basic search terms like 'how to write an essay'excel essay.' You will be amazed at how many different websites are available to help you find how to write an essay.Once you have found a website that has a tutorial on how to write an essay, it is important to follow the instructions of the website. This will not only help you better understand how to write an essay but also will give you the resources that you need to help you become a good writer. The next step is to sit down and write your essay.The main points that you want to include in your essay are: a list of supporting evidence, supporting facts, and your own opinion. You do not want to make your essay too long because it will hinder you from writing it effectively. The length should be based on how much information you can give in a short amount of time.Writing an essay is something that requires patience and concentration. The more prepared you are, the more likely you are to write an essay that does not leave anyone in doubt as to whether or not you really understand what you are writing about. Most people use lists of sources for their essays, which is very effective but does not necessarily mean that the list of evidence is correct.The final point that needs to be included in your essay is your personal feelings. Whether or not you choose to use anecdotes and stories, facts, and other types of things to help tell your story is up to you. Once you are finished writing your essay, you will be able to move on to the next step, which is to read your work over until you feel comfortable with it.It is a good idea to go over your work several times so that you can get it right. The truth is that an essay that you write does not need to be perfect. You should not try to please everyone with your essay, but instead try to present your point of view and avoid saying anything that could be considered offensive.Writing an essay is not something that everyone enjoys doing but it is necessary. It will help you learn how to write an essay and it will help to give you skills that you can use for the rest of your life. The more you learn about how to write an essay, the more it will be one of the skills that you will use for years to come.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Media Influence on the Youth Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Meda Es

Media Influence on the Youth Media unequivocally influences youth culture. The media administrators rush to shield their job in youth viciousness and tormenting while at the same time selling a huge number of dollars in includes centered youth. Television makers, arrange administrators, movie organizations and others in the media preclude any effect from securing their projects on the perspectives and activities of youth. In the mean time they keep on burning through millions on enhancements and advertising outfitted to expand claim to youth markets. While companies burn through millions on statistical surveying and promoting to make items and crusades focused at a young segment, they despite everything deny their capacity to impact youth. In the event that this were consistent with reality, would NIKE keep going through millions consistently on item advancement, showcasing and promoting? Would McDonalds still be utilizing animation like characters to sell cheeseburgers? Would music names be expanding the degree of brutality and sexual substance in the music equipped towards the young crowd? Would alcohol organizations use youth situated exercises in their promoting? Obviously it chips away at affecting youth and its goals publicizing would not be a multi-billion dollar a year business. In the event that it had no impact, M-TV would not have specialist on staff going through immense measures of cash to guarantee they staying aware of youth culture. Dress organizations are burning through millions to get youthful gorgeous people to make plain and exhausting garments look speaking to youth. Youth react t...

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Irregular Past Participles in Italian

