Friday, May 31, 2019

Diversity in the Classroom: A Cognitive Call to Action Essay -- Educati

Diversity in the Classroom A cognitive C each(prenominal)(a) to ActionThe United States is expecting forceful changes in the innovation of its community over the next 50 years. Minorities go away become a larger impute of the countrys population. Changes get out need to be do to the way our country operates, especially in education. New, innovative and inclusive ways of t severallying will replace traditional methods. For these new changes to go smoothly, steps will be taken to implement diverse populations in schools, helping bookmans benefit from the values of another(prenominal) cultures while learning to live along side each other. The competitive and biased curriculums will take back seat to new ones that cater to all members of the population, leaving behind disruptive and antisocial behaviors. And finally, the teacher population will become as diverse as the student counterpart, creating more chances for students to identify with their leaders. This enquiry pape r will identify problematic situations for educational salmagundi as well as examine the effectiveness of diverse populations in classroom settings with pry to the development of students world skills and understanding, openness and tolerance of diversity. What do we remember when we say diversity in the classroom? Diversity in the classroom is the different heathenish make-up of a student body. Right now, it is estimated that by 2050, the non-Hispanic etiolated portion of the U.S. population is projected to decrease from approximately 72% to less than 53%. The African American population is expected to change magnitude from under 13% to over 15% and the Hispanic population is expected to increase from 11% to 24%. As well, the Asian and Pacific Islander population is expected to increase from 4% to ... ...ool and high school. I have overcome these in my own personal and sea captain endeavors, but it can be hard to do for infantile students. Not only was my school majo rity white students, but the schools it fed into were quite the opposite, creating drastic contrast. Montgomery Blair High School, not 20 minutes, prides itself in beingness one the near diverse schools in the province (Hadidi, A.24). My school was made up of kids that were all exactly or mostly the same. When it comes down to it, although I had the most caring teachers in the world, I learned very little about life and our nations great diversity as a student there. The nation is changing and the school systems throughout the country need to adapt their curriculums to handle it. by means of new strategies and responsive teaching, teachers will pave the way for a heterogenous, successful and peaceful society. Diversity in the Classroom A Cognitive Call to Action Essay -- EducatiDiversity in the Classroom A Cognitive Call to ActionThe United States is expecting drastic changes in the diversity of its population over the next 50 years. Minorities will become a larger portion of the countrys population. Changes will need to be made to the way our country operates, especially in education. New, innovative and inclusive ways of teaching will replace traditional methods. For these new changes to go smoothly, steps will be taken to implement diverse populations in schools, helping students benefit from the values of other cultures while learning to live along side each other. The competitive and biased curriculums will take back seat to new ones that cater to all members of the population, leaving behind disruptive and antisocial behaviors. And finally, the teacher population will become as diverse as the student counterpart, creating more chances for students to identify with their leaders. This research paper will identify problematic situations for educational diversity as well as examine the effectiveness of diverse populations in classroom settings with respect to the development of students world skills and understanding, opennes s and tolerance of diversity. What do we mean when we say diversity in the classroom? Diversity in the classroom is the different cultural make-up of a student body. Right now, it is estimated that by 2050, the non-Hispanic White portion of the U.S. population is projected to decrease from approximately 72% to less than 53%. The African American population is expected to increase from under 13% to over 15% and the Hispanic population is expected to increase from 11% to 24%. As well, the Asian and Pacific Islander population is expected to increase from 4% to ... ...ool and high school. I have overcome these in my own personal and professional endeavors, but it can be hard to do for young students. Not only was my school majority white students, but the schools it fed into were quite the opposite, creating drastic contrast. Montgomery Blair High School, not 20 minutes, prides itself in being one the most diverse schools in the nation (Hadidi, A.24). My school was made up of kids that were all exactly or mostly the same. When it comes down to it, although I had the most caring teachers in the world, I learned very little about life and our nations great diversity as a student there. The nation is changing and the school systems throughout the country need to adapt their curriculums to handle it. Through new strategies and responsive teaching, teachers will pave the way for a heterogenous, successful and peaceful society.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

What is Love? Essays -- Literary Analysis, Donne, Loves Alchemy

I write out you. No other sequence of words has so much index number these words have the power to strengthen a bond, weaken a relationship, ruin a friendship or bring two people together. The pattern of love is puzzling and we have struggled to understand it for centuries, everything between the Greek goddess Aphrodite and todays Romantic comedies have attempted to comprehend and explain it. The theme of love is popular in Donnes early poetry. His understanding of love from the perspective of a protestant preacher reveals much about the anti-Christian sentiments and of the scientific revolution of the seventeenth century. A close analysis of Donnes poem, Loves Alchemy and of the film When Harry Met fracture reveals the strength behind Donnes idea that elicit is the end goal in relationships and that true love is physical. In the first two lines of Loves Alchemy Donne sets up his attack on Platonic love when he compares it to the unsuccessful results of alchemy. The wor ds deeper digged loves exploit (1) creates the association between platonic love and alchemy. The tap represents both the physical mine in which we find base metals, and secondly the spiritual mine in which we find love. For Donne, the idea of platonic love is as worthless as the metals pulled from the mine and much like the alchemist cannot turn it into gold, the Platonist will never turn his idea into true love. The metaphor of depth implies a direction inward, mainly into ones soul. The centric happiness (2) of the next line reinforces the idea of inner mining the center of the soul is where Platonists believe love to be. Another interpretation of the mine demonstrates how digging deep is necessary for love since alchemy never produces gold, the on... ...this way could represent how this notion of love plagues society and that it is an enemy we must unite against. The speaker as well warns against the inevitable loss of these qualities should platonic love be pursued for this vain bubbles shadow pay? (14) The use of the word pay likens the prosecution of platonic love to crime in which the guilty person must pay a fine. The image of the bubble on the other hand represents dainty and transparency which means that these are characteristics of platonic love. The concept of platonic love as fragile and transparent is also present in When Harry Met Sally. Initially when Harry tells his friend about his platonic relationship with Sally, his friend is unconvinced. This reaction is justified because near the end of the film, the platonic relationship dissipates and they have turn on which eventually leads to marriage.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Problems with Immigration Essay -- Cons of Illegal Immigration, Immigr

Problems with ImmigrationThe question is have we given up on turning our immigrants into Americans(Brimelow 30). Undoubtedly, all the hipped-up controversial rhetoric will dissuadethe immigrant population from becoming legal. It has become such a hassle to gothrough the process that many people choose to cross the border withoutpermission. in front 1960, eighty percent of the immigration to America came fromEurope. Since 1960, however, eighty percent has come from places other thanEurope (Wishard 153). As a result, immigrant laws have become less pass judgment ofthe immigrant community. Long ago, European immigrants were given a job, shelter,and food. Soon, the new immigrants were granted citizenship and votingprivileges (Hernandez A1). Today, immigrants are lucky to cross the boarderwithout being shot--God forbid they become citizens. depraved to what many believe, many immigrants are not here to become citizens.Many wish to stay for a short time and then return to their home. In fact, manyimmigrants are reluctant to become legal. Many harbor hopes and dreams ofeventually returning to their friends and family back home. Then there are thedistinct few who do not wish to decide, and would like have triple citizenship.To be loyal to more than one country, to vote in both countries, and to travelback and forwards easily (Limon).To understand the affects of immigration one must study the state where it ismore rampant. calcium is a magnet for immigrants. As a result, many averthat immigrants are a great economic burden. California does, however, benefitfrom its porous borders. The succession of immigrant groups has brought thestate unparalleled ethnic diversity (Gerston 9). Besides ethnic diversity,California has one of the most diverse economies in the world. Despite itsproblems, California prevails in agriculture, mining, manufacture,transportation, communication, electronics, construction, and defense. Theseindustries contain a high percentage of immigrants . If California were anindependent nation, with a 695.3 one million million dollar economy, it would rank eighth inthe world (Gerston 8). Californias dense population is a direct result ofimmigration, which accounts for Californias great political and economicstrength.The unregulated vogue of goods, services, and people throughout the states iswhat ... ... to Raise Fees for misappropriated Immigrants.L.A. Times 2 Apr. 1995 A3.Christopher, Warren. NAFTA In the overriding interest of theUnited States. Dispatch 15 Nov. 1993 785.Fragomen, Austin T. Jr. The Illegal Alien Criminal orEconomic Refugee? Staten Island Center forMigration Studies, 1973.Gerston, Larry and Terry Christensen. California Politicsand Government A Practical Approach.Belmont, CA Wadsworth, 1993.Gore, Albert Jr. North American Free Trade Agreement.C-SPAN. 15 Dec. 1993.Hernandez, Efrain Jr. and Simon, Richard. Despite Gains, LatinoVoters Still Lack Clout. L.A. Times4 Dec 1994 A1.Limbaugh, Rush. Open-Line Friday. KF I, Los Angeles.7 Apr. 1995.Limon, Emiliano. I want dual citizenship. KFI,Los Angeles. 28 Apr. 1995.McDonnel, Patrick J. For Them, Prop. 187 is Just the Beginning.L.A. Times 28 Jan. 1995 A1.Olmo, Frank. Perspective on Immigration Open the Door to Mexicans.L.A. Times 31 Jan. 1995 B7.Wishard, Van Dusen. The Wider Vision Seeks to Inspire the trump out inPeople. Vital Speeches 6 (1994) 153.Woo, Elaine. Immigrants do Well in School, Study Finds. L.A. Times3 Apr. 1995 A1.

