Friday, December 27, 2019

American Foreign Policy Among The Cold War - 2649 Words

AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY LEADING TO THE COLD WAR Janine Douglas CHST 604 Professor Kasprzak 16 July, 2015 The twentieth century was one that was characterized by many years of war, as well as unprecedented economic, political, and technological change for the whole world. As technology, transportation, and communication evolved, the world seemed to be getting smaller, and the need for world powers to interact with each other grew unavoidable. According to Alan Dobson and Steve Marsh in their book US Foreign Policy since 1945, this is the age of personal summitry, of diplomacy by presidents and prime ministers. Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin invented it in wartime and it is radically different from diplomatic experience prior to 1939. This means that the world leaders go directly to each other to discuss internal affairs, making foreign policies into a very personal matter for world leaders. Thus, it was during this time that the complex world of foreign policy became entangled in the three wars that were predominant in this century - the First World War, the Second World War, and the Cold War. At this time, the older, more established powers found it ever more necessary to interact with the powers and countries that were growing and changing across the world, as well as with each other. New countries emerged at the end of both wars, Middle Eastern and African countries played ever more important roles in the global stage, and Asian countries found themselvesShow MoreRelatedThe Cold War And Postmodern Eras1579 Words   |  7 Pagesto envelop in culture of fear. American elites have established this supremacy by the means of propaganda. From the Cold War to the War on Terror, these elites have maintained power along with the American Government to make sure they have control of their consumers. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Comparative Analysis Of Beowulf And Sir Gawain And The...

A Comparative Analysis of Beowulf and Sir Gawain and How Their Differences Reflect the Changing Views of English Society Throughout history and even continuing up through today, society has been infatuated with the concept of heroism, specifically with the idea of what truly defines a hero. One look at a list of upcoming movies will reveal as much, full of films featuring protagonists that range from warriors to just regular people who stay true to themselves while being faced with seemingly insurmountable barriers. Since the beginnings of English literature, there have been stories written about the ideal hero. The earliest of these stories, Beowulf, was composed by an unknown author somewhere around the year 700. (â€Å"Beowulf,† New World Encyclopedia). Another well-known English heroic story is Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, written approximately 700 years later in 1400 (â€Å"Sir Gawain and the Green Knight,† Luminarium). While these two stories are both part of the same vast collection of English heroic literature, they differ greatly in the way that each goes about depicting the ideal hero. This ideological shift is representative of the sweeping transformations that England underwent between the Early and Late Middle Ages. When analyzing any piece of literature, it is important to reflect on the time period in which it was written in order to gain better insight into what the work says about the society from which it came. In the case of Beowulf, this epic poem was

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Business Strategy and Sustainability Research †

Question: Discuss about the Business Strategy and Sustainability Research Management. Answer: Introduction: Interface Carpets is an international leading carpet manufacturer. The company is also a leader in championing sustainable business practices. Sustainability refers to operations of a business that cause no harm to the world. The Companys journey to sustainability for Interface Carpet started in 1994. The key drivers to sustainability were customers and companys willingness not to cause harm to the environment. The customers of Interface Carpet started questioning about what the company was doing to the environment. The companys customers made the company to start sustainability practices in it products, process and operations. Secondly, the company had a mission and willingness to engage in business practices that are sustainable by ensuring they are environmental friendly. The interface carpet has integrated several natural capitalism factors to; people, process and culture. The company has changed it resources use to increase productivity. The raw materials used are slow to depletion, less pollutant and employs more individuals (Avlonas, Nassos, 2014). Secondly, the company has redesigned it processes to reduce wastage, reusing and remanufacturing. The company has adopted biomimicry in the organization industrial process. Lastly, the company has is focused to creating a culture that improves well being and social equity in the society. The company has incorporated sustainable practices in the companys mission and vision. I can compare Interface Carpets with Coles supermarket. The Coles business needs to include it sustainability objectives in it mission and philosophy to ensure the business operate effectively. According to Baumgartners view of an efficiency strategy, Fuji Xerox is on the lead to ensuring sustainability enhances the achievement of the corporate strategy (Martin, Verbeek, 2005). The company has a philosophy that stakeholders in the business have to work and act good to the citizens by ensuring right economy, social; considerations and the environment. The company has instituted a supply chain requirements and procedures that ensure the company achieves a competitive advantage through effectiveness. Fuji Xerox is a sustainable corporation according to the definition given above. The company has invested in a remanufacturing plan that aims to redesign the industrial process to ensure that there is waste reduction and a balance between environment and economics are maintained ( Neugebauer, 2016). The waste materials that would have been used for landfill were being re-used to increase productivity of the company. From the study of the case study, I learn that businesses should use it sustainability practices for attaining efficiency strategy Management that enable the company achieve corporate strategy. The companies should also balance the between economical activities and the environmental impact to ensure business exist in sustainable business (Aras Crowther, 2012). This will enable our organization attain an advantage edge by reusing, remanufacturing and recycling material and creating a positive publicity of the business that will increase companys customers. References Aras, G., Crowther, D. (2012). Business strategy and sustainability. Bingley, U.K: Emerald. Avlonas, N., Nassos, G. P. (2014). Practical sustainability strategies Management: How to gain a competitive advantage. Martin, P. V., Verbeek, M. (2005). Sustainability strategies. Annandale, N.S.W: Federation Press. Neugebauer, F., Kassel University Press GmbH. (2016). The formation of sustainability strategies: An Action Research inquiry into sustainability strategy making in a corporate innovation project.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Varying Effects of Enzyme Concentration on Reaction Rates of Malate Dehydrogenase free essay sample