You’ve learned that if you want to talk about the past in Italian in the passato prossimo or conjugate any compound tense in the conditional or the subjunctive, you’re going to have to become familiar with the past participles of verbs. Those are what in English translate to done, made, said, seen, known, and so forth. Lucky for you, a lot of past participles of Italian verbs are conjugated along regular patterns and therefore have formulaic endings: verbs in -are  have past participles in  -ato, and those in -ere and -ire have past participles in -uto and -ito, respectively. Among the regular verbs with regular past participles are camminare (camminato), parlare (parlato), credere (creduto), and finire (finito). Irregular How? While we do get off easy when it comes to those regular verbs, many verbs in Italian, especially the ones ending in -ere, have irregular past participles. For example, with cuocere, you might think the past participle is cuociuto but it is cotto; with leggere, you might think it is leggiuto but it is letto. With rompere, romputo, but it is rotto; with venire, venito but it is venuto. Most verbs have more than one irregular tense or mode, but sometimes the past participle is the only mode that makes the verb irregular: it might otherwise be entirely regular. Conversely, a verb can be irregular with a regular past participle (andare with andato; cadere with caduto; bere with bevuto, based on the Latin infinitive bevere). So when we are talking here about irregular past participles, we are talking about just that: not other aspects of an irregular verb. Patterns One way to become well-versed in Italian past participles—besides plain memorization—is to become familiar with families of verbs and similarities between their features, regular and irregular, and even their sounds. Sometimes a mere difference in accent in the infinitive will account for a difference in pattern in the past participle. For your ease of learning, here is a table of common verbs with similarly irregular past participles. For example, verbs that end in -endere like prendere are going to have a past participle similar to preso: sospendere, sospeso; sorprendere, sorpreso. Plus, below you’ll find a list of some of the most common past participles that dont really fit in any family. Hopefully, we will find some reason in the madness. Irregular Past Participles: Some Families and Groupings This list is not all-inclusive; many verbs with irregular past participles have their own singular models (and the verbs that descend from them follow suit). INFINITIVE PAST PARTICIPLE VERBS IN SAME FAMILY RESPECTIVE PAST PARTICIPLES Verbs in -ere like RIDERE riso coinciderecondivideredividereesplodereevadereimplodereperdere coincisocondivisodivisoesplosoevasoimplosoperso Verbs in -endere like ACCENDERE and PRENDERE accesopreso arrendereascenderedipenderediscendereoffenderepretendereriaccenderescenderespenderetendere arresoascesodipesodiscesooffesopretesoriaccesoscesospesoteso Verbs like CHIEDERE chiesto richiedere richiesto Verbs in -dere like CHIUDERE chiuso persuadereracchiudererinchiudere persuasoracchiusorinchiuso Verbs in -scere like CONOSCERE conosciuto crescerericonoscererincrescere cresciutoriconosciutorincresciuto Verbs like CEDERE cesso concederesuccedere concessosuccesso Verbs in -ettere likeMETTERE messo intrometterepermetterepremetterepromettere intromessopermessopremessopromesso Verbs in -gliere like COGLIERE colto accogliereraccoglieresciogliere accoltoraccoltosciolto Verbs like DIRE detto benediredisdireinterdiremaledirepredire benedettodisdettointerdettomaledettopredetto Verbs in -durre like PRODURRE prodotto ridurre ridotto Verbs like FARE fatto confaredisfarerarefarerifaresoddisfaresopraffarestrafare confattodisfattorarefattorifattosoddisfattosopraffattostrafatto Verbs in -gere like PIANGERE pianto giungereraggiungerespengerevolgere giuntoraggiuntospentovolto Verbs in -ggere like LEGGERE letto distruggereeleggerefriggerereggererileggeresconfiggeretrafiggere distruttoelettofrittorettorilettosconfittotrafitto Verbs in -ondere like RISPONDERE risposto corrisponderenascondere corrispostonascosto Verbs like ROMPERE rotto corromperedirompere corrottodirotto Verbs like SCRIVERE scritto riscrivere riscritto Verbs like TRARRE tratto contrarreritrarresottrarre contrattoritrattosottratto Verbs like VEDERE visto (or veduto) avvedereintravvedereprevedereprovvedererivedere avvistointravistoprevistoprovvisto/provvedutorivisto Verbs like VENIRE venuto avvenireconveniresovveniresvenire avvenutoconvenutosovvenutosvenuto Verbs like VINCERE vinto convincerestravincere convinto Verbs like VIVERE vissuto conviveresopravvivere convissutosopravvissuto Verbs in-parire like APPARIRE apparso riapparirescomparire riapparsoscomparso Verbs like APRIRE aperto coprireoffrire copertoofferto Other Common Irregular Past Participles Here are some more irregular past participles of common verbs not contained in the families above: essere (to be): stato (been)bere (to drink): bevuto (actually regular, based on Latin infinitive bevere)chiedere (to ask): chiesto (asked)conoscere (to know): conosciuto (known)correre (to run): corso (run)cuocere (to cook): cotto (cooked)morire (to die): morto (dead)muovere (to move): mosso (moved)nascere (to be born): nato (born)piacere (to like): piaciuto (liked)rimanere (to remain): rimasto (remained)scrivere (to write): scritto (written)stringere (to tighten): stretto (tightened) How to Know? A good Italian dictionary is essential in guiding Italian language-learners through the maze of past participles. Remember, once you become familiar with the broad strokes of the families and groupings and start to recognize patterns and similarities, with a bit of practice you will be able to commit them to memory and speak in compound tenses with much greater ease. Buono studio!

Friday, May 15, 2020

How to Become a Forester - Career Path

This is the second in a three part series on becoming a forester. As I mentioned in the first feature, there is a structured set of courses you must have from an accredited forestry school to become a forester. However, when you finish your four year degree, the practical applied learning process begins. Working conditions vary considerably - you may be inside for weeks at a time. But it is a certainty that a large part of your job will be outside. This is especially true during your first several years of employment where you are building career basics. These basics become your future war stories. Although some of the work is solitary, most foresters have to also deal regularly with landowners, loggers, forestry technicians and aides, farmers, ranchers, government officials, special interest groups, and the public in general. Some work regular hours in offices or labs but this is usually the experienced forester or forester with a graduate level degree. The average dirt forester splits his/her time between field work and office work, many opting to spend most of the time outside. The work can be physically demanding. Foresters who work outdoors do so in all kinds of weather, sometimes in isolated areas. Some foresters may need to walk long distances through thick vegetation, through wetlands, and over mountains to carry out their work. Foresters also may work long hours fighting fires and have been known to climb fire towers several times a day. Foresters manage forested lands for a variety of purposes. Generally they come in four groups: The Industrial Forester Those working in private industry may procure timber from private landowners. To do this, foresters contact local forest owners and gain permission to take inventory of the type, amount, and location of all standing timber on the property, a process known as timber cruising. Foresters then appraise the timbers worth, negotiate the purchase of timber, and draw up a contract for procurement. Next, they subcontract with loggers or pulpwood cutters for tree removal, aid in road layout, and maintain close contact with the subcontractors workers and the landowner to ensure that the work meets the landowners requirements, as well as Federal, State, and local environmental specifications. Industrial foresters also manage company lands. The Consulting Forester Forestry consultants often act as agents for the forest owner, performing many of the above duties and negotiating timber sales with industrial procurement foresters. The consultant supervises planting and growing of new trees. They choose and prepare the site, using controlled burning, bulldozers, or herbicides to clear weeds, brush, and logging debris. They advise on the type, number, and placement of trees to be planted. Foresters then monitor the seedlings to ensure healthy growth and to determine the best time for harvesting. If they detect signs of disease or harmful insects, they decide on the best course of treatment to prevent contamination or infestation of healthy trees. The Government Forester Foresters who work for State and Federal governments manage public forests and parks and also work with private landowners to protect and manage forest land outside of the public domain. The Federal government hires most of their foresters for managing public lands. Many State governments hire foresters to assist timber owners in making initial management decisions while also providing manpower for timber protection. Government foresters also can specialize in urban forestry, resource analysis, GIS, and forest recreation. Tools of the Trade Foresters use many specialized tools to perform their jobs: Clinometers measure the heights, diameter tapes measure the diameter, and increment borers and bark gauges measure the growth of trees so that timber volumes can be computed and future growth estimated. Photogrammetry and remote sensing (aerial photographs and other imagery taken from airplanes and satellites) often are used for mapping large forest areas and for detecting widespread trends of forest and land use. Computers are used extensively, both in the office and in the field, for the storage, retrieval, and analysis of information required to manage the forest land and its resources.Thanks to BLS Handbook for Forestry for much of the information provided in this feature.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Critical Thinking Is An Important Asset Of Individuals