Foucault, Consumerism, and Identity Essay -- Philosophy

Foucault, Consumerism, and Identity Michel Foucault presents those revolutionary sorts of analyses that atomic number 18 liberal not only for their content but for their implications and reinvigorated methodological approach. Just beyond the surface of his works lies such philosophical wealth that one place be overwhelmed by considerations of which vein to mine first, and what to deposit of the elements therefrom extracted. Ive broken earth in several attractive sites this last week. Some, it seemed, hid their treasures too slurred for the scope of this excavation. Some presented me with granite barriers which I do not yet have the tools to penetrate. At other sites, the earth gave way easily and I made groovy progress, only to be flooded out. Finally, at the ordinal hour, I have struck something shiny. I wish to use Foucaults computes of socialisation, categorisation, and discipline, as the background for my outline of a moder n entity I call the personal identity package. I give define this concept and show how it fits into and is suggested by Foucaults works. Following this I will deal briefly with supposed problems with Foucaults account (or lack of an account) of subjectivity. Narrative gives coherence to a life. Particular episodes make sense in light of a uniting theme. The simplistic world view of the meat Ages left people satisfied with fairly simple narratives. One knew their personal obligations and had a vague judgement of how they fit into the systems of king and God. For the sovereign and the elite, their special condition was confirmed in ceremony and artistic representations.11 The masses were unrepresented. The lack of demand for empowerment or deviate may be partly due to the point t... ...of this system. The process of categorisation seems to have an assimilative function. If you cant beat them, label them. If it fits into our picture, it is ours. Put th is way, it seems like we are imprisoned in a lowering matrix of metaphysical manipulation. However, as I have shown to be the case in pop culture, we are complicit in our captivity, in fact, all too voluntary to participate. 11Michel Foucault, Discipline and Punish, tr.Alan Sheridan (New York Vintage,1995) p.192 22With an increase in bureaucracy came an increase in the importance of meticulous knowledge with this, to a greater extent power and a more distinct authority for the researcher. 33Modern advertising calls this appeal to a certain demographic. 44Quoted in Michael Clifford, Politcal Genealogy After Foucault, (New York Routledge, 2001) p.99 Foucault, Consumerism, and Identity Essay -- PhilosophyFoucault, Consumerism, and Identity Michel Foucault presents those revolutionary sorts of analyses that are rich not only for their content but for their implications and novel methodological approach. Jus t beyond the surface of his works lies such philosophical wealth that one can be overwhelmed by considerations of which vein to mine first, and what to make of the elements therefrom extracted. Ive broken earth in several attractive sites this last week. Some, it seemed, hid their treasures too deep for the scope of this excavation. Some presented me with granite barriers which I do not yet have the tools to penetrate. At other sites, the earth gave way easily and I made great progress, only to be flooded out. Finally, at the fifteenth hour, I have struck something shiny. I wish to use Foucaults accounts of socialisation, categorisation, and discipline, as the background for my analysis of a modern entity I call the identity package. I will define this concept and show how it fits into and is suggested by Foucaults works. Following this I will deal briefly with supposed problems with Foucaults account (or lack of an account) of subjectivity. Narrativ e gives coherence to a life. Particular episodes make sense in light of a uniting theme. The simplistic world view of the Middle Ages left people satisfied with fairly simple narratives. One knew their personal obligations and had a vague idea of how they fit into the systems of king and God. For the sovereign and the elite, their special status was confirmed in ceremony and artistic representations.11 The masses were unrepresented. The lack of demand for empowerment or change may be partly due to the fact t... ...of this system. The process of categorisation seems to have an assimilative function. If you cant beat them, label them. If it fits into our picture, it is ours. Put this way, it seems like we are imprisoned in a menacing matrix of metaphysical manipulation. However, as I have shown to be the case in pop culture, we are complicit in our captivity, in fact, all too willing to participate. 11Michel Foucault, Discipline and Punish, tr.Alan Sheri dan (New York Vintage,1995) p.192 22With an increase in bureaucracy came an increase in the importance of meticulous knowledge with this, more power and a more distinct role for the researcher. 33Modern advertising calls this appeal to a certain demographic. 44Quoted in Michael Clifford, Politcal Genealogy After Foucault, (New York Routledge, 2001) p.99

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Analysis of Rumble Fish by S.E. Hinton Essay -- Rumble Fish S.E. Hinto

Analysis of Rumble Fish by S.E. Hinton Rumble Fish is a great book for teens to read. It is a book about younger teens connector gangs. The main character in the book is Rusty-James who is a high school boy that is in a gang and likes to get into fights. Also there is a guy named the Motorcycle male child who is Rustys idol. Some minor characters in the book include Steve who is the best friend of Rusty-James, some other character is Smokey who is another good friend of Rusty-James, also Biff who wanted to beat up Rusty-James because they are in different gangs, and always are looking to fight each(prenominal) other. In the story Rumble Fish, Rusty James is a greaser who has a lot of fights in and out of school. He always sees the Motorcycle Boy and whenever Rusty is in a big fight, the Motorcycle Boy al...

Analysis of Rumble Fish by S.E. Hinton Essay -- Rumble Fish S.E. Hinto

Analysis of Rumble Fish by S.E. Hinton Rumble Fish is a capital bind for teens to read. It is a book about younger teens joining gangs. The main character in the book is Rusty-James who is a high school boy that is in a gang and likes to get into fights. Also there is a guy named the Motorcycle Boy who is Rustys idol. Some minor characters in the book include Steve who is the best friend of Rusty-James, another character is Smokey who is another good friend of Rusty-James, also Biff who wanted to beat up Rusty-James because they are in different gangs, and always are looking to fight each other. In the story Rumble Fish, Rusty James is a greaser who has a multitude of fights in and out of school. He always sees the Motorcycle Boy and whenever Rusty is in a big fight, the Motorcycle Boy al...

Monday, May 27, 2019

Research Problem Essay

1 WHAT IS A RESEARCH PROBLEM?A enquiry problem is the situation that ca offices the interrogationer to feel apprehensive, illogical and ill at ease. It is the transmission line of a problem vault of heaven within a received context involving the WHO or WHAT, the WHERE, the WHEN and the WHY of the problem situation. There are many problem situations that may give rise to research. Three sources usually contribute to problem identification. Own experience or the experience of others may be a source of problem supply.A second source could be scientific literature. You may read about certain findings and notice that a certain field was not covered. This could choke to a research problem. Theories could be a third source. Shortcomings in theories could be researched. Research can thus be aimed at clarifying or substantiating an existing theory, at clarifying contradictory findings, at correcting a faulty methodology, at correcting the inadequate or unsuitable use of statistical tec hniques, at reconciling conflicting opinions, or at solving existing practical problems.2 IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROBLEMThe prospective researcher should view on what caused the need to do the research (problem identification). The question that he/she should ask is Are there questions about this problem to which reactions have not been found up to the present? Research originates from a need that arises. A clear distinction between the PROBLEM and the PURPOSE should be made. The problem is the aspect the researcher worries about, regard about, wants to find a solution for. The purpose is to solve the problem, ie find answers to the question(s). If there is no clear problem course of studyulation, the purpose and methods are meaningless. Keep the future(a) in heed Outline the general context of the problem area. Highlight key theories, concepts and ideas current in this area. What appear to be some of the underlying assumptions of this area? Why are these issues identified al l important(p)? What needs to be solved? Read round the area (subject) to get to know the background and to identify unanswered questions or controversies, and/or to identify the the most significant issues for further exploration. The research problem shouldbe stated in such a way that it would lead to analytical thinking on the part of the researcher with the aim of possible concluding solutions to the stated problem. Research problems can be stated in the form of either questions or statements. The research problem should always be formulated grammatically correct and as completely as possible. You should bear in mind the wording (expressions) you use. Avoid meaningless words. There should be no doubt in the mind of the reader what your intentions are. Demarcating the research field into manageable parts by dividing the main problem into subproblems is of the utmost importance. 3 SUBPROBLEM(S)Subproblems are problems related to the main problem identified. Subproblems flow from the main problem and make up the main problem. It is the delegacy to reach the set goal in a manageable way and contribute to solving the problem. 4 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEMThe statement of the problem involves the demarcation and formulation of the problem, ie the WHO/WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY. It usually includes the statement of the hypothesis. 5 CHECKLIST FOR TESTING THE FEASIBILITY OF THE RESEARCH PROBLEM YES NO 1 Is the problem of current interest? give the research results have social, educational or scientific value? 2 impart it be possible to apply the results in practice? 3 Does the research contribute to the science of education? 4 Will the research opt new problems and lead to further research? 5 Is the research problem important? Will you be proud of the result? 6 Is there enough scope left within the area of reseach (field of research)? 7 Can you find an answer to the problem through research? Will you be able to handle the research problem? 8 Will it be pratically possible to undertake the research? 9 Will it be possible for another researcher to repeat the research? 10 Is the research free of any ethical problems and limitations? 11 Will it have any value? 12 Do you have the necessary knowledge and skills to do the research? Are you qualified to undertake the research? 13 Is the problem important to you and are you motivated to undertake the research? 14 Is the research viable in your situation? Do you have enough season and energy to complete the throw off? 15 Do you have the necessary funds for the research? 16 Will you be able to complete the project within the time available? 17 Do you have access to the administrative, statistic and computer facilities the research necessitates? TOTAL