There are two different ways in which a substrate can bind to an active site. The first way is through the lock and key model. Certain substrates can bind only to certain active sites in the lock and key model. This is called the lock and key model because the active site is like the lock and the key is the substrate. Only certain keys can open certain locks. This accounts for the specificity; not all substrates can fit into all active sites. Another way in which substrates bind to active sites is called the induced fit model. This is where an active site changes its form to accommodate for certain substrates. There are several different biological factors that effect enzyme activity. Some of them include temperature, pH, and enzyme concentration. This experiment will be testing how much of an effect different concentrations of enzyme solutions have on reaction rates. There are many different kinds of enzymes. We will write a custom essay sample on Varying Effects of Enzyme Concentration on Reaction Rates of Malate Dehydrogenase or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A group of people have formed the Enzyme Commission for organizing and identifying enzymes. They set up a system where each enzyme has a four number name. The enzyme for this reaction is malate dehydrogenase (MDH). Its enzyme commission number is 1. 1. 1. 37. The first number is in reference to its class. In the case of MDH, it is a oxidoreductase meaning that it carries out oxidation-reduction reactions. The next two numbers refer to the subclass and sub-subclass. The last number is the specific serial number for that enzyme. As mentioned before, MDH carries out an oxidation-reduction reaction where oxaloacetic acid (OAA) is and NADH are oxidized to produce malic acid and NAD+. The OAA and NADH (reduced form) are the substrates in this reaction and the malic acid and NAD+ are the products that arise from this oxidation-reduction reaction. This specific reaction is very important because it occurs in the Krebs cycle. The Krebs Cycle is what is a series of reactions that take place in the mitochondria to generate ATP which is an energy source for cells. Without this reaction, there would be no life on earth so it is vital to our existence. MDH is obtained from bovine hearts and has been thoroughly researched. This reaction with MDH has a specific characteristic that enables researches to study its specific reaction rate. NADH absorbs light at 340nm and at the moment when MDH catalyzes the oxidation of NADH, the absorbance decreases. For this reason, concentrations of the enzyme will be tested to see how it affects this important reaction. MATERIALS AND METHODS MDH Assay The following procedures were taken from Boernke et al (YEAR). An assay was run with optimal conditions for MDH (7. 51pH, 25 °C, 1x conc. ) to use as a comparison for the results. This was done by mixing 10? L of MDH solution with 1. mL of phosphate buffer, 10? L of OAA, and 10? L of NADH in a cuvette. The cuvette was then mixed by placing a square of parafilm over the top and inverting a few times. This cuvette was immediately placed in a Barnstead/Turner Spectrophotometer model sp-830 to obtain a starting absorbance at 340nm. The absorbance was taken in the spectrophotometer every ten seconds after that for two minutes and recorded. In between each reading, the spectrophotometer was calibrated by taking the absorbance of a ‘blank. ’ The blank contained everything mentioned above except for the 10? L of MDH. The readings were then used to make a chart where time was plotted against absorbance. By calculating the slope of this chart (? y/? x †¢ 60/1min), the absorbance per minute was achieved, hence, finding out how fast the reaction occurs in nature. Also by dividing the slope by 6. 22, the units of enzyme activity was calculated. Effects of Varying Enzyme Concentration The next part of this experiment was to test the rate of absorbance using different enzyme concentrations. 1. 0mL of phosphate buffer, 10? L of OAA and 10? L of NADH were added 3 different cuvettes. In the first of those cuvettes 10? L of . 25x MDH dilution was added and run through the same experiment as the MDH assay (mixing and taking the absorbance every ten seconds for two minutes with ‘blanks’ in between). In the second cuvette, 10? L of . 5x MDH dilution was used and in the third cuvette the stock solution of 10? L of 1x dilution of MDH was used. After logging all of the absorbance values of each of the three test tubes, charts were made by plotting absorbance verse time and slopes and units of enzyme activity were calculated from that chart. Then another chart was made comparing the units of activity with the different enzyme dilutions. RESULTS The results of this experiment found that the stock concentration of 1x showed the most units of activity as Figure 2 suggests. Figure 2 is specifically comparing the units of activity of each of the three concentrations and their corresponding units of activity. The 1x concentration had . 1187 units of activity while the . 5x had . 0816 units and the . 25x had . 0384 units of activity. As seen in Figure 1, the line for the 1x concentration started at a much lower absorbance reading. It also had the steepest slope showing the reaction occurred more rapidly than that of the . 5x and . 25x. DISCUSSION A reason for why the 1x concentration rose above the others lies in the aspect of evolution and natural selection. As mentioned in the introduction, MDH comes from a cow heart and occurs in nature so it would make sense the over time nature ‘selected’ the 1x concentration of MDH to work the best because when it actually happens, the concentration is not diluted to half for one-fourth of the original solution. Also it could be due to error that the absorbance of the 1x concentration started at a lower value. Maybe the reaction happened so fast that the reaction occurred before the cuvette was placed in the spectrophotometer. It could have been that it was mixed more thoroughly as well. It would be really interesting another study followed up on this and figured out what exact concentration works the best. They could use very similar concentrations like . 99x 1x and 1. 01x. FIGURES LITERATURE CITED Becker, W, Kleinsmith, L, Hardin, J (2006). The World of the Cell. San Francisco: Bemjamin Cummings. (Becker, Kleinsmith, and Hardin, 2006)