Critical thinking is an important asset of individuals in all career fields. Though the application of the concept is not limited to professionals and leaders, it is most often associated with professional business people and leaders. As a strategic leadership student, I recognize the importance of being a critical thinker. The ability to make the most effective strategic plans, identify conflicts and determine the best resolution, choose the path toward objectives and motivate followers to achieve goals successfully is greatly affected by my ability to use critical thinking. When making decisions, choosing actions, and leading others, it is necessary to gather as much information as possible before moving forward. I cannot make the†¦show more content†¦My team played the part of community members who formed a coalition to achieve a specific goal. I led the team, which was called the Concerned Community Coalition, and it was our job to convince the other team, Hospital Board Administrator, to redirect funds and reconsider their objectives as they started a multi-million-dollar project to build new facilities. The situation’s complexity made it was necessary to gather information about various elements that ultimately determined how we would strategically plan our negotiation. We used critical thinking to answer questions such as: †¢ What were the specific issues which created conflict? †¢ How can the issues be resolved to meet the needs of both parties? †¢ How will our team begin the process and who will lead the negotiation? †¢ What is the ultimate objective or goal (BANTA) our group is seeking? †¢ What strategies will be used to reach the goals? †¢ How will the opponent perceive our demands and the situation? †¢ What power does our team have and what power does the opponent have? †¢ How can we approach the situation ethically and responsibly? As our team leader, I encouraged the members to carefully analyze the original outcome described in our reading and use it to determine a more effective way to approach the negotiation in our simulated activity. By analyzing the process and approach of the previous negotiation and trying to see the situation fromShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Critical Thinking1060 Words   |  5 PagesCritical thinking is a prerequisite to rationality. This means that there must be a problem-solving mechanism that seeks to conclude on the expected outcomes. As such, critical thinking is tied around finding solutions to a problem. It is important to note that there is a bias towards the end result to determine whether critical thinking was employed. This makes sense because failing to find a solution to a problem cannot be classified as critical thinking. As Steven Johnson said in Where Good IdeasRead MoreEssay about Critical Thinking: Strategies in Decision Making1010 Words   |  5 PagesCriti cal Thinking: Strategies in Decision Making Critical thinking is a process of applying various skills to analyze information. Critical thinking uses rationality to distinguish between emotion and fact. 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With technology improving, these basic skills are necessary. Other skills needed to be successful in jobs include; communication, work ethics, ability to adapt, taking responsibility, being organized, critical thinking and being a good role model. It used to be that the more degrees and certifications you received the better the job. As a civilian IRead MoreThe Military Decision Making Process Essay1406 Words   |  6 Pagesalong the way. It is with certainty that not every single plan devised is going to work out however the process develops critical thinking skills, sparks innovations and sets the tone for when the unexpected does occur. Dwight D. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Compare Two Biographies Of Wayne Gretzky Essay Example For Students