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Personal Worldview Essay

Agave may be unity of the most popular natural enticements today, but its rise in popularity in the U. S. didnt bugger off until around 2003. Now its commonly used as an alternative to sugar, honey, or maple syrup for cooking, baking, and sweetening everything from coffee to oatmeal. Agave nectar (or syrup) is produced from the agave found the same plant used to make tequila. It tastes similar to honey with a hint of molasses and is manufactured by extracting the juice from the plants core, which is then filtered, modify or treated with enzymes and concentrated until it becomes a syrupy liquid.Proponents of this natural sweetener claim that its a healthy alternative to sugar, honey, and other sweeteners because of its low glycemic index. Its advertised as ideal for large number who are watching their weight or folks with diabetes who are working to lower their blood sugar levels. however before you add agave nectar to your grocery list, heres what the heck you need to know. Agave nectar contains up to 90 percent fructose. Thats importantly more than table sugar, which is 50 percent fructose (and 50 percent glucose) once its broken down by your body.A gaves high fructose content gives it advantages and disadvantages. The good part first Because fructose has a low glycemic index, agave doesnt cause your blood sugars to spike as rapidly after(prenominal) eating it, which means it can temper the sugar rush that occurs after eating something sweet. And even though agave and white sugar contain slightly the same number of calories, agave is markedly sweeter. That means you can get away with exploitation less to flavor your coffee, morning oatmeal, or baked goods and potentially save yourself a few calories. Now for the bad part.The high fructose content in agave can have some undesirable health effects. Studies have shown that large amounts of fructose can increase blood-triglyceride levels, and high triglycerides are a known risk factor for heart diseas e. In addition, some batch have trouble absorbing fructose, so eating it can cause bloating, gas and abdominal discomfort. Agave can be especially problematic for people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The Verdict Should You Switch to Agave? As with so many issues in nutrition, the health-related pros and cons of agave arent clear-cut.My feeling is, if youre only using a few teaspoons of sweetener a day, the differences are negligible and you can choose whichever one you prefer. In other words, limiting the total amount of sweetener youre using will have a much bigger impact on your health than altering the type of sugar you use. With that in mind, gullt use agave as an excuse to pump more sweet stuff into your diet just because it has a lower glycemic index. Most of us consume far more sugar in all forms than we should. And if agave is your sweetener of choice, just remember to keep your intake to no more than one tablespoon (thats three teaspoons) TOTAL per day.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Plastic Water Bottles, Are they safe? Essay

People these days use ductile bottles filled with wet since it is durable and light to carry. galore(postnominal) colorful malleable water bottles out in the market today which are trendy, and perfect for active lifestyle. Those colorful bottles are made with polycarbonate plastics. However, majority of the plastic water bottle users did not know that it may cause serious health hazards because of the poppycocks used in making the plastic water bottles. The harmful material which makes up the plastic bottle is the lexan polycarbonate resin.Research found out that this type of plastic polymer is accidentally developed by General Electric in 1953. soma of products over four decades like compact discs and DVDs, bullet-proof windows, computers, mobile phones, baby bottles and water bottles were made up of lexan polycarbonate resin. People think that if it doesnt change the flavor of the liquefied inside the plastic bottle it is safe. A discovery by Dr. Patricia Hunt in 1998, those plastics which are made from polycarbonate resin can leach bisphenol-A (BPA), BPA is known endocrine gland disruptor, which is a xenoestrogen that disturb the hormonal messaging in our bodies.Heat exposure, like leaving your plastic water bottle in your car, back pack, sitting the plastic water bottle on your desk is not also safe. The attractive colorful plastic bottles made with polycarbonate plastics may leach BPA. This chemical can be leached into the water bottles contents through wear and tear, exposure to heat and cleaning agents. This is also found in epoxy resin and other polycarbonate plastics that may damage the procreative organs and have negative effects on tumors, prostate development by reducing sperm count and breast tissue development.BPA is also link up to insulin resistance and Type 2 Diabetes and destructive to babies and young children. Plastic water bottles are only good for singe use. After using them it is better to measure up or have it recycled. The toxi ns in the plastic bottles bring harmful effects to every user, and those harmful effects are slowly killing the organs in our body. These days those types of plastic bottle which contains BPA are now banned due to its bad effects to our health. There are ways for us to keep out-of-door from harm and to avoid exposure to BPA.Instead of using plastic water bottles, switch to stainless steel water bottle, only when still you have to be careful because many products on the market are lined with epoxy finish. Another means, is to use glass bottles even they are a bit heavier, but are good and safe to use. Works Cited Medical News Today. http//www. medicalnewstoday. com/articles Polycarbonate Plastics and Bisphenol. http//www. bisphenol-a. org/human/polyplastics. html Water and Hydration Bottle Health. http//gearjunkie. com

Friday, May 24, 2019

Love Is Sacrifice Essay

I left work today realizing just how fortunate I am to be on the track towards a successful career. And on top of that, the fact that I actually enjoy my job makes it even better Its definitely been a long road.I think about how I had to deal with rude and ignorant customers as a convenient store cashier during junior high, the strenuous labor working alongside my mother at the dry cleaners in high school, and then finally those dreaded double shifts waiting tables for triad years during college. And yet I look at what I overhear today and realize that I havent obtained these things for myself. All of it has been provided by the transfer of the good Lord, and the dedicate of my parents. Its truly amazing what a parents love for his/her electric razor can accomplish. How much they are willing to sacrifice for the sake of their children. I must say without a doubt that is one of the most important lessons my parents have taught me. Love is sacrifice.My parents immigrated to the U .S. in 1979. My mother came to this country stolon in January of that year, along with her parents and her siblings. She left behind her husband and her two daughters in search of a better sustenance for all of us. Being away from your child even for a minute is the hardest thing to do as a mother. Not a day went by during our separation that she didnt think of us, did not long to hold us in her arms and to sing us to sleep with sweet lullabies. She fought back tears and endured heartache every day, but she knew that in the long run, this would all be worth it.My dad tells me that during this conviction while I was in Korea under his sole care, I would look up at all the airplanes that flew by and cry out, Um-ma, Um-ma (mother in Korean). My father would shake his head and tell me that it wasnt my mother and I would burst into tears. My father and my aunts (his sisters) told me they had never seen an baby cry as much as I did during the time my mother was gone.Finally, almost a y ear later in December of 1979, we were reunited with my mother at the Chicago OHare International Airport. My father correspondings to tell me how our reunion was decelerate, because I had to use the bathroom and couldnt hold it in. So the flight was delayed twenty minutes for its departure to the good old USA because of little moi and her weak bladder (oops).When I finally saw my mother, I immediately ran into her arms. I must have been the happiest little girl in the world at that very moment. But my sister (who was not even one at the time my mother left) didnt recognize her and clung to my father refusing to go into my mothers arms. I cant imagine the heartache my mother must have felt when her admit child didnt recognize her. Even as my mother retold the story to us, she choked with emotion recalling the alienation she sensed at that moment. What a sacrifice she made. But a child never forgets the womb from which she was conceived and in no time at all, my sister was Moms li ttle baby girl again. My mother is my role model of strength and courage.My parents had heard such marvellous stories about life in America. But life wasnt wonderful in the beginning. My grandparents, two uncles, my aunt, and my parents all lived together in a small apartment in Maryland. They could hardly speak the native language. They had no money to their name. They were get-go off from scratch. They began as cashiers at local convenient stores, worked in dry cleaners, and basically took whatever job they could get. Here they were, educated and skilled, yet working these unskilled jobs in the hopes that one day their children wouldnt have to.My parents both worked long hours. We hardly saw them and soon found ourselves becoming latch-key kids. My sister, brother, and I basically grew up taking care of ourselves. My father was also attending seminary at the same time studying to be a pastor, which I think ended up being one of the greatest sacrifices he made. Theres no money i n ministry. No glory. Very little benefits. But I acquire quickly that the treasures on Earth fade away just as quickly as the sun rises and the sun sets. My father saw the eternal revenge and was willing to sacrifice everything he had for it including a comfortable life for himself and his family.I find myself awestruck at how my father even raised a family of louvre on his salary. I make more than than double what he ever made as a pastor. And Im having a hard replete time managing my finances as a single person, much less raising a family. Yet my father knew this was his calling in life and he knew it would not be an easy road for any of us. My father is my role model of sacrifice and incredible faith.My sister and I had to work our way through college, studying diligently when we werent working odd jobs to pay off our tuition and rent. Though those years were hard and we found ourselves ready to give up at certain points of our college career, we made it through. But I rem ember the moments where I felt I just couldnt go on living like this. I remember vividly one night during my sophomore year in college when I came home after a horrible night at the restaurant and found myself weeping quietly in the corner of my room (hoping my roommates wouldnt hear). I stayed there the rest of the night, wishing with all my heart that my life were different. Yet it was the hope and dreams of something better down the road that got me through those hard days.Although my parents couldnt give us much in terms of material things, they gave us so much more. My sister, brother, and I have a deep appreciation and understanding of hard work and sacrifice. Having experienced the hardships ourselves, we are only that much more grateful for what our parents did for us. The chance they took to go to a different country where everything was foreign to them so that they could give their children a better life than they had known for themselves. To sacrifice their own dreams and ambitions so that we could see ours come true. Now as college graduates with promising careers, my parents proudly see that their sacrifice was well worth it. Mere words cannot say give thanks you enough.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Adoption of E-books Essay

The evolution of technology has already paved a way for various developments in terms of how people acquire information. Since computers and the internet have been in truth indispensable in fulfilling the needs of people for knowledge, modification aspects of lifestyle are becoming more and more common. Today, almost all commodities, processes and activities can be integrated into an electronic counterpart. One very good example is the introduction of e-books or electronic books. The espousal of e-books to make it commercially available just like selling bound paper materials has been very successful in terms of accessibility for the public.However, as what comes with every(prenominal) development, virtually concerns and issues abound. As a whole, the sudden transformation of publications into an electronic media can somehow overshadow the main benefits in the fabrication of such commodities. The publishing entities and elements are the core division which can easily fall into t he problems of e-book industry. Apparently, there are special(prenominal) issues which readily abound even before starting a specific process of launching a publication.The obstacles to e-Book publishing can be broken down into resistance to change, font issues, lack of a standard format, digital secures management, gentility of graphics, and reader hardware. (Stork, 1997). For the consumers, it can be very obvious that accessibility will be the primary advantage in acquiring publications. Since almost all households right now have computers and internet connection, it would be much easier to receive a copy of publications without going to a secondary retailer just to buy one. However, some implications may still be experienced. For one, users may not fully be able to utilize how electronic books work.There will always be marketplace segments which are not really familiar with computer features which can make it impossible for them to use. Next, some end users may not be accusto med to see publications on computer terminals or handheld screens, causing possible physical strains since it would be very possible that their previous reading experiences are accustomed to reading printed paper materials. Moreover, it can be more time consuming for an individual to set up the equipment first and opening the e-book file rather than flipping the pages of a formal book.In terms of platform and distribution, the technical aspects of this parameter are to be blamed regarding e-book adoption. Since the format is electronic, there can always be a brat of unintentional or even intentional legality problems in terms of copyright. The internet is full of elements which have the capability to easily retrieve information with very little force. Moreover, these elements, which of course are individuals with unacceptable intentions, have all the advantages in committing electronic crimes. Hacking and plagiarism are just some of the things they can do to electronic versions of publications.Aside from the issues in platform security, the process of distribution of e-books poses another significant problem. Since there will be no physical item which are at stake, consumers may not be able to take hold of what they have purchased unless they have printed a copy. Computers and electronic media are intangible. One small system error could wipe out an entire electronic file. On the other hand, online company publishers may not be able to acquire the optimum profit plowshare in selling e-books since computer users are able to do peer to peer sharing of files, putting their market performance at a disadvantage.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Britian during the First World War and The Social and Welfare

First World War How did women contribute to the war effort? Suffragist and suffragette member took mens places In Jobs when the men went overseas to fight. Hundreds and thousands of women were employed In munitions factories, in the transport system (conductors on buses and trams), employed as laborers on farms, as nurses and in offices a secretaries and receptionists. This was a crucial part of the war effort as it kept the country going. How were civilians affected by the war?During the war the government Rati championd sustenance Civilian land was taken over by the government for food production diluted so people wouldnt get drunk British summer was also introduced Beer was This was all under the Jurisdiction of the Defense of Realms Act (DORA) which was Introduced by the government In 1914. British summertime was Introduced so there were longer hours heart that people could work for longer. Under DORA people could not discuss military affairs. How effective was Government pro paganda during the war?A form of censorship was adopted in war time Britain, the government only allowed retain things in newspapers to be printed. Soldiers letters from the front were also censored. Posters were published to encourage the civilian morale. What was the attitude of the British people at the end of the war towards Germany and the Paris peace conference? During the war there were millions of deaths of soldiers on the front, and many permanently maimed by the war. The civilians were dotty and wanted Germany to pay a headline from a newspaper was make Germany pay.British Depth study social and welfare reform What were working and living conditions the like for the poor in the 1 sass? Pollution there was a large amount of pollution in cities due to the amount of coal burned-out Overcrowding large amounts of people were moving into cities to find Jobs, low wages and high rents meant families found the smallest places to live Disease there were major epidemics all around capital of the United Kingdom due to overcrowding, low standard housing and poor quality water supplies Waste disposal litter filled the streets along with horse manure. Human drive away flowed into sewers and then Into the rivers.The free school meals were not compulsory but by the end of 1914 a large amount of he population were getting one good meal a day The pensions act meant that many of the elderly were kept out of the work house but it was refused to people who had never worked in front Many of the Jobs that were in the exchange act were temporary or part time and the amount of Jobs available didnt increased The national insurance act was a good safety net for people who had fallen ill or were unemployed however they had to pay money out of their wages and wasnt enough for the exclusively family to live on Free medical treatment was only available to the wage earner

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

The Effects of War

For almost 50 years, the world contend was one of the most talked ab proscribed destruction of contend. The wars break out for various reasons. in that respect are world wars in the world, and they made every countries became the fighting area. Whenever, wars have happened there are always destruction everywhere and destroyed everything in apiece country by dropping bombs and using powerful explosive weapons. The most establishs of war is that people are died, destroyed the infrastructure, sparing, and confused from families. War killed galore(postnominal) people. As a result of ending of the founding War I, an estimated 10 trillion soldiers were killed.Those averages about 6,500 expirys a day, every day. Plus, millions of civilians were overly killed, fit in to www. history1900s. about. com/od/world-war-I. html. World War I was especi exclusivelyy remembered for its slaughter for it was one of the bloodiest wars in history. Moreover, World War II was the deadliest mili tary conflict in history. oer 60 million people were killed, which was over 2. 5% of the world population, according to www. en. wikipedia. org/wiki/world_war_II. After the war, it always go away many problems to the people and society. The main point is the tell of families and cause trio major points.First, it has many widows so it is very difficult for every last(predicate) widows to try hard to live without helping from other people. Second, the war left many orphans and all of the orphans faced many bad situations such as feel alone(predicate) and lack of love from parents. Moreover, orphans could non go to school and could not get friendship that why they became illiterate person. Third, the war left many people lost their relative became during the war or so relative were separate and some(a) were death. By this problems, some people live without knowing that their relatives were dead or still alive as a result it shuffle them lived with unhappy and lonely also.Anoth er factor that war effected, was infrastructure. Ask you that infrastructure is so important things include building, roads, bridges, and so on. But after the war everything was gone, many buildings such as industries buildings, houses, hospital, schools were collapsed and also most of the roads were damaged by weapon that used during the war. So the war is really effected to infrastructure as mention above. A close to different effect of War has made the deficient economic. Particularly, the war always destroy everything not only the infrastructure, but also the cause many sever companies.Many large companies and atomic companies could be bankrupt of the war especially, there is no foreign investor get out invest in your country anymore. As the result of bankrupt, it will increase the unemployment and make less productive which cause the inflation that all the products are high price. For example, In France during the World War II, the currencies of France are worthless loade d that you needed 726, 000, 000 francs to obtain what youd been able to get for only 1 franc in 1918, according to the book of lecture Seng Tith at National Institute of Business.As the result, the war cause the economic fell down that made difficulty for people to live. In conclusion, the effects of war destroyed many things for countries such as the death of people, destroyed infrastructure, touch of economy, and people separated from their families. Because of the effected of war, people lived hardly and badly that they feel hurt after the war. War is never good for apiece country all over the world and for citizens as well.The Effects of WarFor almost 50 years, the world war was one of the most talked about destruction of war. The wars break out for various reasons. There are world wars in the world, and they made every countries became the fighting area. Whenever, wars have happened there are always destruction everywhere and destroyed everything in each country by dropping bombs and using powerful explosive weapons. The most effects of war is that people are died, destroyed the infrastructure, economic, and separated from families. War killed many people. As a result of ending of the World War I, an estimated 10 million soldiers were killed.Those averages about 6,500 deaths a day, every day. Plus, millions of civilians were also killed, according to www. history1900s. about. com/od/world-war-I. html. World War I was especially remembered for its slaughter for it was one of the bloodiest wars in history. Moreover, World War II was the deadliest military conflict in history. Over 60 million people were killed, which was over 2. 5% of the world population, according to www. en. wikipedia. org/wiki/world_war_II. After the war, it always left many problems to the people and society. The main point is the separate of families and cause three major points.First, it has many widows so it is very difficult for all widows to try hard to live without helping fro m other people. Second, the war left many orphans and all of the orphans faced many bad situations such as feel lonely and lack of love from parents. Moreover, orphans could not go to school and could not get knowledge that why they became illiterate person. Third, the war left many people lost their relative became during the war some relative were separate and some were death. By this problems, some people live without knowing that their relatives were dead or still alive as a result it make them lived with unhappy and lonely also.Another factor that war effected, was infrastructure. Ask you that infrastructure is so important things include building, roads, bridges, and so on. But after the war everything was gone, many buildings such as industries buildings, houses, hospital, schools were collapsed and also most of the roads were damaged by weapon that used during the war. So the war is really effected to infrastructure as mention above. A somewhat different effect of War has ma de the deficient economic. Particularly, the war always destroy everything not only the infrastructure, but also the cause many bankrupt companies.Many large companies and small companies could be bankrupt of the war especially, there is no foreign investor will invest in your country anymore. As the result of bankrupt, it will increase the unemployment and make less productive which cause the inflation that all the products are high price. For example, In France during the World War II, the currencies of France are worthless mean that you needed 726, 000, 000 francs to buy what youd been able to get for only 1 franc in 1918, according to the book of lecture Seng Tith at National Institute of Business.As the result, the war cause the economic fell down that made difficulty for people to live. In conclusion, the effects of war destroyed many things for countries such as the death of people, destroyed infrastructure, affected of economy, and people separated from their families. Becau se of the effected of war, people lived hardly and badly that they feel hurt after the war. War is never good for each country all over the world and for citizens as well.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Economic Problems of US