Compare Two Biographies Of Wayne Gretzky Essay In this essay, I need to compare two biographies of a famousperson. I will plot out the difference and compare the two booksconsidering point of view, bias, aim, omission, interest andinterpretation. This person is my hero and idol. He is one of thegreat player in the history of hockey. He set the all-time NHLscoring record in 26 seasons and got four Stanley cups in a rowfrom 1984-1988. He is Wayne Gretzky, the most brilliant andtalent hockey player in this century. I chose the Gretzky andTaylor and Gretzky with Rick Reilly. The book Gretzky with Rick Reilly was an autobiography. Itshowed how Wayne Gretzky from his AHL to a famous NHL player. Inthis book, there were a lot of Gretzkys childhood. We knew thatWayne Gretzky could skate at two years old. He was well known bypeople at six. When he was ten, he was signing autographs and hada national magazine article written about him. A thirty- minutesnational television show done on him at fifteen. It also talkabout Gretzkys hero when he was a kid. He was a funny guy. Hewas Gretzkys hockey instructor. He was also his lacrosse,baseball basketball and cross country coach. He was not onlycoach, but also trainer and chauffeur. Gretzky called him dad,his name was Walter. However, in the book Gretzky and Taylor,it did not show anything in Gretzkys childhood. It was startedwhen Gretzky became the NHL player, a member of Edmonton Oilersrookie. How he became the hall of the frame. The description ofthis book was very interesting. The writer show the thing throughthe g ame. For example the first chapter was talking aboutthe 1984 Stanley Cup final between the Edmonton Oilers and NewYork Islander. Wayne, he said, dont worry about not scoring so far. Just make sure that when you do get a goal for us is a big one. (Page 15 Gretzky and Taylor ) From this conversation, we couldknow what had happen at that time. So, there was differentbetween the point of view of those two books. Although this two books had the different point of view,they both had the same aim. They also showed to young people thatworked hard was the only source of success. In the book Gretzkywith Rick Reilly, Gretzky showed his talent when he was young. He was national knew at six. There was even a wild rumors thatthe New York Rangers were going to buy the entry Brantford PeeWee franchise, so that they had the right to take him when heturn the greater. But behind the success, did you know howmuch Gretzky put on the hockey. In the winter, Gretzky would getin the mourning, skated from seven o clock to eight- thirty,went to school, came back home at three thirty, stayed on the iceuntil his mother ready the dinner, ate in his skater, then wentback out until nine o clock. On Saturday and Sundays, he wouldhave games played with his neighborhood. So looked how much timesthat Gretzky put on the practice and that time he was six. Alsoin the book Gretzky and Taylor, because of Brantford, the homeof Wayne Gretzky. He left home at fourteen. He moved to Toronto,playing with the Toronto Young Nationals, Junior B. The years inToronto were no way for a kid. He was lonely, living withoutfamily. But why Gretzky chose to do this? It was because he cou ldgo to school and nobody knew who he was and he would play betterhockey. So now we can see how Gretzky was so successful. .ubc1950407cb7038d230a61fcd7242517 , .ubc1950407cb7038d230a61fcd7242517 .postImageUrl , .ubc1950407cb7038d230a61fcd7242517 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ubc1950407cb7038d230a61fcd7242517 , .ubc1950407cb7038d230a61fcd7242517:hover , .ubc1950407cb7038d230a61fcd7242517:visited , .ubc1950407cb7038d230a61fcd7242517:active { border:0!important; } .ubc1950407cb7038d230a61fcd7242517 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ubc1950407cb7038d230a61fcd7242517 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ubc1950407cb7038d230a61fcd7242517:active , .ubc1950407cb7038d230a61fcd7242517:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ubc1950407cb7038d230a61fcd7242517 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ubc1950407cb7038d230a61fcd7242517 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ubc1950407cb7038d230a61fcd7242517 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ubc1950407cb7038d230a61fcd7242517 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ubc1950407cb7038d230a61fcd7242517:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ubc1950407cb7038d230a61fcd7242517 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ubc1950407cb7038d230a61fcd7242517 .ubc1950407cb7038d230a61fcd7242517-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ubc1950407cb7038d230a61fcd7242517:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Magnanimity in the Iliad Analysis EssayWe could clearly see the omission between these tow book. It was because the Gretzky and Taylor was published in 1984,there was a great omission in Gretzkys life. This thing happenedin 1988, the Edmonton Oilers wanted to tread Gretzky to L.A. Kings. That was the most important trade in the NHL. The bookGretzky with Rick Reilly was published in 1900. So it had somemore detail in this event. After the Oilers had won the fourthStanley Cup in last five years. The owner of the Oilers NelsonSkalbania wanted Oilers to go public, so he could raise moneyeasily. In order to go public, he had to get Gretzky out of thepersonal service contract and make Gretzky property of the team. Because Skalbania knew what he needed wasnt more Stanley Cups. He didnt need to sell more ticket. His arena was already soldout. He need cash. So, now Gretzky became a LA. Kings after thishuge deal in the NHL history. Talking about the bias, I didnt think there had a lot ofbias in this two books. I could only find a little bias in thebook Gretzky with Rick Reilly it was because this book was aautobiography, it may had a little bit subjective. The part thata felt subjective was the huge deal. In the book, it only hadpeople who supported Gretzky to give their comments, no one wason the side owner .May be the thing was what the people had said,but you should also had the comment of other side. So that peoplecan compare by themselves. Both two books were very interesting, not only the words butlot of pictures. These pictures could make the books moreinterested but also gave readers the image how Gretzky playedhockey. And the interpretation, both two books had some statisticin the back. It showed how many goals, assists, points and manyother statistic of Wayne Gretzky. (see note 1)Compare of these two books, I could find both veryinterested and excllent. However, I thought the Gretzky withRick Reilly was a liitle bit better than the other because ofthe more specify details.

Monday, April 13, 2020

My dream holiday free essay sample

My dream holiday is canada europe and london. cause it is all about romance , lifestyle n work whom with my family friends n relatives in europe the view is beautyful, smoothing and romantic in canada my big family lives thier in london it is all about work.. My Favourite Holiday Destination I have been to several places around the world, Mumbai and Goa in India, Paris in France, Hamburg in Germany, Rome and Venice in Italy, Vatican City, Singapore, Hong Kong, Melbourne and Sydney in Australia but my personal favourite is the Brisbane-Gold Coast tripMy Favourite Holiday destination My favourite place is our granny and grandfather’s summer cottage, which is about 12. 5 kilometres from our house. It is situated on the way to the famous Bird Sanctuary Nalsarovar. I just absolutely love this place. Its definitely different from the typicalBest holiday destination J. Preetham University of SRM Each year thousands of people wish to spend their vacations holidaying abroad. We will write a custom essay sample on My dream holiday or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page There are many destinations with exquisite panoramas in the world. Out of those Switzerland is the most preferred destination. In my opinion, Switzerland is thALASKA Reasons I Want to Visit Alaska 1) It is a very beautiful state with lots of scenery and National parks to visit 2) There is a lot of different wildlife and it would be awesome to them in their natural habitat. 3) I would love to go fishing and big game hunting. Where I Would LikA Dream House In the story â€Å"The House on Mango Street†, by Sandra Cisneros, the narrator moves from house to house, in order to find the perfect house to fit the entire family. In searching for the ideal house, the family finds their identity by living in each house, and searching for an upg