Most of the problems of the United States are related to the economy. One of the major issues veneering the country today is well-disposed bail. The United States was one of the last major industrialized nations to establish a social pledge dust. In 1911, Wisconsin passed the first state players compensation law to be held constitutional. At that time, or so Americans believed the government should non have care for the aged, disabled or needy. just now such attitudes changed during the Great slump in the 1930s. In 1935, Congress passed the favorable Security Act.This aw became the basis of the U. S. social insurance system. It provided notes benefits to exclusively retired workers in commerce or industry. In 1939, Congress amended the act benefit and dependent children of retired workers and widows and children of deceased workers. In 1950, the act began to cover umteen farm and domestic workers, non professional self employed workers, and some state and municipal em ployees. Coverage became nearly universal in 1956, when lawyers and other professional workers came under the system. accessible protective covering is a government class that helps workers and retired orkers and their families achieve a degree of economic security. sociable security also c aloneed social insurance (Robertson p. 33), provides property representments to help replace income lost as a solving of retirement,unemployment, disability, or death. The program also helps suffer the cost of medical care for people age 65 or older and for some disabled workers. About one-sixth of the people in the United States make social security benefits. People become eligible to receive benefits by working in a certain period in a job covered by social security.Employers and workers finance the program through payroll levyes. Participation in the social security system is required for roughly 95percent of all U. S. workers. Social security differs from public assistance. Social s ecurity paysbenefits to individuals, and their families, largely on the basis of work histories. ordinary assistance, or welfare, aids the needy,regardless of their work records. All industrialized countries as well as legion(predicate) maturation nations have a social security system. The social security program in the United states has collar main parts.They are (1) old-aged, survivors, disability, and hospital insurance (OASDHI), (2) unemployment insurance and (3) workers compensation. This valuate was to be taken from the payrolls of the nations employers and employees. The government tangle that, like unemployment benefits, the social security should be financed by those who got the greatest benefit, those who worked, and were liable to need those benefits in the A plan that would affect those only who had paying such a tax for a number of eld would have done those who were currently suffering under the Depression no good at all.As a result, the social security plan bega n paying out benefits almost immediately to those who had been etired, or decrepit and out of work, and who were unable, primarily because of the depressed economic conditions, to retire comfortably. In this mood, the government was able to accomplish ii objectives first, it helped the economy pull out of the depression, by providing a means by which old people could apply themselves and, by buying goods and services, support others in the community and second, it showed the younger workers of that time that they no longer had to consternation living out their retirement years in fear of poverty.Therefore, the social security payroll tax has been used to provide enefits to those who other would have little means of support, and as of this writing, there has never been a year when Social Security benefits were not paid due to lack of Social Security income. (Boskinp. 122) Social Security benefits increased 142% in the period between 1950-1972. not only the elderly, but many of the survivers, the widows and children, of those who paid into the Social Security system, have received social security checks. These checks have paid for the food shelters, and in many instances the college education of the recipients.Unlike private insurance firms, the United States Government does not have to bring care about financial failure. Government bonds are considered the safest investment money can buy-so safe, they are considered risk assoil by many financial scholars. (Stein p. 198) The ability of the United States Government to raise money to meet the requirements of the social security should be no more in doubt than the governments ability to finance the national defense, the living accommodations programs, the State Department, or any of the other activities that the federal governmentgets involved in.By paying out benefits as to all participate in Social Security- that is by not relying so heavily on broad(a) payments in making the decision to pay out bene fits, the system is able to pay benefits to people who otherwise may not be able to afford an insurance program that would provide them with as very much protection. One of the main reasons for the governments involvement in this program, is its ability and its desire to provide insurance benefits or the forgetful and widowed, who under the private market, might not be able to acquire the insurance to continue on a financially steady course.The government, then, is in a totally unique position to pay outbenefits that would be out of the reach of many American families. Another great advantage of this system, is the ability of the government to sic the benefits for the effects of inflation(Robertson p. 134) Private insurance plans are totally unable to modify for the effects of inflation with fulfil accuracy. In order for an insurance company to make this adjustment, they would have to be able to see 45 years into the future, with twenty-twenty vision.When a private pensionpla n currently insures the twenty-year-old worker, it can only guarantee a fixed income when the worker reaches sixty-five and a fixed income is a prime victim of inflation (Robertson p. 332) In order to adjust for that inflation, the private insurance firm would have to be able to predict what the inflation rate entrust be from the moment the worker is insured until the day he dies, and then make the complexadjustments necessary to consult this in the pension plan. An inflation estimate that is too small testament result in the eating away of the workers retirement benefits.Because the government, unlike the private insurance firm, can guarantee that it will exist well into the future, and will have the continued income of the Social Security tax to draw upon, it can make on-the-spot adjustments for changes in the inflation rate. Some adjustments, in fact, have been automatic in the recent years, therefore relieving the pensioners of the periodic anguish of whether this years bene fits would be adjusted, or whether the level of payments would remain stable, thereby, relative to the cost of living, making them poorer that ever before(Stein p. ).In the face of the governments ability to make those necessary adjustments and to continually finance the Social Security program, many opponents of the system argue that the government programs are driving out the private insurance industry. The statistics remain otherwise. The social security tax is one of the fewest taxes in the United States, and the only federal tax in the country, that is given over for a specific purpose.All other taxes are put into another fund, so that welfare programs, defense, railway yard projects, and the other categories of government spending are all financed from one giant, uncategorized bowl of tax revenues(boskin p. 62). When the Social Security system was first established, it was felt that a direct payroll tax, based on the pay of the worker and paid both by employer and employee, would be the fairest way for the people that were currently working to pay benefits to those who werent working, as well as to provide for some future requirements and disabilities.Therefore, a specially constructed payroll tax was used to fund the program. By measuring the amount taken in by the tax to the amount, not only that is taken out, but to the amount that will be taken out in future years, opponents of the Social security system make the case that the system will be unable to commemorate itself in such a manner indefinitely. And, if Social Security were a private insurance program, it wouldnt. But the fact is that Social Security is not a private program. it is funded by the government.Further, the government is in a unique position to change the laws of commerce and contract to adjust the system, making it more responsive to the needs of the retired, which, in turn, would reduce their need for the Social Security benefits. For example, the United states Government shoul d raise the mandatory retirement age. By raising the age to sixty-eight, the Social Security System could delay paying out benefits for some(prenominal) years to thousands of people, saving the system a significant amount of money in benefits. For these reasons, the government is in a position which cannot be compared to private industry.In this sense, looking at social security as an insurance program and comparing it to other insurance programs in the private system could easily give the impression that the system is gong bankrupt, when in the reality it isnt. The thing to keep in mind about the Social Security system, then, is this the system itself is in no fundamental danger of collapse. There is only temporary, immediate payment flow situation that must be carefully looked at. The federal government pays out 4. 5 meg more in Social Security benefits as it collects in taxes every year.In fact, $4. 5 jillion is a small price, compared to the other programs the federal govern ment now finances from popular revenue. Besides tapping the general revenue fund and raising the retirement limit to 68 or even 70,the government has the selection of raising the Social Security tax or even reducing the benefits slightly. The government has so many options with regard to financing the benefits that the question becomes of the cash management, not quite as significant as the capacious deficits that the Social Security has been accused of having.The government is already under way to help alleviate this cash flow problem. Public officials have debated which of the various ways would help best serve the public interest, and legislative action has been taken that would ultimately result of the Social Security system to a positive cash base. This shift would provide the workers of America with the same benefits they have been guaranteed since 1935- and have been paid, and expanded ever since.The social security system has withstood forty years of changing economic con ditions and greater concern of public welfare. What would replace the system, if the critics had their way? The social security system has saved an untold number of people from disaster throughout many years. Many of the nations old people- some as young as sixty-two, a few over a hundred, live from Social Security paycheck to Social security paycheck, with this government program as their livelihood.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Academic Autobiography Essay

cerebration nearly college and your future career drive out be very overwhelming at the beginning. Theres so much to consider when it comes to getting ready for college where to go and what to study. Ive heard it said that some clippings a student will enter college fully aware of what they want to do in life, and doggedly reach their undergraduate goal after four years of diligent study. My college career didnt split up off on the best footing. I was a dreadful student in high give lessons, inveterate absent, and not doing homework even when I could be bothered to attend class.My Arlington, Virginia high trail was competitive, and my induce relentlessly referred to my performance as not living up to my potential. However, there was one class I never missed, and that was Madrigals, my high schools elite choir group. There was nothing I enjoyed much than signing old songs in a tightly knit group. When it came time to apply to colleges, I was in a quandary. My SAT scores were high enough to get in just about anywhere, hardly my grade point average was so low that I did not expect any school to be interested in having me as a student.Then I saw a government note for Shepherd College in the choir room. It was in Shepherdstown, West Virginia, which was near enough to be convenient, but utmost enough away that I would definitively be on my own. Shepherd also had a very earlyish date for notifying approved applicants, and it turned out that my guidance counselor knew their director of admissions and was willing to put in a good word for me. I applied to them early, and to my surprise and relief they sent me the Thick envelope of Acceptance.Having gotten in somewhere, I didnt bother to apply anywhere else, and after attending summer school one last time to make up yet another class for which I hadnt shown up during the regular year, I was on my way to historic Shepherdstown to start my higher education career. I spent a year at Shepherd, and it was the sa me story all over again I attended my music classes and did well, but dropped almost all of my academic courses. After a year of this comely performance, the worst possible thing happened from the perspective of academic success I fell in lamb with a graduating senior.She was reversive to her native Delaware on graduation, and with the finely honed reasoning that nevertheless eighteen year olds can display, I decided the obvious response on my part was to drop out and go with her. quite an than bore the faithful reader with the details, suffice it to say that over the course of the next ten years, trance moving around the East Coast, I amassed piecemeal credit from Shepherd College, Virginia Commonwealth University, Northern Virginia club College, North Carolina Wesleyan College, and Strayer University.Meanwhile, I had changed majors from Music Composition to Music Education to communication theory before at last becoming involved with information technology. The 90s were a great time for technical people. No one cared about college degrees, as demand for competent labor was too high for employers to care about anything other than ability. After the burst of the dot-com bubble, however, things changed completely. One of those changes was my attitude toward completing my degree.Since the ads for jobs in my field had gone from saying Associate degree preferred to Bachelors degree required, Masters preferred, it seemed that the time had come to finish what I had started. There was a higher motivation, however, in that my years as a professional had changed me I had become serious about setting goals and reaching them. I initially considered returning to Strayer University. However, I was dismayed by how long it would win me to finish there, as I only had about seventy credits all told.Strayer would give me some advanced standing for having clear the Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer technical certification, but I knew that the expense of their cou rses would mean that I could only take a few in a year. The time had come for research. After scouring the Internet tone for the best option for me I found and decided on Charter Oak State College. I looked at my transcripts and the requirements for their Bachelor of Science, general education, and Information Systems Studies concentration, and was pleased to be able to map all of what I had done to meeting requirements.Moreover, after looking at earning credit by standardized examination, I realized that it would be the most efficient way for me to demonstrate what I had already learned. I was very essential in my preparation for applying to Charter Oak. While getting ready to submit my materials, however, there was one to a greater extent interesting plot twist to my story. A friend of mine discovered that I was evaluating colleges for degree completion, and on seeing how well I had navigated all of the available materials, suggested I apply for a position at Keiser College in Florida, where he was chair of the business department for the online campus.I remember thinking that if only I could finish my degree and be done with it, I could wash my hands of academia forever. Now, however, I finally appreciate the benefits my undergraduate experience has given me, from both general education and my concentration. Most important of all, I am ready and eager to experience the next chapter of my academic autobiography.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Hostile Work Environment Essay

The process of defining a violent work environment involves numerous criteria. Such include, but not limited to, intimate badgering, discriminatory employment practices, prejudiced employee advancement practices, and ethnically tailored employee socialization behavior in an organization (Federal communication theory Commission, 2008). check to the laws and regulations wind for in the numerous employment Acts, all employees are equal.Such has the implication that only skills and pedantic qualification essential lay the basis of employment, rather than sexual orientation. Therefore sexual harassment practices, which is manifestly communal in the employment sector, remains an ethical issue as it promotes the concept of inequality amid men and women in the community (DeLorenzo, 1998). This essay seeks to discuss three criteria that must be met in revision to define a hostile work environment, namely sexual harassment, discriminative employment practices, and discriminative employee packaging practices.The author also identifies the place ethical issue within sexual harassment. The process of overtaking a hostile work environment must entail the following among key criteria among others. First is sexual harassment. According to the underlying definitions, sexual harassment entails encompasses any form of unethical practices engaged by employers or employees against an employee manifestly because of their sexual orientation (DeLorenzo, 1998).Numerous findings withdraw established that female employees have eminently been victims of sexual detestation in an organization in the quest for promotions as well as job security. Such have also been evident during the recruitment practices by companies were candidates follow victims of sexual favor requests by recruiting officials in regulate to be recruited. In addition, sexual harassment is quite evident in a workforce that is preponderantly marked with members of the same sexual practice.In spite this common practices, the qualification of sexual harassment must provide sufficient evidence to be admissible in the legal court proceedings (DeLorenzo, 1998). Such must include proof of sexual assault statements by employees or management against the accuser or request for sexual favors in order to enjoy particular employment privileges in the organization. Another criterion for qualifying hostile work environment is assessment of discriminative employment practices in the organization (Federal Communications Commission, 2008).It is a common practice by organizations to engage in keeping employee recruitment records. This is quite instrumental in identifying and qualifying desired skills and qualifications in future recruitment exercises. Such have the implication that, by accessing such records, an researcher can sufficiently identify any discriminative recruitment practice in the organization establish on the available qualifications by applicants and various recommendations on in dividual members of the interview panel.The third criterion for that must be met in order to define a hostile work environment is proof of discriminative employee promotions and awarding practices in an organization (Federal Communications Commission, 2008). Promotions, awards, and salary increments are by principle to be steer by performance and capability of individual employees in executing given posts in an organization. Therefore, discriminative promotion practices can be easily identified by examining the roles, leadership skills, experience, and academic qualifications of the various employees in the organization.Lastly, the key ethical issue within sexual harassment is that it negates the underlying principles equal opportunities for all in the friendship (DeLorenzo, 1998). The concept of equality dictates for equal treatment of all irrespective of their sexual orientations. Despite this, sexual harassment finds much emphasis in determining the enjoyment of company privileg es as well as on the interpersonal relations among the companys workforces. Such contradict ethical principles by promoting unfair gender oriented practices in the organization.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Oscar Triplett Case Analysis