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

How to Study for a College Midterm

How to Study for a College Midterm Midterms can be intimidating, whether youre a first-semester college student or getting ready to graduate. Because your grade might be heavily dependent on how you do on your midterm exams, being as prepared as possible is important for your success. But just what are the best ways to prepare? In essence: how do you study for a midterm in the best way possible? 1. Go to Class Regularly and Pay Attention If your midterm is over a month away, your class attendance might seem pretty disconnected from your study plan. But going to class every time, and paying attention while youre there, is one of the most effective steps you can take when preparing for a midterm or other important exam. After all, the time you spend in class involves you learning and interacting with the material. And its much better to do so in shorter snippets over the course of a semester than to try to learn, in just one night, all of the things that have been covered over the last month in class. 2. Stay Caught Up with Your Homework Staying on top of your reading is a simple but highly important step to take when preparing for midterms. Additionally, if you really focus on your reading the first time you complete it, you can do things like highlighting, taking notes, and making flashcards that can later be transformed into study aids. 3. Talk to Your Professor About the Exam It may seem obvious or even a little intimidating, but talking to your professor in advance of the exam can be a great way to prepare. He or she can help you understand concepts youre not totally clear on and can tell you where to best focus your efforts. After all, if your professor is both the writer of the exam and someone who can help you be efficient in your preparations, why wouldnt you use him or her as a resource? 4. Begin Studying at Least One Week in Advance If your exam is tomorrow and youre just starting to study, then youre not really studying youre cramming. Studying should take place over a period of time and should allow you to really understand the material, not just memorize it the night before an exam. Beginning to study at least one week in advance is a smart way to reduce your stress, prepare your mind, give yourself time to absorb and remember the material youre learning, and overall do well when exam day finally arrives. 5. Come Up With a Study Plan Planning to study and planning how to study are two very different things. Instead of staring blankly at your textbook or course reader during the time youre supposed to be preparing, come up with a plan. For example, on certain days, plan to review your notes from class and highlight key elements you need to remember. On another day, plan to review a particular chapter or lesson that you think is especially important. In essence, make a to-do list of what kind of studying youll do and when so that, when you do sit down for some quality study time, you can make the most of your efforts. 6. Prepare Any Materials Youll Need in Advance If, for example, your professor says its okay to bring a page of notes to the test, make that page well in advance. That way, youll be able to refer to what you need quickly. The last thing you want to be doing during a timed exam is learning how to use the materials you brought with you. Additionally, as you make any materials youll need for the exam, you can use them as study aids as well. 7. Be Physically Prepared Before the Exam This may not seem like a traditional way of studying, but being on top of your physical game is important. Eat a  good breakfast,  Ã¢â‚¬â€¹get some sleep,  have the materials youll need already in your backpack, and check your stress at the door. Studying involves preparing your brain for the exam, and your brain has physical needs, too. Treat it kindly the day before and the day of your midterm so that all of your other studying can be put to good use.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Studio Portraiture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5500 words

Studio Portraiture - Essay Example his or her appearance and mood rather than his or her environment. Portrait is far distinct from a snapshot for it shows someone in immobile state thus it can be termed as the best expression of a personality in photography. This explains why since the time immemorial, portraiture as an art ; painting, sculpture and photography, has been used in making impressions of great people such as kings , emperors and pharaohs among others. Moreover, it has been used in the same magnitude on important occasions like funerals weddings. Donnan (2004) claims that in political arenas, portraits are so important that it is deemed a symbol of national unity to have portraits of the head of state in important places. It is common that if a portrait of a certain personality is used too much it can lead to worship of that person either politically or in other ways like in the case of Stalin in Russia. Families have heightened demand on portraits to enjoy in commemoration of important events like weddin gs and birthdays among other various events. Portrait photography has developed since the time immemorial to become a vast and technologically sophisticated industry today. Studio portraiture has expanded creating many jobs and careers and the other hand developing talents. As technology advances so do the techniques of photography which makes the talents developed in studio portraiture to be taken far outside a housed studio (Donnan, 2004). Today's advancement in studio portraiture is solely due to digital formatting technology which is narrowed from electronic technology. Digital technology is the system controlled by digital circuits where electronic logic is transmitted discreetly using gates and flip-flops this is the opposite of analogue electronics whose systems continuously varies. Digital format is use of the said digital technology in a calculation or solving of a logical problem. Digital formatting has led to greater developments in photography techniques such as high key lighting. it has also led to development of digital cameras which are very efficient in studio portraiture. This study will be used to gauge by what ways change in studio portraiture to digital format has affected style and type of photography available today (Donnan, 2004). Problem Statement Gradual changes of portraiture brought about by technological advancement have been perceived to have brought about negative impacts to the society in terms of style as well as types of photography available today. Justification of the study. Since the discovery of portraiture as an art which through history, dates back several thousand years back, there has been a great revolution in the ways it is carried out and the outcome. The development in different techniques of portraiture has led to increased performance of portraiture as an art in satisfying the need of the user the drive of the artist. The emergence of portraiture industry has led to springing up of many studios in the recent times which have later developed as big film or photography companies; this implies large scale business which requires talents