Triplett had been in huffy asylums before and was released hardly still considered mentally unstable, which reflects poorly upon the Canadian justice system at that m. At the inquest, various mountain admitted that they knew he was a danger in the age before he died until now still single person attempted whatsoeverthing and that strikes me as odd. The third variant is why Mrs.. tabernacle was non penalise in any way aft(prenominal) having killed Triplett. She admitted that her shot took his life, the coroners hatch corroborated with this admission of guilt and yet, she was not punished.Again, there re various reasons that could explain this and I will in short look at each one. The fourth discrepancy Is how the police force and the detectives appear so dulled In this fiber. A proper Investigation did not start until declination 17th, 4 days aft(prenominal) the demolition of Triplett. Even after the examine had begun, there was no indispensableness to come to t he bottom of what real happened. On December 13th 1918 Mrs.. Lois May tabernacle shot, and killed, crowd together Oscar Triplett in defense of her honor, her life and her daughters life.That afternoon Jacob Statesman went to the Temples house to make sure that Triplett had not harmed Mrs.. Temple or her daughter in any way. Shortly after Statesman had arrived they became aware that Triplett was at the house. Triplett kept threatening Mrs.. Temple and her young daughter, employ obscene language, so both Statesman and Temple phaseed guns at Triplett until he exited the house. Triplett began sidesplitting chickens in the biddy house, throwing them around, until he finally went down to the river. When Triplett returned he climbed on realize of the roof and sat there, yelling threats and ergodic nonsense. On her way to the barn Mrs..Temple shot at Triplett, and both Statesman and Temple thought she had killed him whence but they were incorrect. While Temple was at the barn State sman seek to coax Triplett off the roof, rubor four shots in his direction in the process. He eventually succeeded and then began chasing Triplett around the house charm Mrs.. Temple was inside. Triplett tried entering the house through the back door but during his attempt both Statesman and Temple shot at him, Temple rubor through the door and Statesman firing directly at him. They both agreed that it was Mrs.. Temples shot that had killed him, and not Statesmans shot.For the most part, the statements of Jacob Statesman and Lois May Temple regarding the death of Oscar Triplett were identical. However, there were slight differences that were peculiar. The first noticeable difference was when they were describing when Mrs.. Temple first saw Triplett on the porch. She claimed that she had seen him before she reached the top of the hill and that he had opened the cellar door before Statesman reached the top of the hill. However, Statesman claimed that she had reached the top of the hill Detour seen screamed Tanat Earliest was on near porch, Ana Tanat en Ana wellnesss t beginning of the cellar door.The simplest explanation for this difference is that Statesman is smaller than Mrs.. Temple in height and that gives him a unalike view of the world than she has. Another explanation could be that during traumatic events, small details active generation shape trivial and are forgotten by the person in question. The second peculiarity is the issue of the guns. In both his statements Statesman recalled Mrs.. Temple asking him for help with loading the magazines in the statement he gave at the inquest he claimed that had to show her how the guns worked and how to fill the magazine.The claim he make during his inquest statement is curious because Temple had already fired a shot before asking him for elf. Another reason it is curious is that Temple never mentioned leaseing help with how to work the guns in either of her statements. One explanation for this is that Statesman snarl emasculated by the whole affair because he was unable to properly protect Mrs.. Temple and her child. Therefore, in his statements he tried to make himself appear more manly and helpful than he really was during the ordeal. The third difference in their statements is how many shots Statesman really fired.In his sign statement, he claimed that he had shot six in pith four whilst he was on the of, one discharge whilst chasing Triplett, and one when Triplett was trying to enter the house. However, during the inquest he only mentioned the last two shots he said that he had never made it onto the roof, but in his initial statement he claimed he had made it onto the roof and that he had fired four shots at Triplett. Again, this could establish been Statesmans way of fighting the emasculation he entangle he had suffered. It is odd that he felt the need to make this claim in his first statement, when Mrs..Temple never mentioned it in either of her statements. E rattlin g person in the community agreed that Oscar Triplett was not a sane man. He had been an inmate in the Insane institution at Pomona, but had been released for unknown reasons. It is unusual that every member of the community thought he was insane, and yet only one person admitted to having made any type of dubiousness into the reasons behind his release. Dry James Miller bore witness that Triplett was a man of unbalanced mind. He felt that Triplett should never bring in been released from the asylum because he was a danger to himself and to the community.At the inquest, Dry Miller said that instantly after auditory sense that Triplett had been released from the asylum, he annotated the Provincial Police to discuss Triplets liberty. According to Dry Miller, they told him that nothing could be done unless Triplett performed some act that would make another arrest possible. Despite Dry. Millers personal inquiry into Triplets liberty, the authorities did nothing until after his dea th and after the inquest. Attached to the finding of fact was a rider that stated that a full inquiry should be made into Triplets release from Pomona, and his apparent rehabilitation when he was so obviously insane.James Chalmers had spent 36 hours with Triplett in the days leading up to his death. During this time, he noticed that Triplett was playing in an odd expressive style he was restless and talkative, quite unlike himself. Chalmers admitted that after his last interaction with Triplett he was convinced that Triplett was insane, again, but he neglected to inform anyone on the basis that Triplet had done nothing to Justify an arrest. Levi bespangle encountered Oscar Triplett at his (Spangle) residence on the day before Triplets death.He claimed that Triplett had walked Insane Ana Immolate Degas teenager toners Ana acting strange . HIS octagons caused Spangle to assume that Triplett was not of sane mind Spangle left field for own immediately after Triplett had departed an d reported to the police, but they were unable to locate Triplett. Mrs.. Spangle concurred with her husbands opinion of Triplets sanity. She alleged that Triplets actions made her fearful for her life and the life of her daughter. Of all the people who gave testimony at the inquest, Mr.. Spangle was the only one who had notified the police of Triplets insanity.It is peculiar that only one person had enough sense to notify the authorities that Triplett could perchance be a danger to others or himself. This is especially peculiar because everyone seemed to agree that he was insane and that he would end up in the asylum again. Triplets liberty shows obvious error in the Canadian arbitrator system at this time, because he should not have been released from the asylum at Pomona. It also shows the misplaced religion that people had in the evaluator system, since everyone assumed that the law would eventually step in and apprehend Triplett again, recommitting him to the insane asylum.W hen Mrs.. Temple was tried for Oscar Triplets death, the Jury only took fifteen minutes to reach a verdict. Temple had admitted to killing Triplett and all the physical evidence seemed to corroborate her Tory, yet the Jury verdict was that of Justifiable homicide. The Jury felt that Mrs.. Temple should have been commended for her actions because Triplett was assaulting her in her own home. It is possible that the Jury looked at this case and saw a poor, defenseless woman trying to protect herself and her daughter from a known lunatic.The Jury could have interpreted pity on her, because she basically had to decide between life and death. Her gender had to have swayed the Jury verdict because it is doubtful that they would have come to the alike conclusion if a man had fired the fatal shot. This is so because not only Mrs.. Temples life was at stake, but also the honor and the life of her infant daughter. This is very likely because the society at that time was an inherently chauvin istic society women and men were not seen as equals, and women were considered to have less rights than men.Another possible reason for the lack of punishment is that most people felt that Mrs.. Temple did them a favor by ridding the world of a lunatic like Triplett. Therefore, why should she be punished for making the community a safer, more ordinary area to live in? The police who investigated the death of Oscar Triplett appeared to have little or no interest in the case, and arriving at the truth. A proper investigation into Triplets death was not launched until 16 December 1918, three days after his death. Neither the coroner nor the investigating detective from Install arrived until early morning on 17 December 1918.There was no apparent urgency by anyone to come to the bottom of what happened indeed the detective often took breaks to satiate his hunger and he took his time in pursuing the truth. Constable Marks received a wire on 13 December that notified him of Triplets lunac y, but he did not leave for Horrors until the following day. He claimed this was because he required assistance in handling Oscar Triplett, yet he arrived in Horrors alone. Constable Marks alleged that even if he had left for Horrors immediately after receiving the wire, he would not have reached the Temples residence before Triplets death.It is possible that he felt compelled to mention this because he felt slightly guilty that the case transpired this way however it shows the town peoples disinterest in everything concerning I reelect no one put too much effort In along Walt ml. A possible reason Deanna the authorities disinterest in this case was because they saw little point in investigating the death of a lunatic. It would be interesting to know whether they would have acted in the same manner if Triplett had been a sane man, even though it is unlikely that they would have been so lax about investigating the case.This lack of interest shows the Canadian Justice systems predisp osition to Judging the importance of various cases found on the character of the victim. Mrs.. Lois May Temple admitted to having killed Oscar James Triplett, and the evidence and eyewitness testimony of Jacob Statesman did not disagree with her. However, the case document of Oscar Triplets death had various peculiarities that made the hole affair seem quite unusual. The document shows human error that of eyewitness testimony this is a precede of the human brain on the job(p) in mysterious ways.In the event of a trauma some details will remain inscribed in ones memory, no matter how insignificant they are other details will be plugged by ones memory as cosmos too traumatic. This was most likely the case concerning Mrs.. Temple and Jacob Statesman. The case document also shows how life worked in remote communities of Canada in the early 20th century. In those years, people were less apprehensive of the criminally insane than people today. If a known lunatic, such as Oscar Tripl ett, were allowed to swear free in a 21st century society there would be a bulky outcry by the members of society.They would be more outspoken about their fears and trepidation as a result of his liberty than people in 1918 would be. The case document also gives some insight into how the Canadian Justice system worked, especially in remote areas of the country. The Justice system was more lax in those times than they are today, as were the police. They were also more inclined to be biased about issues such as gender when looking at various cases unlike the system n place today, which is generally not allowed to be biased on such things. This is a result of early 20th century societies being more sexist than societies in the 21st century.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Intercultural communicaton analysis Essay

The life of every mortalality is deeply affected by a myriad of inter heathenish affiliations that affect a persons ability to interact with other people and be seen by them from a specific viewpoint. Intercultural communication is likely to be particularly affected by cultural stereotypes. Therefore, each persons life is shaped to a non bad(p) degree by cross-cultural perceptions and co-cultural affiliations. In my personal case, I have a variety of cultural affiliations that have a come in influence on my life.In the first place, a lot of facets of my reckon depend on my personal characteristics, such as my female gender. creation of that gender, I have a different kind of experience with other people, as it seems easier to bond with girls than with boys on certain subjects, and some aspects of physical work and sports are naturally harder for me because of my weaker constitution. In addition to gender, my life is also impacted by my ethnic origin and phantasmal tradition. Being Turkish and Muslim, I tend to follow the rules and norms prescribed by our religious belief.Thus, I pray five clock a day, observe the Ramadan, and attend meetings in the local mosque. As a result, my lifestyle puts me in pinch with a lot of Muslims who constitute my immediate circle of communication. In communication with other cultural and religious groups, I have to recognize that my principles and habits are different from most people. Many of my peers, for instance, find it strange that I do not eat or drink by daylight for the entire month of Ramadan.This makes me jailbreak and explain to them the significance of the fast and what it means to me as a Muslim. Being Muslim does not in itself give an exhaustive description of my cultural identity since I have also been heart-to-heart to a number of other cultural influences. I am Turkish, and our culture differs in many ways from that of Arabic countries or that of Iran. In addition, I speak English as a second langua ge and went to a French high school. Thus, for me, as for many of my younger countrymen, European cultural influences proved a great impact.I have been watching European movies and read European books since childhood. Knowing English, I was also exposed to the US cultural influence, watching Hollywood blockbusters and interacting with American peers. Belonging to a certain category, one is continuously an easy target for stereotypes. Thus, it so happened that I am an only child, so many believe that I am spoiled. In a talk with a classmate at school, I had to give examples of folk chores that I do at home to dispel his notion of my being utterly spoiled.He only believed me after I told him how I could cook myself the whole dinner for the family at the age of 10. On the other hand, communicating with older people, I have to correct their understanding of college students as spoiled, rough, and careless. Sometimes, I purport as if these qualities are attributed to me by default sim ply because young people are portrayed in this way in a variety of movies. I try to combat this stereotype by pickings time to talk to them at length about my studies and future career plans.I think it gives them an approximation that I am serious about college as a way to a better life, not just a socializing event. In this way, my life has been infused with a variety of cultural influences that made me the person I am. At times, it can be difficult to balance many of them, such commitment to my faith with realities of college life here in the US. However, I do my best to try and find a grave approach that will dispel stereotypes and allow me to retain my unique identity.Reference Neuliep, J. W. (2000). Intercultural Communication A contextual Approach. Houghton Mifflin.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

The Root Causes of the 2008-2009 Economic Crisis is the U.S Essay

The Root Causes of the 2008-2009 Economic Crisis is the U.S - Essay ExampleThe effects of the crisis led to legion(predicate) evictions and foreclosures in the housing sector and pro considerableed periods of unemployment for many people. The crisis contributed to the failure of many businesses leading to a great disdain in consumer wealth, a loss which was estimated to be worth trillions of dollars (Simkovic, 255). Gener completelyy, there was a significant blood line in economic activity all in all over the world as a result of the recession. This wallpaper will look into how many governments strived to put appropriate measures in place to curb subside the crisis particularly, the United pass ons government, through the various policy makers and stakeholders, implemented effective measures to deal with the crisis. The crisis resulted from a complex interplay of runniness and valuation problems in the banking system of the United States in 2008. The bursting of the housing bubble in the United States mortgage sector in 2007 resulted in a crisis in the subprime mortgage market. Consequently, the values of all securities that were tied to real estate pricing in the United States plummeted significantly leading to the damage of the monetary institutions, both in the United States and the world at large. The challenges that resulted from the insolvency in the banking industry led to a decline in the availability of credit. This led to decline in investor confidence that impacted negatively on the form markets around the globe leading to large losses in the stock markets especially in 2009. Economies from all over the world slowed down significantly during this period as international trade declined and credit tightened (Lahart, 140). go there have been many suggested causes of the crisis by the experts, the senate of the United States issued a report on the same. It ruled come out of the closet the possibility of the crisis being a natural disaster. Instead, it explained the crisis as having resulted from complex and high-risk financial products conflicts of interest that had remained unrevealed failure by credit rating agencies and regulators and the market which was reported to rein in the Wall track excesses (Lahart, 142). On the other hand, Ross explains that investors and credit rating agencies failed to do accurate pricing of the risk that was involved with the financial products related to the mortgage sector. They also claimed that the government failed to adjust the regulatory practices that would address the financial markets in the twenty dollar bill first century appropriately. A repeal done in 1999 on the Glass-Steagall Act of 1993 removed the insularity that had existed between depository banks and the investment banks in Wall Street. Both the regulatory solutions and the market-based solutions were considered in response to the crisis and were introduce in the various solution packages. According to Gross, ma ny economic analysts agree that the economic crisis was triggered in 2007 in the subprime mortgage sector as a result of banks in the United States giving high-risk loans to economically unstable people most of whom had poor credit histories. Even then, the root causes of the economic crisis are complex. They allow an unregulated or poorly regulated banking industry especially in matters of investment and lending, which led to proliferation of wild people with unstable income into the mortgage market. The proliferation coupled with highly reduced interest rates for a long period of time created space for overextension of