Friday, February 7, 2020

Australia's national interests would be better served by pursuing a Essay

Australia's national interests would be better served by pursuing a foreign policy that is more independent of the United S - Essay Example For instance, Australia’s primary national interest was to gain strategic dominance in the region to fight against all possible external threats. Initially it was among the colonies of UK in the pre World War II era and therefore it had to face substantial political threats soon after the independence. Hence forming ANZUS alliance with USA was the foremost step in order to safeguard the national interests of the country (McLean, 2006). However, after the US declaration of war on terror the overall nature of ANZUS was dramatically changed and Australia’s national interests began to get negatively affected by the intervention of US. Now researchers are critically analyzing the core objectives of ANZUS alliance and the current political scenario. It would be now significantly better for the Australian government to execute an independent foreign policy so as to protect its national goals and objectives. Moreover such independence will facilitate the Australian government t o save itself from the international wars and politics. But the consequences and reaction of US government in such a situation cannot be underestimated (Umetsu, 2006). This paper aims to critically evaluate the relationship between Australia and USA in terms of Australia’s national interests and foreign policy. Moreover, it will discuss the key interest behind ANZUS alliance since 1950s, the core reasons behind Australia’s participation in wars against Afghanistan and Iraq including its moral and legal justifications. This shall be followed by Australia’s relationships with Asia and Middle East subsequently leading to the end of discussion i.e. either independent foreign policy is suitable for Australia or not. Since the very beginning Australia has depended upon the British and American powers in order to gain strategic benefits and also to fulfill its national interests. When British were ruling the world Australians were under their strong influence. However, when America came into power it also took control over the foreign policies and strategic matters of Australia. This ultimately resulted in ANZUS alliance which was formed in 1950 (McLean, 2006). Historical records reveal that Australia was never able to practice complete authority over its national matters due to the mental dependency and also because of the massive influence of American power. Critics such as Alan Ramsey argue that Australian government officials have proved to be more sincere to US rather than to their own nation. Hence it can be said that Australia actually transformed into an American colony after gaining independence from Britain (McLean, 2006). Australia had some key interests in forming and maintaining ANZUS alliance. For instance, in the post-World War II era Australia needed to have strong foreign relationships in order to meet any threat to its national interests. Furthermore, the significantly strong economic position of USA played a vital role in drivi ng and uplifting the Australian economy, while on the other hand Australia was specifically interested in gaining domestic political benefits from US interventions (Beeson, 2003). If we closely analyze the address of Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s to the Congress representatives in the US then we can easily anticipate that Australia is not only

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Single parenting households Essay Example for Free

Single parenting households Essay Single-parent families in todays society have their share of daily struggles and long-term disadvantages. The issues of expensive day care, shortage of quality time with children, balance of work and home duties, and economic struggle are among the seemingly endless problems these families must solve. As a subject for my photographic essay, I illustrate the concept of the single-family and their corresponding struggles with daily life. As many single-parent households are female-headed, their economic burden is much greater than that of a single-father family. This issue results from the fact that single women typically do not earn the same income as a single man; thus, there is a consequent economic struggle not experienced in the single-father household. An offshoot of this economic struggle is the balance of work and family duties. Single mothers often must work overtime shifts to compensate for the low salaries, thus taking time away from their children and other domestic chores. This results in a child that is home alone, without adult supervision, or placed in a daycare service for up to 8-10 hours per day. Government subsidized daycare is not yet a realized dream, and many single mothers pay large fees for this service. Also included in this essay is an illustration of the perspectives on child adjustment following a divorce. The photographs incorporate the parental loss, parental adjustment, parental conflict and economic hardships outlined in Newman and Grauerholz (2002). I expect my finished essay to evoke a well-founded respect for single-parent households and enhance a general understanding of the circumstances inherent therein. Two parents are always better than one according to the parental loss perspective. In a two-earner family, one parent may be able to stay at home with the children. But in a single-parent family, the parent rarely has the option of staying home to care for children full-time. Finding affordable, available childcare is likely to be a challenge. According to the parental conflict perspective, children suffer from witnessing spousal abuse. The parental adjustment perspective suggests that children in single parent families suffer because their parents have difficulty adjusting and functioning. According to the economic hardship perspective, children suffer from lower incomes more common among* single-parent families. Children in single-mother households are especially vulnerable because women tend to earn lower pay.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Safety Features in Automobiles Essay -- Expository Essays Research Pap

Safety Features  in Automobiles "Motor vehicle crashes are the number one killer of Americans under the age of 34. Every 22 minutes someone is killed in a crash" (Vince and Larry). Since 1990, many new safety features have been put into vehicles to help save lives. These features are Antilock brakes, airbags, OnStar, and four-wheel drive or all wheel drive. "One of the best safety features available is anti-lock braking system" (Gillis). Antilock brake system (ABS) is a safety feature that keeps the brakes from locking up so the driver can maintain control over steering and directional stability in situations where the driver has to apply heavy brakes, heavy enough that if the vehicle was not equipped with ABS, the brakes would lock up. ABS is usually engaged on slippery road surfaces, when traction is minimal. If a person's brakes lock up on a slippery surface, then the vehicle could loose steering control and the vehicle could spin. ABS could help a person avoid an accident because it allows a person to maintain steering control of the vehicle (Questions and answers...). In a vehicle not equipped with an antilock brake system, the driver has to manually pump the brakes to keep from sliding. ABS works by sensing each wheel's speed. When the sensors detects that the wheels are about to lock up, the ABS computer automatically changes the amount of brake fluid being sent to each wheel. With ABS engaged, the vehicle will "Maintain optimum braking performance---just short of locking up the wheels." The computer will keep adjusting the brake pressure as the road conditions change (Antilock brake systems ...). The four main parts of an antilock brake system are the speed sensors, the pump, the valves, and the controller. Th... National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. (1996). Moving * forward: expanding collaborations between traffic safety and public health. MA. Education Development Center, inc.. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. (1998). Questions and * answers regarding antilock brake systems (ABS). U.S. Department of Transportation. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. (1999). New car safety features. U.S. Department of Transportation. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. (2000). Antilock brake * systems (ABS): reading this could be one of the safest things you ever do. U.S. Department of Transportation. OnStar. (2002). What is OnStar: services. Retrieved March 14, 2003, from "Vince and Larry." (1991). Vince and Larry on belts and bags. U.S. Department of Transportation.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Baler – Reaction Paper