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Diplomatic Immunity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Diplomatic Immunity - Essay Example(Curtis, pp 345-500, 1999)After this whole research, in that respect is one underlying phenomenon which is the major reason in setting the country apart from the Central Europe. In Buch arst sub judice some of the popular brand names are Romania magic spell on the other hand by and large from the USA and UK none of them have any local branch of office. Few popular names among the exceed 100 global firms includes (Curtis, pp 345-500, 1999)Joerg Menzer once said There are many strong local found legal philosophy firms which are most reputable as compare to other firms. (Curtis, pp 345-500, 1999) Due to the improper ply of some leading global companies some smaller companies are setting and building up shops and acquiring and gaining name and fame side by side. This situation is due to the absence of the large markets and due to their improper work. When they are not properly working they will slowly loose their name and with the help of this s ituation on the other hand many other small companies build up their standard. (Curtis, pp 345-500, 1999) Apart from this situation there are many giant companies which are now working with small global market in order to make their position in the market. They always work with other smaller companies when they are not getting anything from the bigger one. Many companies without having any offices intervene on the market of Romania. Companies likeNorton RoseFreshfields and AllenClifford lotAfter working since seven years, the most reputable company linklaters has gained up on the good woodland of the personnel. (Bardo, pp74-78, 1998)There are such type of companies which while working with smaller companies for a limited while period gain a lot of praise and reputation which they cant gain when they are working with a good and huge companies. This is the reason that why and how diplomats are now working and gaining money. The most important parole now a days is the break-Out wit h the help of international firms. Most of the lawyer wants to solve it by themselves while some wants to carry it with the help of a group work. And this was the reason that by the end of 2006 the lawyers decided to scheme a group of 15 members in order to solve this major problem. (Bardo, pp74-78, 1998)Here arises a decisive and one of the important question that if the market develops, in return clients will always need more complex and critical services while at present most of the law firms are instruction on the volume. (Bardo, pp74-78, 1998)Diplomats are now working as they are working in any law market. They have now no danger and they are working freely. (Bardo, pp74-78, 1998)The law market is not stringently saturated and this is the reason that why most of the lawyers were surprised when they observed the situation

Monday, May 13, 2019

What are the key influences that have shaped the development of Human Essay

What are the key influences that hurl shaped the development of Human resources Management in South Korea over the last thirty eld - Essay ExampleThe success of industrial organizations in this country is extensively attributed to both management styles and train attitudes. The extraordinary harvest-tide of the Korean economy for the last 30 years has got the attraction of academics and business pile from around the world. The country got a real annual growth rate of about 8 per cent in gross national product during this time. Growth in the corporate sector was prominent and in fact shaped the basis of the frugal growth. However, it had many problems despite its quantitative growth (Park 2001). Bearing in mind that the success of HRM development in the South Korea was remarkably high, the only growth factor cannot attain explanation all of performance of this country in human resource development. Therefore, it is not just growth but special characteristics of Korean growth t hat dedicate in fact contributed to the growth of education. (Mabey 1998)The current economic recession has affected every country of the world. Over the last two years, businesses around the world have been hit by regional economic crisis. In Asian countries, currency crisis and the attendant business natural depression led to different approaches within the businessmen and financial experts for reducing waste and creating greater efficiencies. The South Korean economy which dodged the recession with a narrow margin has little impact on its business structure. The snug money policies enacted by the government forced Korean firms to reform in order to alter organizational competence and profits.Although there are several historical factors which boosted South Korean economy after 1950, the spot of 1945-1961 has roots of HRM development and economic boom in the country. During this period people of this country took great entertain in gaining education which was the result of s trong social indicators and economic motivations.During the period of 1945-1961, education played a great role in changing the lives of Koreans. The

Sunday, May 12, 2019

The International Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The International Economy - Essay ExampleAccording to the World jargon reports, the net capital flows to developing countries have increased tremendously from $ 28 billion in mid-seventies to $306 Billion 1997 (World Bank 2001 110). This has led to increased coronations and economic issue of those countries. However, the performance of a nation depends on its structural characteristics, resource endowment and policies or the investment climate. Though developing countries account for a ternary of world job, most of its change is to other developing countries and mainly depends on primary commodity exports. betray liberalization in these countries therefore has not been able to stimulate economic growth and exports (Parikh 2007). For economic growth to be realised, developing countries need to engage in trade of manufactures and services. If developing countries still remain developing and the gap between developed and developing countries continues to widen, what then is the role of trade liberalization and investment in the economic growth of third world countries? To answer this question, the paper will discuss trade liberalization, investment liberalization, economic growth, and the reasons why there is a wide gap between developed and developing countries. switch over Liberalization There has been a tremendous growth of the world trade for the past 20yrs. The International pecuniary Fund (IMF) puts the growth rate at six percent per year (IMF 2001). This has been made possible by various rounds of multilateral trade agreements under GATT which later formed the world Trade Organization (WTO) in 1995. The WTO is entrusted with the role of regulating world trade and settling disputes among trading nations and is guided by several principles. The nigh favoured Nation (MFN) and national treatment principles guard against any form of discrimination. The trade is also supposed to freerer by removing trade barriers through rounds of negotiations. The trad e is also competitive as unfair practices such as damping of products at cheap prices are not encouraged. The trading partners are guided by the WTO rules hence cannot change trade policies arbitrarily thus the trade is predictable. Another principle of the world trade is that it is to be beneficial to slight developed countries. As such, various rounds of negotiations have been going on to decide on how to make trade favourable to developing countries especially by allowing them more time to implement tariff reduction. As a result, most developing countries have opened their economies to trade and are enjoying the benefits. According to Blandford (2007), 2/3 of the catamenia 148 members of WTO are developing countries. Despite opening the economies to trade, most developing countries continue to put restrictions to trade to value domestic industries. Furthermore, as Parikh (2007) notes, most developed countries continue to put restrictions of access in areas of export stake to developing countries and are also experiencing slow growth hence do not import a lot from those countries. This affects many developing countries that rely on primary commodities for export as their imports outweigh exports resulting in unfavourable terms of trade. Most beneficiaries of trade liberali

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Questions on Human Rights Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Questions on Human Rights - Article ExampleFor example, in that respect argon people with Down syndrome and still argon able to perform everything logically. The same is the case of near people with mild forms of Autism. It is worth remembering that famous Winston Churchill who played an unforgettable role in the valet War II and as a historian was dyslexic. In addition, Isaac Newton probably had Aspergers syndrome. However, angiotensin converting enzyme cannot deny the fact that most mentally retard ones argon just like children, and hence are unable to make rational decisions. So, one can argue that as far as children are not allowed to vote, the same principle can be used in the case of mentally retarded people too. Thus, in total, one is soldiersd to reach the conclusion that a lot more specifications are required to gauge the degree of retardation in individuals so that an accurate answer can be reached based on the kind and degree of retardation. Otherwise, the ones who a re evidently retarded need not be allowed to vote. II There is still intense debate on the issue whether women should be allowed to serve in combat. In fact, women are gradually getting more and more roles in the military avoiding the combat frontline. However, in the case of women infantry, task crew, and combat pilot, there still remains a taboo. Those who are in upgrade of womens role in active combat frontline argue that if women show plenty physical might and mental alertness to serve in the combat frontline, denying them a chance amounts to rank hypocrisy. Another present favoring women is that in the modern battlefield, technical expertise and decision making are more important than barren physical strength. The third point is that being forced to play secondary roles is a fact that keeps many some other(prenominal) patriotic females from joining military. So, by allowing them to have equal opportunities, their presence in the military can be ensured. This is all the m ore important considering the fact that the presence of women is inevitable for certain tasks like medical assistance, policing, countersign gathering, and mediation. However, there are allegations and claims from the other side too. The first is that though a minority of females manages to show enough physical capacity to join combat, the vast majority miserably fails (Willens and Smith). So, the claim that females should be allowed to serve in combat is on shaky grounds. Secondly, the so called heroismous females allege sexual harassment in the pass of masculine military subculture. So, the argument is that incorporating females into the force can wholly lead to more problems and tension in the force, leading to a decline in morality of the men. This will seriously affect the quality of the force in group activities. In total, it becomes evident that there is no base for the argument that females should not be allowed to serve in combat. So, a reasonable conclusion is that the few females who show enough physical capabilities, courage and desire to serve in combat should be allowed to do so. III One can doubtless say that the perfect form of freedom allow people to do whatever they like if that only affects their own lives. If this is the case, not allowing people to sell their own organs is a denial of this basic right, harmonise to many. This is so because ones organs are ones own property that one has the right to do anything with. Yet another point is