We spent two hours inside classroom. I saw a lot, discovered new ideas, thought of filling my senses, felt all the lines in the movie. But when I was about to go out, there seems to be something lacking. It’s like something is not reaching my stomach. It was like dissolved in my throat too early. The movie is acceptable. Full of good intentions. Intentions to deliver good performances, to tell a good story, to educate and entertain, to transport the viewer to a period worth knowing, to render good cinema experience. This movie is based on history which is the Siege of Baler that happened near the end of the Philippine-Spanish War, wherein 57 soldiers hid inside a church against Filipino rebel troops. The major events and officials involved in the movie are real people, like Captain Enrique de Las Morenas, the commander of 57 man Spanish detachment of the Second Expeditionary Rifle Battalion. The siege of Baler is the backdrop of this movie, but the story is focused on the romance of Half-Spanish Half Filipino soldier who is Celso Resurreccion (Jericho Rosales), and a native of Baler, Quezon, who is Feliza Reyes (Anne Curtis). Watching the main characters on how they portray the characters are funny. Jericho doesn’t look like Half Spanish. Also Anne wherein she is a native of Baler. She is not qualified to be one. Good thing she act well enough. Cinematography is not that good. Some are excellent but some are dull. The fight scene at the start looked like a montage. But it lacked spirit, doesn’t affect much the viewer. The church looked very fake. Even in the scene where Feliza is reading a love letter. It was dark, she was holding the lamp under the love letter, but how come she still be able to read it? All in all, the movie is good. Although I said in the beginning it’s not good enough. My expectations aren’t met. For the record, I don’t remember studying the Siege of Baler. This served as a good source of my knowledge on our heritage. Baler Un Libro de reaccion para espanoles Pasamos dos horas dentro de clase. Vi un monton, descubierto nuevas ideas, pensamiento de llenar mis sentidos, sintio todas las lineas en la pelicula. Pero cuando estaba a punto de salir, parece que hay algo que falta. Es como si algo no esta llegando a mi estomago. Era como disuelto en la garganta antes de tiempo. La pelicula es aceptable. Lleno de buenas intenciones. Las intenciones de entregar buenos resultados, para contar una buena historia, educar y entretener, para transportar al espectador a un periodo vale la pena conocer, a hacer experiencia de cine bueno. Esta pelicula esta basada en la historia que es el Sitio de Baler que ocurrio cerca del final de la guerra filipino-espanol, en el que 57 soldados se escondio dentro de una iglesia en contra de las tropas rebeldes filipinos. Los eventos principales y funcionarios involucrados en la pelicula son personas reales, como el capitan de Las Morenas Enrique, el comandante del destacamento hombre de 57 espanoles del Batallon Expedicionario Rifle Segunda. El asedio de Baler es el telon de fondo de esta pelicula, pero la historia se centra en el romance de Half-espanolas mitad soldado filipino que es Celso Resurreccion (Jericho Rosales), y un nativo de Baler, Quezon, que es Feliza Reyes (Anne Curtis ). Viendo a los personajes principales en como retratan los personajes son divertidos. Jericho no se parece a la mitad espanoles. Tambien Anne donde ella es originaria de Baler. Ella no esta calificado para ser uno. Menos mal que actuar lo suficientemente bien. Cinematografia no es tan bueno. Algunos son excelentes, pero algunos son aburridos. La escena de la pelea al principio parecia un montaje. Pero carecia de espiritu, no afecta mucho al espectador. La iglesia se veia muy falso. Incluso en la escena en la que Feliza esta leyendo una carta de amor. Estaba oscuro, que sostenia la lampara bajo la carta de amor, pero ?como es que ella todavia ser capaz de leerlo? En conjunto, la pelicula es buena. Aunque he dicho al principio que no es lo suficientemente bueno. Mis expectativas no se cumplen. Para que conste, no me acuerdo el estudio del asedio de Baler. Esto sirvio como una buena fuente de mi conocimiento sobre nuestro patrimonio.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois Influences on...

Booker T. Washington once said, â€Å"Nothing ever comes to one, that is worth having, except as a result of hard work.† In the age of reconstruction and western expansion, civil rights bursted out like a bullet from a gun. Two men led the way into the civil rights movement, but in very different customs. Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois both were huge influences to civil rights, one founding what we know today as the NAACP and the other spoke of a philosophy known as the Atlanta Compromise. Booker T. Washington has a compelling story of sorts. He was born into slavery and climbed his way out of poverty. He received his education at the Hampton Institute and encouraged other blacks to do the same as him. Soon after he became†¦show more content†¦He encouraged that ten percent to do everything possible to get a university education. He strived for instant demolishment of segregation. In 1905, Du Bois and his followers met at Niagara Falls, the Canadian side, since the American side would not have them. There they started the Niagara Movement. After a riot in Springfield, Illinois, they joined with a white sympathy group and formed the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. At first, whites held most office positions, but Du Bois was their director of publicity and research. They led the road to equal rights and were seen very frequently in the federal courts filing lawsuits against segregation laws that were unjust in various states. In one case, Guinn v. United States, the Supreme Court declared the grandfather clause unconstitutional. After Booker T. Washington’s death in 1915, the NAACP took off since Washington had one of the leading black organizations. Though Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois had clashing views on some ideas, they both had the common goal of equality. Both believed the way to success was education and progress in social standings. Both had a plethora of followers and founded organizations that helped our nation realize that segregation was immoral. Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois set the bar of achievements for African Americans and would not back down or beShow MoreRelatedBooker T. Washington, W.E.B. Du Bois and John Hope Essay1286 Words   |  6 Pageswhite and black populations. Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. Du Bois and John Hope all attempted to conquer these tough issues based on their own experience and cultural influences by sharing their opinions. A well-respected African American leader named Booker T. Washington gave a speech that would be later named the Atlanta Compromise at the Cotton States and International Exposition in Atlanta on September 18, 1895 (Booker T. Washington Biography). Booker T. Washington was born in to slavery andRead More Marcus Garvey and W.E.B. Du Bois Impact the Fight for Racial Equality1050 Words   |  5 PagesMarcus Garvey and W.E.B. Du Bois Impact the Fight for Racial Equality The beginning of the early twentieth century saw the rise of two important men into the realm of black pride and the start of what would later become the movement towards civil rights. Both Marcus Garvey and W.E.B. Du Bois influenced these two aforementioned movements, but the question is, to what extent? Marcus Garvey, born in Jamaica, came to the United States on March 23, 1916 to spread his program of race improvementRead MoreReconstruction Failed For African Americans1112 Words   |  5 Pagesslightly differed from slavery. In the early twentieth century, visionaries such as Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. DuBois, and Marcus Garvey recognized the urgent need for change. These great leaders were in agreement that action was required to uplift the African American race. However, their philosophies on how to approach it were vastly different. Born a slave on a Virginia farm, Booker Taliaferro Washington (1856-1915) rose to become one of the most influential African-American intellectualsRead MoreWashington vs. Du Bois Dbq1362 Words   |  6 PagesBooker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois, both early advocates of the civil rights movement, offered solutions to the discrimination experienced by black men and women in the nineteenth and twentieth century. Despite having that in common, the two men had polar approaches to that goal. Washington, a man condoning economic efficiency had a more gradual approach as opposed to Du Bois, whose course involved immediate and total equality both politically and economically. For the time period, WashingtonRead MoreW.E.B. Du Bois Essay1794 Words   |  8 PagesW.E.B. Du Bois Few men have influenced the lives of African-Americans as much as William Edward Burghardt (W.E.B.) Du Bois is considered more of a history-maker than a historian(Aptheker, The Historian). Dr. Du Bois conducted the initial research on the black experience in the United States. Civil rights leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr. have referred to Du Bois as a father of the Civil Rights Movement. Du Bois conducted the initial research on the black experience in the United StatesRead MoreRacial Leadership And The African American Political Thought From B Du Bois1260 Words   |  6 Pagesleadership in Afro American political thought from W.E.B Du Bois to Booker T. Washington to Marcus Garvey who sought to lead African-Americans from the oppression they face. All three of these historical figures had different views on racial leadership and politics as well as the vision and direction that racial emancipation should take. W.E.B Du Bois argued that African-Americans should political, economic, and social freedom and advancement. Booker T. Washington was more conservative in his approach inRead MoreAnalysis Of Booker T. Washington Essay2187 Words   |  9 Pagesmore influential in Black America than those of Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois. The staunch differences in their respective ideologies gaining their roots by way of the backgrounds both men endured in the earliest days of American Reconstruction following the Civil War. Booker T. Washington was born into slavery in Virginia on April 5, 1856. Following emancipation his mother moved the family to West Virginia to rejoin her husband. Washington saw the value of education from a young age, andRead MoreBooker T. Washington s Achievements1440 Words   |  6 PagesBooker T. Washington was a very well respected man who also had many people that questioned his knowledge and beliefs. One of the most prominent men that questioned Washington was W.E.B. Du Bois. Du Bois believed differently than Washington a nd raised numerous questions about Washington’s achievements, but they both ultimately were striving for the same goal. They both wanted African Americans to be equals, and furthermore wanted a level playing field for all, regardless of their skin color. TheRead MoreAfrican American Leaders Post- Reconstruction Essay1320 Words   |  6 Pagesa declared indifference, but as I must think, a covert real zeal for the spread of slavery, I cannot but hate it. I hate it because of the monstrous injustice of slavery itself. I hate it because† it deprives our republican example of its just influence in the world†. Abraham Lincoln became the sixteenth President of the United States in 1861. Growing up in non-slave territories as a child and disapproving of slavery, Lincoln had little support in the South. With the country moving forward intoRead MoreB. Du Bois Essay1447 Words   |  6 PagesW.E.B. Du Bois was a major force in twentieth-century society, whose aim in life w as to help define African-American social and political causes in the United States. History writes that W.E.B. Du Bois was a sociologist, historian, civil rights activist, and Pan-Africanist. However, white people who feared him labeled him a trouble maker and some black people saw him as an outcast. No matter what Du Bois’s critics thought about him, Du Bois was the voice of African-American fight for equality. As